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I am an old sarcastic, fake it to make it kind of person. Have a problem with that well then too fucking bad, because honestly I could give two shits. Now I do thank you for looking at my profile now hop away. Go on shooh. (Wicked random poem thingy of the week found online) For it t'was the ones with hardened faces that break down in tears with just one word. T'was was the very same face That kept us strong Now falling apart Within the folds. To those people who have kept strong, for us through thick and thin.. To those same people that held together something more valuable then words can describe When will it be time untill they realize your dying inside? You find yourself trying to be the person you once were, but no longer could. You tried to hold the tears from rushing out, but have no more strength to do it. You try to walk straight, but instead found yourself hunched over with emotions that were hidden for so long Knee deep in a pool of your own pain and sorrow you have become broken, and hollow. Now as you cry over the shoulder of another You've found the word that broke you. Though it is different for every being, Their fates are always the same. Let's stop this. Let this cruel torment end Through the very hands that was considered weak. If one could uncloud their eyes from the world they so despise Then they could see that their supporting beam Is worn and weak. These words are spoken through the mouths of many yet told to just one. And that one is making it known through the eyes of many and imprinted in the brains of many generations. - UNKNOWN