
User Since:

I work at Disney World, Magic Kingdom as Flynn Rider of Tangled. I absolutely love my job and if I am not online, I am probably there, putting a smile on a child's face. C: You can go ahead and call me Jake or Flynn, unless I tell you otherwise or you come up with another nickname. MY USERNAME USED TO BE: twirox HUGE fan of Homestuck, Hetalia, Fruits Basket, the twilight saga, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Wolf's Rain, Alice in Wonderland (both tim burton/walt disney versions) and alot more i already forgot... Photobucket: THIS IS MEEEEEEE: MY DA ACCOUNT Tablet pen is broken, strict mouse use for the time being. ______________________________________________ .:MOST FAILS IN A ROW:. TOTAL COUNT: 136 ______________________________________________ twirox.: o-o its after 12 twirox.: do you know where yourselves are? ______________________________________________ twi4.0: four tabs and watching 1000 ways to die twi4.0: oh yes twi4.0: definitely the way to end a Saturday night ______________________________________________ Raggeh: its just a jump to the left.... twirox: AND A STEP TO THE RIGHIGHIGHIGHIGHIGHT Raggeh: you put your hands on your hips... twirox: AND BRING YOUR KNEES IN TIGHIGHIGHT Raggeh: its the pelvic thrust that really drives you insayayayayayaaane. twirox: LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!!! Raggeh: LETS DO THA TAIM WARPZ AGAINZ ______________________________________________ Storm.: MY CAT IS LIKE Storm.: RAPING MY FOOT D: twirox.: thats nice... make sure you don't grow another toe _______________________________________________ lolbanana: Does Jacob own a shirt??? That question willl never be answered twirox.: no it wont twirox.: because Jacob cant afford one :B twirox.: lol lolbanana: :B ______________________________________________ S.H.P.F.: and where did Kim go? S.H.P.F.: Did you ditch her somewhere? S.H.P.F.: lol twirox: oh yes S.H.P.F.: O_O twirox: XD S.H.P.F.: I can see it now, Kim floating in the middle of space twirox: o3o S.H.P.F.: "Ummm...Doctor, you are coming back right?" twirox: she's at her appartment, still asleep (i hope 0.0) S.H.P.F.: XD S.H.P.F.: oh ok twirox: daleks are holding her hostage S.H.P.F.: really? twirox: cybermen are upgrading her S.H.P.F.: really? twirox: noseless dogs are biting her legs S.H.P.F.: really? twirox: um... um... weeping angels are changing her timelines twirox: erm... cat people are taking care of her in a hospital S.H.P.F.: that sounds like a party S.H.P.F.: oh I meant inside the Tardis S.H.P.F.: XD S.H.P.F.: but I can work the other way too twirox: XD S.H.P.F.: lol twirox: hm... she's orbiting a black hole... S.H.P.F.: in her apartment? S.H.P.F.: lol twirox: um... she's ordering an ood to get her soemthing twirox: errrr.... >< grr i cant think anymore S.H.P.F.: man, I didnt realize she was so loved ______________________________________________ Iloveiscribble: <---wants to be cool like the Doctor bluepolicebox: <----- wants to be cool like FRIENDSSS. The.Doctor: <--- proves how much Rory fails at wanting to be cool like the Doctor Iloveiscribble: <----Cries at night because of the Doctor The.Doctor: <--- swims in pool because its fun Amy.: <--- me is just dancing to glee slightly XD ______________________________________________ ExTimeAgentJake: well, if the shoe fits... ExTimeAgentJake: THROW IT BACK AND DEMAND LEMONS Just.Trish.: I WANT LEMONS!!! Just.Trish.: -throws shoe- ______________________________________________ S.H.P.F.: There is four gingers on my brothers bus S.H.P.F.: O_O twirox: o-o twirox: GINGERS WILL RULE THE WORLD twirox: I TELL YA, THEY ARE GONNA LIKE TAKE OVER twirox: AND THE EARTH WILL PERISH IN FIRE S.H.P.F.: THEY WILL!! S.H.P.F.: >:D\ ______________________________________________ twirox.: hold on twirox.: my parting song to you S.H.P.F.: O_O twirox.: S.H.P.F.: OH NO! twirox.: ilu trishy twirox.: :D S.H.P.F.: I WONT BE ABLE TO SLEEP TONIGHT! S.H.P.F.: -smacks head against keyboard- twirox.: for putting up with my crap and shit all the time, this is for you twirox.: YUM YUM YUM S.H.P.F.: XDDDD S.H.P.F.: -hugs Jake- twirox.: nighty night trishy boo twirox.: ... patty S.H.P.F.: I would anytime..... twirox.: -runs and hides, dissapearing- S.H.P.F.: GRRR S.H.P.F.: -slaps Jake- S.H.P.F.: Get BACK HERE! S.H.P.F.: -throws shoe- twirox.: -is gone, please leave a message after the beep. PEEEEB- S.H.P.F.: I want my lemon!! S.H.P.F.: >< twirox.: -throws gawddamnedlemon- twirox.: and dissapears S.H.P.F.: what/ twirox.: night! S.H.P.F.: good night S.H.P.F.: crazy twirox.: -takes shoe and leaves- twirox.: WHAT YOU CALL ME? S.H.P.F.: O_O S.H.P.F.: You took my shoe! >< S.H.P.F.: and nothing... twirox.: ... twirox.: -dissapears for GOOD- S.H.P.F.: dont be surprise if..... twirox.: o-o twirox.: ono twirox.: the creeper is gonna get me trish twirox.: SAVE ME S.H.P.F.: well good night twirox.: night twirox.: XD S.H.P.F.: XD ______________________________________________ twirox: my cats says hi Amy.: XD Hi kitty! twirox: she said 'mreowww' twirox: translate: HOW ARE YA Amy.: XDD I FREAKING AWESOMEE THANKS, HOWS BOUT YOU MR CAT! twirox: ok... 'meowww mrow, mer mow' twirox: translate: GOOD, THANK YA _____________________________________________ twirox: -still loves that name- twirox: -hugs words- Storm.: XD twirox: -is covered in ink now- Storm.: XDDD Storm.: Fine, I'll use that hame twirox: -rolls all over some paper= Storm.: lmao twirox: HEY LOOK THEY ARE FREAKING INK ANGELS Storm.: ZOMG twirox: -hugs ink angels and gets covered in ink again- Storm.: THEY BELONG IN A MUSEUM! twirox: DOES THAT MEAN THEY ARE WORTHY? Storm.: NO......THEY BELONG IN THE GARBAGE! twirox: -rolls all over walls making more and more ink angels- Better than the weeping kind ;D twirox: NOOOOO twirox: -hugs angels again and redoes the process- Storm.: *grabs the ink angels and sells them to a museum without saying anything* twirox: -feels the angels dissapear from his grip- twirox: ONO Storm.: MWAHAHAHA twirox: -hides from evil laugh, thinking the Master is returning yet again... tries hearing four beats- Storm.: XD Storm.: *finds you and splits the money from the ink angels with you* twirox: YAYY twirox: MONEY twirox: -hugs money and they get ink all over them- awe shit ______________________________________________ UltimateGinger: ANYWAYS UltimateGinger: what to do now? S.H.P.F.: -falls asleep- UltimateGinger: on UltimateGinger: *ono S.H.P.F.: - - UltimateGinger: -poke- S.H.P.F.: -smacks you- UltimateGinger: -holds side of face- S.H.P.F.: -goes back to sleep- UltimateGinger: -pokes- S.H.P.F.: -stirs- UltimateGinger: -pokes again then leans in to stare at her face- UltimateGinger: HA like a cat that is watching you in your sleep S.H.P.F.: XD UltimateGinger: -is pulling an edward moment- S.H.P.F.: -wakes up to see Jake face right next to hers- O_O UltimateGinger: -stares= S.H.P.F.: -stares back- UltimateGinger: -remains staring- S.H.P.F.: Ummm...hi... UltimateGinger: hello -remains staring- S.H.P.F.: -stares back still- UltimateGinger: -the tips of his mouth start to curl into a smile getting wider and wider- S.H.P.F.: O_O UltimateGinger: -smiles until the smile reaches past the boundries of his face- S.H.P.F.: -flicks his nose- UltimateGinger: -wrinkles his nose- would you please stop hurting me? S.H.P.F.: Sorry.... UltimateGinger: mhmm, right S.H.P.F.: Dont use that tone of voice with me UltimateGinger: you wanna take it outside? -pulls out diamond machette0 S.H.P.F.: