
User Since:

∆ 3.21.15 ∆ [02:46] Midnaah entered this board. [02:46] Midnaah: so much sin [02:46] Midnaah switched to the lobby. [02:31 PM] slash: "waiting for the kettle to boil" is the single most british thing i have ever read with my two eyes [02:31 PM] Paxl: wooooo thats great- [02:31 PM] Paxl: [sweats nervously] [02:31 PM] slash: [holds out a bag of tea] [02:32 PM] Paxl: [sweats harder] [02:32 PM] slash: [DUMPS IT IN THE HARBOR] [02:32 PM] Paxl: oh my god wrong laye- [02:33 PM] Paxl: you come into MY board [02:33 PM] slash: you come into MY country [02:33 PM] slash: convert MY people to christianity [12:00 PM] luxxxx has entered the board. [12:00 PM] luxxxx: i... love.. bird [12:00 PM] luxxxx has left the board. [12:02 PM] Slash: are u sure ur not a pigeon... [12:03 PM] Slash: my pigeon detectors are tingling [12:03 PM] notapigeon: i am a human. i love doing human things [12:04 PM] notapigeon: like browsing the internet, and using a debit card and eating bread off the ground