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Not much to say. ;P Cookie....: .. crazymonk87: wut she say there? Cookie....: Idk xsparkless: xdd crazymonk87: lol Cookie....: Maybe I said something mean..? crazymonk87: idk xsparkless: i don't fink so xdd crazymonk87: i dont think ya did xsparkless: oh well... Cookie....: Hmm angel7 entered this board. xsparkless: hi Cookie....: Ho peerson Cookie....: Ops Cookie....: Opps* Cookie....: lol crazymonk87: yo person? crazymonk87: lol! cookie! angel7 switched to the lobby. xsparkless: xDD Cookie....: Wow me calling her/he a hoe made them leave. Cookie....: Lawl crazymonk87: lol Cookie....: .. Cookie....: Ur coloring it in wromg. Cookie....: wrong* Cookie....: U areeee~ crazymonk87: ik! Cookie....: lol Cookie....: ja crazymonk87: idk how to color XD Cookie....: No its not tht crazymonk87: huh? Cookie....: Ur supposed to have the drawing Cookie....: on layer 3 or 2 Cookie....: And then color it in on layer 1 crazymonk87: yeah i know i 4got tho and started on 1 Cookie....: So it doesn't go on top of it Cookie....: lol crazymonk87: ya i know im stupid Cookie....: Nah ur not xsparkless: i always 4got about the layers xdd Wolfysarah entered this board. Wolfysarah switched to the lobby. crazymonk87: lol Cookie....: OwO. xsparkless: i alway start on layer 1 xdd Cookie....: lol crazymonk87: everyone comes and leaves Cookie....: lol crazymonk87: lol xsparkless: Cookie don't be rude!! Cookie....: *Drama~~~~~* Cookie....: Rude? crazymonk87: lOl xsparkless: xD Cookie....: EXCUSE ME Cookie....: (Lawl) Cookie.... rips ur head off. Cookie....: MWAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHHA crazymonk87: :D Cookie.... is just kidding. Cookie....: :P xsparkless: -_-' crazymonk87: oops lol xsparkless: wtf? crazymonk87: idk xsparkless: xDD xsparkless: wat country u r from../ xsparkless: ? crazymonk87: dude i just wanted to color my dolphin blue LOL xsparkless: xddd crazymonk87: :) hehe xsparkless: just asking xdd xsparkless: mine is more like a rox xd Neko-Kitty: lol i can use it but today its jumpy Ayunami: laptop mouses make me rage Enriix: I Suck XD ! crazymonk87: dude look at me Ayunami: lolwat Neko-Kitty: HOLY SHIT Ayunami: why is there a Ayunami: black line blacktail23232: 0_o Enriix: l0l crazymonk87: it looks like a cat! Neko-Kitty: jumpy mouse Cookie....: I fixed it. Cookie....: :P Neko-Kitty: thanx crazymonk87: mine looks like a comodo dragon lol rozen: xD Enriix: lulz : 3 Cookie....: i cant even do wolfes. Cookie....: :< xsparkless: mine is terrible!! blacktail23232: look at mine Neko-Kitty: lol I have a wolf to model off of xsparkless: i fink i know who is going to win ;] Neko-Kitty: it by my window rozen: lol Cookie....: lol :O