Do you want me to not level all your stuff? UltimateGinger: -puts machette away- S.H.P.F.: that's what I though S.H.P.F.: thought* ______________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~Longest ever~~~~~~~~ S.H.P.F.: WHAT DID YOU DO WITH JAKE?!?!?! UltimateGinger: >:D you don't want to know... S.H.P.F.: O_O S.H.P.F.: O_O S.H.P.F.: O_O S.H.P.F.: O_O S.H.P.F.: Four for good measure S.H.P.F.: WHAT DID YOU DO TO JAKE?!?!??! UltimateGinger: -sneaks up behind trish, pushing away the stray hairs near her ear and leaning in to whisper what he 'really did' with Jake- "I took the diamond machette and i chopped him into bits, blood spurting everywhere as his screams filled the air... It felt so amazing, my own personal high..." S.H.P.F.: You did not UltimateGinger: -chuckles lowly and pulls back to look at her, his eyes filled with the murderous rage that he had when he 'killed' Jake- S.H.P.F.: -takes a stab back- You did not, give him back! S.H.P.F.: stab? S.H.P.F.: XD S.H.P.F.: Step* UltimateGinger: -narrowed his eyes then collapsed, the evil entity leaving Jake temporarily- S.H.P.F.: O_O S.H.P.F.: -flicks his nose- UltimateGinger: -is unrespondive- UltimateGinger: *sive S.H.P.F.: -flicks nose again- UltimateGinger: -slowly opens his eyes and looks up to see Trish and a dark form hovering above her, a shadow type creature- S.H.P.F.: Jake, is that you? UltimateGinger: -coughed and sat up, looking up at the black shadow form- yeah... Trish... -he said then pointed up at the shadow- That... is what you did to me... S.H.P.F.: -turned, but didn't see what he was talking about. She turned to face him- Im sorry. Are you alright? UltimateGinger: yeah... Trish, i suggest you get away as quick as you can... -he said, seeing the dark entity chuckle and dissapear, trying to enter Trish, it's home, again- S.H.P.F.: awww...come back to mommy, shadow <3 UltimateGinger: o-o S.H.P.F.: Dont judge me, I love my shadow UltimateGinger: big evil shadow creature and you say "Oh, lets give it a home!" S.H.P.F.: Yup S.H.P.F.: <3 UltimateGinger: Trish, word of advice: Don't love so much S.H.P.F.: -The shadow gets in easily since Trish wasn't aware of it before- S.H.P.F.: Why? S.H.P.F.: because you get hurt S.H.P.F.: or hurt those around you UltimateGinger: no, because love always equals heartbreak S.H.P.F.: I avoid people for that reason S.H.P.F.: You always hurt the ones you love S.H.P.F.: It is better to love and lost then to not love at all I think is that one quote UltimateGinger: you done gibbering on? ... twirox: connection You entered The Subject Of Legends. S.H.P.F.: I know twirox: --- twirox: *-_- S.H.P.F.: -goes and gets comfortable in her corner, facing the wall- twirox: -gets up and looks at his hands, then zoning out physically to another time, everything was dark and he was in the middle of a forest... He walked off into the wood and lost his footing, falling down a large ditch, falling into unconsciousness... he watches time pass around his body, yet no one finds him, and he never regains conscousness... He zaps back to the present where he is still staring at his hands, seeinging scrapes and blood gushing from them like the injuries of the imaginary, yet real, fall- twirox: (is reminded of the dream lord) S.H.P.F.: yeah twirox: (and only he can see the imaginary scrapes and injuries) twirox: >:D twirox: (this is a rare, yet uncurable, side effect from that shadow creature inhabiting you) S.H.P.F.: -glanced over at Jake and saw him staring hard at his hands- Hey, you alright? -she asked him- S.H.P.F.: (How come I don't get fun things like that? ) twirox: -saw the scrapes fade away and blinked- Yeah... yeah i think im alright twirox: (cus you dont think of em ;D) S.H.P.F.: (hmmm.... S.H.P.F.: