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Furries: Ice Cream,Howls, Riot, Horns, Lime, One Stripe,10, Ziggy, Cola, Coke Pepsi,Checkers,Shadow, Sprite and VIT Total: 15 Favorite Animal: Llama and Wolf. The name be Sam. I get depressed real easily, people say I don't look like my age. Well, thats their problem. (: I get judged alot. Call me a prep, and I rip your head off and use it as a vollyball :D! I love him. I broke up with Jay a loong time ago, aha. Mah homedawg ish Micheal. darn i m i s s him D: I changed. Soo, yeaah. i'm nawt a nub anymore :D Noobs ftw. (: I will never give out my number for personal reasons :D I like making up words like, MERP (: && I love Lady Gaga, 30!h3 && Christofer Drew. Oyah. I have a gaylord. His name is Shawn :D i secretly like him. ):33. sometimes i wish i had Jay in my arms... but thats bull crap ! Jay is just, G A Y. lulz that rhymed. I also love text smiles :D soo... hit me up. kthxbaii 8D :*:PIXEL ANYONE?:*: ~?"MY;;FEMALE;;FURSONA"?~ :*: NAME :*: Lime :D :*:ANIMAL:*: Feline :*: SCENT :*: Lime scented. [: :*: FUR :*: Green\/White :*: EYES :*: Green. :*: PERSONALITY :*: Depends. :*: AGE :*: In cat years 3 :*: SEX :*: Female. Straight. :*: SONG :*: Hot Air Balloon. By Owl City :*: MATE :*: 19 :*:DESCRIPTION :*: Lime loves life. eh eh? ya see? all L's. :P anyway. She is emotional. Way different than emo. She gets sad easily and hates copiers.Her heart has been broken twice. She does NOT want it happening again. Her cousin\/sister is 13. She hates to see 13 depressed so she always cheers her up by her personality. Anywhoo. Yus. She ish also very sexi. kthxbye ~?"MY;;WOLF;;FURSONA"?~ :*: NAME :*: Horns :*: ANIMAL :*: Demon Wolf :*: SCENT :*: Fire :*: FUR :*: Dark Red :*: EYES :*: Bright red :*: PERSONALITY :*: Tough & insane :*: AGE :*: 3 in Wolfeh years :*: SEX :*: Male :*: SONG :*: Last Resort By Papa Roach :*:PACK:*: Restrain :*:MATE:*: Essy :*:POWERS:*: Teleportation :*: DESCRIPTION :*: Horns is a tough little wolf. He died once he was one years old, due of his abuse. Usually he gets labeled by many people. After they talk about Horns, they die after the next day. Nobody knows why except for Horns. Thats because he kills them over night, Horns is very sad but keeps it in his inside. He's hard to get, basically, most girls want him, but Horns plays hard to get. Horns has many friends, and when hes with them, hes soft side comes and hes calm and doesnt hurt anybody, but when a bad pack of wolfs come he kills them all, and is furious the rest of the Night. He is very insane when you start to be best friends with him, he will do daring things since hes already dead. You can't see that he's dead, but he is. Theres a large scar on the his back. Due from his abuse when he was smaller. People say hes emo. He usually says "well my actions seem to tell you im emo? Then I am" He usually cuts himself after killing people because it makes him think of his abuse. When he first died he appeared in Hell. He went through Alot when he was in there, he got out because his spirit was done being in Hell. He doesnt want to go back but fears someday he will. He is an alpha of a pack and will protect them always (: