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Syq: BLUH "lol take the trash out!" Syq: Me: "NO D<" Syq: "I have cookies!" Syq: Me: "Mkaaayyyy~ <3" Syq: I AM A COOKIE SLUT D: Imx2une: And did you get cookies? Syq: Yes. Syq: THIS IS OATMEAL RASIN WTF DD<<< ----------------------------------------------------- Syq: I am such a derp. Syq: Explain this to me Sarah. Imx2une: April. Syq: Yes. Imx2une: The whole point of derp is that you CANNOT explain it. Imx2une: It simply is. Imx2une: You are simply a derp. Syq: FOR EXAMPLE Syq: My mum is like "Okay, I'm going to bed." My dad: "Yeah, so am I." Syq: I stand up. "GROUP HUG EVERYONE!! " Syq: Them: "..." Syq: *sigh* It's hard, being a derp. Imx2une: Yeah. Syq: Cause I herp a derpin' derp mcderps herp. Syq: Derp. Imx2une: YOU'VE GOT NO IDEA Imx2une: HOW HARD IT IS Imx2une: TO LOOK AT THIS Imx2une: WITH A STRAIGHT FACE Syq: Sarah. Syq: Let's be honest. Syq: Your face? Imx2une: STOP IT Syq: Straight as Gildroy's hair. Imx2une: STOP IT Syq: THAT SHIT IS CURLY. Imx2une: STOP IT Imx2une: STOP ITTT Syq: Stop what? *innocent face* Imx2une: STOP Imx2une: IT Imx2une: All my grins Imx2une: and my muffled laughters Imx2une: all of them Imx2une: are belongings to you Syq: Why are you laughing? Imx2une: FKJHDSFKJEFHFEJOFJDSFAJSD Syq: I'm trying to tell you something siriusly. Imx2une: MY FACE Imx2une: IS Syq: It's hard, Sarah. Imx2une: JUST Syq: Being such a derp. Syq: So hard. Syq: It's just... Syq: so. Syq: hard. Imx2une: KLJLKHJFDSFGHFYUGHSDFIUAFHFAJFADSKASSD Syq: *sunglasses* ------------------------------------------------- Syq: Sarah, what have you done to me? Syq: I used to be normal. Syq: I had a wife, and 2.5 kids. Syq: A house with a white picket fence. Syq: I paid my taxes. Syq: And then... Imx2une: Actually you had none of that. Syq: "I HAVE NO ONE TO RP HARRY POTTER WITH D:" Syq: Me: "I'll be buckbeak if you want." Imx2une: "Lol, okay." Imx2une: Five years later... Syq: AND THEN MY LIFE. MY LIFE SARAH. Syq: It all went away. Imx2une: It went away in a good way. Imx2une: Now you have something better. Syq: IT IS BETTER Syq: SO MUCH BETTER Syq: I HATED MY WIFE Syq: IT WAS GILDEROY Syq: HE STOLE MY CURLING IRON ALL THE TIME! Syq: AND HE WAS CHEATING ON ME D: Syq: WITH LUCIUS! Syq: I WASN'T BLOND ENOUGH FOR THEM! Syq: OUR KIDS WERE ACTAULLY PICTURES OF GILDEROY Syq: I HATED MY LIIIIFFFEEE Syq: But all better now. Syq: :3 Imx2une: What about your white picket fence? Syq: I beat them both over the head with it. Syq: Now it's red/pink Syq: YAY VIOLENCE! Syq: And that's why Gilderoy has memory problems. ----------------------------------- IAMREGULUSMOFOS: [I am so sorry] IAMREGULUSMOFOS: [for this username] IAMREGULUSMOFOS: [Well, actually, no I'm not.] ----------------------------------- Syq: So, we get up around 7 in order to walk a mile to the busstop. Imx2une sitty sit Syq: Considering what happened the night before, getting up that early was... interesting. Syq: My brother was sleepy but had to walk us to the busstop cause ghetto and cause we didn't know where it was. Syq: Shy, the girl walking with us, kept saying "Sober face" and trying VERY VERY hard not to burst out laughing at random things. Syq: ...She was still high as a