Oh ok. -goes back to staring at the wall- twirox: -looks around frantically and moves closer to Trish- S.H.P.F.: (Why would you want to be closer to the host of a crazy spirit? O_o ) twirox: (he needs comfort, he just realistically-imaginarily died, dude) S.H.P.F.: -glanced back over at him- You sure you are alright? She asked him, a concern look on her face, yet the corner of her right lip was kind of twisted, almost as if she was about to smile. S.H.P.F.: (Still...) twirox: -watched her twisted expression and remembered the shadow form dissapeared... he took a step back but didnt mutter a word- S.H.P.F.: -got up- Hey...are you sure you are ok? You seem really off. twirox: (this is getting good...) S.H.P.F.: -takes a step closer- Jake, you ok? twirox: sta--stay away from me... -he said then zapped again to land into a sea, swimming frantically to the boat just 50 meters away... then something grabs his leg and pulls him under, only to be chopped to bits of a great white- S.H.P.F.: O_O S.H.P.F.: Maybe you should stay away from me S.H.P.F.: ( )* S.H.P.F.: Jake? JAKE!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU?!?!?! twirox: (that is the one way i want to die... being dropped to a sea, then as my body decays and looses its boyance, i float down for all the little crabs, eels, and predatory fish to nibble off my rotten, soggy flesh :D) S.H.P.F.: (O_O Ok, that is the scariest thing I have ever heard you say ) twirox: -flashes back and looks at Trish, wide-eyed- Get away from me... twirox: (told you i had a dark side) S.H.P.F.: -Holds a hand out to him, the right corner still twisting upward as her eyes narrowed- Jake, what is wrong? S.H.P.F.: (I know, I know. ) twirox: -still stared wide-eyed, backing still- Get AWAY S.H.P.F.: -Stops, seeming to be fighting herself to not step forward- twirox: (and you know whats sad, i haven't watched the episode with the dream lord in FOREVER, so how i remember all this proves how well the episode was writen) S.H.P.F.: (XD It was a very good episode) twirox: -tripped backwards and landed on the floor, scooting away from her as fast as he could- twirox: (you can talk, ponytailed Rory >> XD) S.H.P.F.: -Loses and takes a step forward toward Jake, her eyes beginning to roll in the back of her head- S.H.P.F.: (You know he looked awesome with it ) twirox: -didnt blink, still staring wide-eyed at what she was doing...- twirox: (eh, he looks better with his broom) S.H.P.F.: (Whatever! ) twirox: (I WIN) S.H.P.F.: -Taps Jake shoulder from behind, breathing deeply into his ear- S.H.P.F.: (You wish) twirox: -looked with the corner of his eye to see (trish or the shadow form) smiling menacingly- twirox: (an aweful lot of episode refs in here... "Amy's Choice" "Blink" "Eleventh Hour" "Silence in the Library"...) S.H.P.F.: (I think I am getting fat D: ) S.H.P.F.: (yeah) twirox: (that was random o3o) S.H.P.F.: ( no, I just grabbed some donuts to eat so I would be fatter ) S.H.P.F.: -The shadow form stared back at him- twirox: (typical american XDDD) S.H.P.F.: (shut up! There is nothing in my house and I don't usually eat anyway ) twirox: please.... leave me alone.... take it back... -he managed to say to the shadow form- twirox: (right) S.H.P.F.: ( GRRR!!! SO MEAN!! ) twirox: (im saving all of this XDDDDD) S.H.P.F.: (XDDD NOOOOO!!! EVERYONE WILL KNOW I AM FAT THEN!! T-T ) twirox: (you were the one you said it) S.H.P.F.: (SOOOOO!!!! ) S.H.P.F.: (I will just starve myself this next week or two ) twirox: (RP) S.H.P.F.: (I AM GETTING THERE) S.H.P.F.: (LET ME BE FAT IN PEACE AND EAT MY UNHEALTHY DONUTS!!! ) S.H.P.F.: -Continues to stare at him, not blinking, the whites staring at him- Jaakkkkeeee..... S.H.P.F.: (I am getting some broccoli after this ) twirox: -looked at Trish then back to the shadow- please... -shadow chuckles "Don't you see what i have given you? it's a gift... You will discover it later, you will be thanking me..."