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xChemi nibbles squeezy's finger Squeezy examines chemis teeth Ligers: ... you're examining his teeth? Ligers: Back, by the way. Squeezy: She bit my finger ... why not examine the teeth :D Squeezy: Welcome back by the way :D continue! Ligers: She BIT YOUR FINGER?! Ligers: You let some other woman sink her teeth in you?! Ligers: WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!!!!?!!!! Squeezy: NOOOOOO IT ISN'T WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE Squeezy: I SWEAR Ligers: UH huh. Never is. Ligers turns into a furry vampyre (couldn't resist the joke) and flies off in a cloud of fruit bats! Ligers: Cause you know I'd be a fruit bat! Ligers: Oh crap, I'm a fruit vampire!