kite. Imx2une: I burst out laughing at random things. :c Imx2une: eternallyhigh.gif Syq: >>WE INTERUPT THIS STORY TO BRING YOU THIS MESSAGE<< Syq: >>DRUGS ARE BAD, M'KAY?! << Imx2une: >> DERP << Syq: >>We now return you to your regularly scheduled storytiem<< Syq: So, she's trying not to look like a idiot in the ghetto so she won't get jumped or something Syq: I look down and notice my brother has no shoes on. Syq: Walking in the ghetto. Syq: WHERE THE STREET IS MADE OF BROKEN GLASS Syq: I'm like, " that safe?" Syq: My brother: "LOL IDK :D" Imx2une: Your brother. Imx2une: Definitely Ford. Syq: I'm like, okay, and we walk under a bunch of cherry trees. Cherry blossoms errywhere on the ground Syq: >Yes, yes he is. Syq: The flowers stick to my brother's feet. Syq: I look down again to see if he's trailing blood yet. Syq: HE'S WALKING ON A BUNCH OF FLOWERS Syq: I ask him, "Dude, are you walking on flowers?" Syq: Him: "What?" *look down* "Oh. Yes! Yes I am!" Syq: He looks at me. "WHAT?! YOU WANNA START SOMETHING?!" Syq: Me: "COME AT ME BRO!" Imx2une: I am lulzing. Syq: By this point, the girl, Shy, is no longer trying to keep 'sober face'. She's trying to BREATHE. Syq: So we keep walking and my brother is like, "This is just... the gayest thing ever. I'm walking on flowers." Syq: He turns to me and strikes a gay pose and goes, "HAAAAAY " Syq: ...there was a guy walking by us. Ganster-looking guy. Syq: HE LOOKS SO CONFUSED, and now I'M trying to breathe. Syq: My brother: gives no fucks. Imx2une: People from... Imx2une checks Imx2une: Betelgeuse. Imx2une: Generally do not give fucks. Syq: PFT. Syq: But if he's from Betelgeuse, so am I. Syq: WHICH EXPLAINS HUFFLEPUFF Imx2une: Can I be from Betelgeuse with you!? Syq: CAUSE HONEY BADGER HAS NO FUCKS TO GIIIVE Syq: Yes. Syq: You are an adopted Betelgeuse....ese. Syq: :D Imx2une: Imx2une: Betelgeusian. Syq: Okay, sure! Syq: So, uh, yeah. Syq: Story time over. ----------------------------------------- Syq: But no one messed with us cause my brother is 6'6" and looks insane. Syq: And like a ginger. Syq: So yeah. ----------------------------------------- Syq: My friend loves dolphins. Syq: Dolphin everything. Syq: I had to tell her the facts: Dolphins are the assholes of the ocean. Syq: Male dolphins will take newborn baby dolphins and toss them back and forth, beating them to death before ripping them apart. Syq: For, what scienctist call: "Shits and Giggles." Syq: They will also seperate a female from her pod and deny her food or sleep until she lets them mate with her. Syq: Dolphins have rape caves. Dolphins are jerks. Syq: Voldemort's theme animal is a dolphin. Syq: He uses snakes to avoid the negative rep that dolphins have. Syq: Cause the dude is messed up, but at least he isn't a complete dolphin. Syq: Anyway.... Syq: That didn't stop me from cooing over them like a derp when I saw some up close. Syq: CAUSE OMFG SO MAGESTIC! Syq: I wanted to pet it. Syq: It wanted to watch the world burn. Syq: True story. Imx2une: What the shit did I come back and read Imx2une: and why am I laughing so hard Syq: Oh hi. Syq: I got bored. Imx2une: LOL Syq: <3 Imx2une: I'm so sorry Syq: :D Imx2une: I'll never leave you again Syq: I blame y-- no, this is all me.