- twirox: (good) S.H.P.F.: (Woah, the shadow can speak!) S.H.P.F.: (and yeah, broccoli is good ) twirox: (like Face of boe can, he uses the low telepathy feild to speak to someone) S.H.P.F.: (-throws broccoli at the shadow- GET BACK FROM JAKE >< Oh really?) S.H.P.F.: -continues staring at Jake, moving closer to him- S.H.P.F.: -continues staring at Jake, moving closer to him- twirox: (New Achievment: Now refrenced to all three episodes with Face Of Boe in it "End of the World" "New Earth" "Gridlock") S.H.P.F.: (XDDDD I think someone has been on Squiby too much ) twirox: -stared- just make it stop, please... -the shadow sighs and returns to Trish, making her turn back (for now)- twirox: (Nah, i just like the new alert :D) S.H.P.F.: -goes back to normal and falls asleep, tired- S.H.P.F.: -goes back to normal and falls asleep, tired- S.H.P.F.: (oh. XD )) twirox: -breathes heavily, eyes wide and unblinking, just taking advantage of the moment...- ______________________________________________ twirox: i had a dream twirox: it was strange twirox: you were there twirox: i was there twirox: the knights who say NI twirox: were there twirox: and... Stowaway was htere twirox: o3o S.H.P.F.: XDD S.H.P.F.: What happened in the dream or we were just there? twirox: we were on a quest twirox: for the intersection emerald twirox: a place where two gallaxies collide and it was in the 2nd Century twirox: Stowaway appeared and kept the gallaxies from destroying themselves S.H.P.F.: oh wow twirox: while we went to search for the emerald S.H.P.F.: XD You go Stowaway twirox: we found it, but only after we got a couple shrubberys for the Knights who say Ni S.H.P.F.: XDDDDDDDDD ______________________________________________ The.Doctor: i call you as the dalek Amy.Pond.: FFFFF no ¬¬ Amy.Pond.: I'm in the board description.. I have more power over you... So youuuuur the Dalek :P The.Doctor: alright then, i exterminate you, making me in charge, YOU ARE THE DAAAAALEK Amy.Pond.: FUUUUUU NOOOOOO WAY XDD ______________________________________________ twirox: pfft S.H.P.F.: Ill think about it twirox: w.o.w. S.H.P.F.: ? twirox: dunno S.H.P.F.: XD twirox: ... twirox: wanna rp now? S.H.P.F.: still thinking about it twirox: ... twirox: how bout now? S.H.P.F.: still thinking twirox: ... twirox: and now? S.H.P.F.: I lost all connection to my brain S.H.P.F.: rebooting twirox: ok, just repeat after me: "Yes, Jake, i'd be happy to roleplay with you" S.H.P.F.: processing S.H.P.F.: please wait S.H.P.F.: -apple sound is heard- twirox: please hold *elevator music plays* S.H.P.F.: password twirox: um... um... twirox: the 11th rox? twirox: XD S.H.P.F.: error twirox: dawww twirox: um... twirox: RORY S.H.P.F.: error twirox: RORY ROX twirox: um... twirox: DARNIT S.H.P.F.: self destructed in 5 seconds twirox: um... S.H.P.F.: destructed? XD S.H.P.F.: self destruct in 4 seconds twirox: NO I COMMAND YOU TO STOP OVER-RIDE DEFENSE PROTOCOLS 2, 3, 4, 5, 666, 42, DEFENSE PROTOCOLS ONEEEEE twirox: ONE I HAVE THREE QUESTIONS S.H.P.F.: brain connection lost S.H.P.F.: rebooting twirox: daw wtf? twirox: -Shakes Trish- S.H.P.F.: virus detacted twirox: oh, did i infest you now? twirox: -licks Trish S.H.P.F.: XDDDDDDDDDDDD S.H.P.F.: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD S.H.P.F.: XDDDDDDDD S.H.P.F.: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD twirox: JUST ANSWER MEH S.H.P.F.: <--is laughing so hard right now S.H.P.F.: -snaps out of it- S.H.P.F.: oh, hey Jake twirox: <--- is waiting for an answer... impatiently twirox: hey twirox: question S.H.P.F.: shoot twirox: wanna rp? S.H.P.F.: thinking twirox: daw twirox: quickly please S.H.P.F.: quickly? S.H.P.F.: why quickly? twirox: yes think quickly because i already spent... 