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General Info: I own a Brazilian Rainbow Boa named Eragon and many gerbils. The amount varies from month to month because i have a boy and a girl...enough said. I am pretty obsessed with animals but have a deep-seated fear of bugs. Yes, that includes butterflies. June 2nd: I have 4 Mongolian gerbils. I used to have 5. Puffin, who has been with me for two years died yesterday, June 1st. He will be greatly missed. Pay tribute to him on my page. June 7th: SCHOOL'S OUT!!! I'm so sad... June 8th: I am so bored. It's 9:20 and I'm already wondering what the heck I will do with my summer. Oh! For anyone who goes to my profile, please vote on whether I should get a Cuban Knight Anole, a Pinstriped Skink, a Blue-Tailed Skink, a crow from a animal shelter, a large parrot of some sort, or a Cockatiel, Conure, Lovebird, Eclectus Parrot, Quaker Parrot, Parrotlet, or any other suggestions would be welcome. Wait, no don't give me suggestions, I have way to many up there. And, no, I will not get a cat, dog or ferret, because, although I love them, I am allergic to anything with fur. Except for dogs, but my parents won't let me get one. So, I will end this so it's not going on forever. Just please vote! June 10th: I forgot what month it was. Anyway, let's have a funeral for paras77 who "committed iScribble suicide". Whoopsie, think that was my fault! June 11th: I am sick. Sigh. June 21st: I haven't written anything here in forever, but I don't care. This is the first time I had an ad on my page, which really surprises me. And what's more, it's a Gmail ad. And I actually want a Gmail. And...I haven't published anything in MONTHS. Whatever. :P I am so bored right now. I finished reading the Alice 19th books. I really wish there were more books. Furuba had too many though. July 11th: This is like, my first time on here in WEEKS. I'm bored. August 8th: This is my first time on in 2 months because I've been on vacation and busy with Summer Academy. All my drawings are inverted. My Grandparents' computer is stupid. Yeah, so if anyone has a DS or DSi or anything like that or 3DS because mine is glitching daily. Yeah and also my top screen is literally FALLING OFF... it still works though except it glitches in hot weather (like 90-100) and you have to save more often to prevent loss of data. So...I'd be willing to sell it for 25 dollars just because I'm tired of it and need a new one. Also I have 2 games I am selling for 15 dollars for both or 10 dollars each separately. They are SPIRIT and Petz Dogz Pack. They both work perfectly, just don't play them anymore. Oh and the top screen is fixed with a piece of tape so it doesn't fall off anymore. Just thought I'd mention it. Anyway if you are interested, just leave a comment or whisper me. October 25th: I forgot all about what I was doing with the updates. I'm so stupid. Anyway, I am so bored, but I have so much to do, just I'm so bored I can't do it. December 6th: And I am sick again. Derp derp de derp. Sniffles and tissues. January 9th: No friends are on here... And dubbed episodes won't load Naruto... March 1st: it's March, Hooray... December 5th: My god I totally forgot about