10-13 minutes waiting the last time S.H.P.F.: what will we be......connection lost _____________________________________________ Captain.Jack: well, hello there! JakeExTimeAgent: ¬¬ time and place, Jack Captain.Jack: -shrugs- Captain.Jack: XD ______________________________________________ The.Doctor: *chirp chirp chirp* Rory.Pond.: XD The.Doctor: quiet.... too quiet Rory.Pond.: T-T The.Doctor: a quiet bored lonely place left in the dark The.Doctor: not a light to be found The.Doctor: creative writing exerpts Rory.Pond.: lol The.Doctor: -picks up words and puts them in folder- to be used for future books and writings Rory.Pond.: Doctor, you are writing a book? The.Doctor: no, not really Rory.Pond.: oh The.Doctor: lol i might though, may never be viewed by a publisher but still, what can it take from me? Rory.Pond.: exactly ______________________________________________ Amy.Pond.: Thre! The.Doctor: *there ? Amy.Pond.: yes ¬¬ The.Doctor: sorry... *ish a spelling dalek* The.Doctor: o.o Amy.Pond.: XDD _____________________________________________ The.Doctor: didja know 800,000,000 cars are on planet earth? Amy.: no.. Wow The.Doctor: yup. The.Doctor: ya learn something new every day! _____________________________________________ Kim.Clearwater.: Im sorry for failing! The.10th.Doctor: XD you dun fail Kim.Clearwater.: I fail 99.9% of the time The.10th.Doctor: well, now is your .1% you dont _____________________________________________ S.H.P.F.: NO!! Work now!!! twirox: -if you havent noticed the board- I AMMMM S.H.P.F.: -rolls eyes- Suuuuuurrreeeeeee.....Just like you are a ginger twirox: HEY! ¬¬ no fair, i always wanted to be a ginger -pouts- S.H.P.F.: hahaha, and I am one!!! S.H.P.F.: >< twirox: im really dark haired twirox: almost black S.H.P.F.: Oh really? S.H.P.F.: I love that color hair twirox: yus really twirox: yus and i love ginga S.H.P.F.: XD twirox: wanna trade? -gets out razor- twirox: dont worry, im a trained barber-surgeon S.H.P.F.: sure!!! twirox: just like... Dr. Barber -lightning strikes and horse whineys in the bg- wtf? -looks around- _____________________________________________ lolbananarox: Im sugar baby the real sugar baby all you other sugar babies are just imitating twirox: XD twirox: so wont all you suga babys please stand up please stand up please stand up lolbananarox: lol _____________________________________________ twiroc: i think the new guy playing the 11th is crap twiroc: hes 27 and he looks like he flippin 18-19 LadyWolff1: ikr!? LadyWolff1: it is freaking rediculus twiroc: he's alright just too young looking for the job twiroc: ha "Who da man?... Alright, never saying that again..." twiroc: definately not you twiroc: XD twiroc: more like 'boy' LadyWolff1: lol _____________________________________________ JakeExTimeAgent: TRISH, I LUFF YOU LIKE A FAT KID LOVES A GOOD CHOCOLATE BAR JakeExTimeAgent: OR ICE CREAM Just.Trish.: YAY! Just.Trish.: I LOVE ICE CREAM!!! JakeExTimeAgent: OR PIE JakeExTimeAgent: OR CAKE JakeExTimeAgent: OR CREAM PUFF JakeExTimeAgent: OR SODA Just.Trish.: URGE STOP!!! JakeExTimeAgent: XD Just.Trish.: YOU ARE MAKING ME HUNGRY!!~! JakeExTimeAgent: MY JOB HERE IS DONE ____________________________________________ JakeExTimeAgent: -laughs like the Master and hears lightning flash in the bg and a horse whiney then Igor appears on a flying mastodon/mammoth with the 11th Doctor steering it in an epic fez, his sonic screwdriver in one hand and a mop in the other, both yelling GERONIMO!- WTF???? S.H.P.F.: O_O JakeExTimeAgent: GO IGOR S.H.P.F.: Epicness right there 6 JakeExTimeAgent: GO JakeExTimeAgent: -looks around at all the epicness unfolding and waves at Igor who waves back with a huge smile on his face and then everything dissapears and Jake is left in darkness, never ending darkness, silence.- S.H.P.F.: :( S.H.P.F.: IGOR COME BACK!! S.H.P.F.: T-T S.H.P.F.: -totally ignores Jake for Igor- JakeExTimeAgent: -closes his eyes and concentrates then Igor poofs into existance, dancing and running around in circles like the nut Amy mistakes him for- JakeExTimeAgent: XD S.H.P.F.: XDDDDD ____________________________________________ Amy.: Hi! K.I.A.: :D K.I.A.: AMYYYYYYY K.I.A.: -glomps- Amy.: KIAAAAAAA -is glomped- twirox.: how come i dun get glomped? K.I.A.: amy is specul K.I.A.: :D ____________________________________________ Wolflovr: brtb Wolflovr: oops brb* twirox: k Wolflovr: i can't spell today :( twirox: why when ever you say "brb" another person has to say "ok"? i mean do you really need approval to go somewhere? laxx.: lawls moomoocakes: well, if the other person who says ok is a dalek, yes, you need permission. v_v twirox: true _____________________________________________ lolbanana.: D: lolbanana.: :D lolbanana.: :D: twirox: XD twirox: DX twirox: XDX _____________________________________________ lolbanana: i jus threw up a little when i saw justin bieber music video twirox: XD a little? i would still be puking for DAYS lolbanana: lol _____________________________________________ twirox: twirox: i was in that play twirox: lawl twirox: i was a quial. o.o Dawn....: xD twirox: 6| o.o twirox: i cant make a quail emot twirox: 6:^ twirox: i did it! twirox: 6 :^ (quail emoticon) ______________________________________________ lolbanana.: -makes thinking face- twirox: -sits waiting- lolbanana.: -thinking face- twirox: -waiting- lolbanana.: I GOT IT twirox: -wakes up- yes? lolbanana.: Aww i forgot twirox: oh great ________________________________________________ Storm.: Katy tiz my name. So boring, so plain. twirox: I LOVE KATY ITS LIKE KATY PERRY WITHOUT THE PERRY ________________________________________________ Storm.: Gah, my hands are still purple >.< twirox.: awes twirox.: -huggles hands- twirox.: -becomes purple- oh noes ______________________________________________ WinterBarrel: ._. whut twirox.: nuting WinterBarrel: whatttttttttttt tell me :| twirox.: NOTHING o_o WinterBarrel: kk twirox.: XD ______________________________________________ (referring to this vid: Goldenpants: brb got to let my hammy in her ball twirox: cute twirox: but not as cute as the dung beetle 6 :^ Goldenpants: -slaps Jake across the face- twirox: XD Goldenpants: My hammy is cuter then a dung beetle twirox: that dung beetle actually played soccer! twirox: he was all like -does random sparta/epic/spanish/ninja soccer moves- ______________________________________________ The.10th.Doctor: BE AN ALPHA MALE, TRISH, BE UTTT May.Christie.: yes sir!!! The.10th.Doctor: WHAT ARE YOUUUU??? May.Christie.: I am a human being!! The.10th.Doctor: NOOO... WHAT ARE YOU TRISH???? WHATS YOUR RANKK???? May.Christie.: I am attempting to be an alpha male The.10th.Doctor: SAY IT LOUDER!!!! I CANT HEAR YOU!!!! May.Christie.: I AM ATTEMPTING TO BE AN ALPHA MALE!!! The.10th.Doctor: LOUDERR!!!! May.Christie.: ALPHA MALE!!!!! ROAR!!!!! >< The.10th.Doctor: LOUDERRRRRR!!!!! IM OLD, I CNAT HEAR YAAAAAA!!!!! May.Christie.: THE TEXT WONT GET LOUDER!!!! D: The.10th.Doctor: SAY ITTTTTTT May.Christie.: I AM THE ALPHA MALE!!!! AND WHAT I SAY GOES!!! The.10th.Doctor: -pats head- good trish -feeds dog biscuit- May.Christie.: -eats the dog biscuit- Arf arf! May.Christie.: Now go to sleep!! The.10th.Doctor: ok The.10th.Doctor: i mean, Yus maamm! May.Christie.: Good Jake! May.Christie.: ^^ ______________________________________________ JakeExTimeAgent: -pokes belly- S.H.P.F.: -pokes you as well- JakeExTimeAgent: oi, my tummy, only i have permission to poke ¬¬ S.H.P.F.: >< S.H.P.F.: -pokes you again- JakeExTimeAgent: BACK OFF POKE YOUR OWN -pokes you repeatedly- _______________________________________________ lolbanana: :D WB twirox: ty lolbanana: yqw twirox: ... >> lolbanana: ^^ twirox: >> twirox: ^^ twirox: << ______________________________________________ twirox: hey do u think u could make a lineart for me? o.o? ChocoCat.: sur ething ChocoCat.: cute or adorable? twirox: erm, just a little of a mane twirox: and suprize me X3 ChocoCat.: CUTE OR AD- ok c: ~<3 ______________________________________________ lolbanana: L:D lolbanana: Elvis is your friend FreindOfTheOod: yus that he is FreindOfTheOod: -does epic handshake with Elvis- ______________________________________________ twirox: this ish my character... he's a white liger with wings ^^ Goldenpants.: liger??? twirox: lion/tiger mix Goldenpants.: o twirox: he cant control ELECTRICITY Goldenpants.: I wanna have a drawing contest for some reason Goldenpants.: for a beach o.e twirox: i wanna be a flying lion/tiger thing Goldenpants.: o.e twirox: a flying liontiger thing at the beach drawnig contest? Goldenpants.: o.e ______________________________________________ twirox: cus thats what a emo person ish... they dun cut themselve... twirox: they just cry and have bipolar (no offense) Goldenpants: Shunn they do Goldenpants: they hurt der seve twirox: no. EMO people are EMOTIONAL people... cutters are people with a disorder to cut, and scrathers are scratching disorders... ect Goldenpants: :/ twirox: at least thats how PROFESSIONALS see it... like phsyciatrics. twirox: wait no twirox: physicics twirox: lawl ______________________________________________ twirox: is this a good one or a bad one? Goldenpants: dunno you pick Goldenpants: BAD! twirox: lawl ty for letting me pick Goldenpants: XD twirox: XD ______________________________________________ ChocoCat.: WHAT twirox: -gulp- ChocoCat.: Draw with us, Jake, draw with ussss ChocoCat. uses hypnotic voice twirox: I WILL NOT GIVE INTO PEER PRESSURE twirox: o.o ChocoCat.: Do it jake, do it.. twirox: ok what are we drawing? twirox: LOL _______________________________________________ twirox: i think 9 is just a fancy 6 that can balance better _______________________________________________ Blue...: /offline System: No offline messages. Blue...: no one likes me anymore... D: _______________________________________________ Fav Quotes: "its all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back." -Mick Jagger "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Suess "A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." -Charles Darwin "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." -John Lennon "Even if it ain't sunny, hey I ain't complaining. I'm in the rain doing a buck forty hydroplaning." -Jay Z ..."Of all the saddest words, of tounge and of pen, the saddest are these: It could've been." - Whittier "Life is one big road of lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts. don't complicate your mind. Flee from the hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live!" -Bob Marley "it is said that when the world is about to end a paradise will appear, but only the wolves will know how to find it... lead us to paradise" -Wolf's Rain "In the end, We will conserve only what we will love, We will love only what we understand, and We will understand only what we were taught." -Anonymous "The Doctor, the man who keeps running, never looking back because he dare not out of shame. This is my Final Victory, Doctor. I have shown you yourself." -Davros, S4, E13, Journey's End