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Is eager to change name 8[ KanaChan: LOOOL KanaChan: jonas brothers Konayuki.: NO. D: Maskums: JONAS BROS Maskums: OMGSKLNFJFFN KanaChan: LMAO DjNeko: jonas brothers secretly had a baby named justin..with their initials alike DjNeko: -slapped Maskums: LOL Konayuki.: lol i like your emotion blobs Akio XDD KanaChan: LMAOO Konayuki.: LOL KanaChan: i shall start saving chats KanaChan: :> Maskums: i read a sign that said "Lady Gaga should giver her balls to Justin Beiber" KanaChan: for this being the first one KanaChan: LMAO wtf Konayuki.: OMG. DjNeko: Justin bieber. puberty is gonna hit him like a train KanaChan: loool KanaChan: yer DjNeko: then a train is gonna hit him like a train. Konayuki.: reminds me of the tiime.. DjNeko: LOL Konayuki.: LOL Maskums: h-heLLO >:U DjNeko: honey KanaChan: his balls haven't dropped yet DjNeko: i already went through puberty DjNeko: LOL DjNeko: LOLOLOL KanaChan: LOOL Akio-: 8D Akio-: xD Maskums: LOLOL DjNeko: he likes the breeze between the knees ___________ Anbu-: NO COOKIES FOR AFTER DINNER TONIGHT. Husband: Nothing at all. Husband: D: BUT BUT Anbu-: Np. Husband: ; A; Anbu-: Nooope. Anbu-: None. Husband: Eviiil KanaChan.: LOLOLOLOL Anbu-: i am not. Husband: Are too! Anbu-: YOU married me, I had no clue. Luca.: PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES KanaChan.: anbu KanaChan.: your the wife? KanaChan.: LOL Anbu-: Yes put them on. Husband: To deny a man his cookies tis a wretched thing! Anbu-: No. Anbu-: Im the husband. KanaChan.: LMFAO Anbu-: XD Luca. takles husband KanaChan.: why do you need to cook Anbu-: Hes more like the kid. Husband is tackled. KanaChan.: LOLOL Anbu-: I dont, its CALLED a microwave. KanaChan.: busteds name is husband Luca.: PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON KanaChan.: LOLOL KanaChan.: w/e KanaChan.: LOL Husband: NEVER! Anbu-: WEAR THEM NOW. Luca.: DO IT OR I WILL DO YOU Anbu-: NO COOKIES MEMBER? Husband: NO! ITS HOT! Husband: ; ^; Anbu-: HEY HES MY HUSBAND...Do whatever you want. Anbu-: Well put some shorts on. Luca.: I WILL MAKE IT HOTTER IF YOU DONT ATLEAST OUT BOXERS ON Anbu-: How will you make it hotter. Anbu-: >n> Husband: Hmph! Fine! ___________ Anbu- throws some shorts at Busted's face. Anbu-: NOW. Luca. put girly pink panties on husband Husband rips the shorts up. Husband: Oh my~ Anbu-: OR NO FOD STRAIGHT TO BED MISTER. KanaChan.: LOOOL Luca.: =u= Anbu-: ... Anbu-: Woah. Husband stands up and poses. Anbu-: Ew. Luca.: luca wins KanaChan.: LOL Luca.: <3 Anbu-: THATS WORSE TAKE THEM OFF. KanaChan.: this is going on my chat list thing KanaChan.: =u= Husband: As you wish! Anbu- sheilds his eyes. Husband takes the panties off. ___________ Iratulle: at least wear a police hat Lila.: LOL Lila.: LOLOLOLOLOL Lila.: LOL Lila.: >8U LOL Iratulle: LOL Lila.: LOL Johnathon puts on a police hat and thong KanaChan.: omg.. Iratulle: jajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajaajajajajajajjajajajajajaja himechan: LOL KanaChan.: LOLSTOPPPP himechan: wt KanaChan.: D::.. himechan: WUT-- himechan: damn Lila.: KEKEKEKEKEKEKE Iratulle: LOL Iratulle: HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE Johnathon: KOL KOLKOLKOL himechan: HOHOHOHOHO KanaChan.: LOLLL Iratulle: FUFUFUFUFUFUFUFU Johnathon: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW himechan: MARYY CHRISTMASS KanaChan.: seriously Lila.: HAHAHAHAHA KanaChan.: D: himechan: LOL. Iratulle: wwwwwwwwwwww KanaChan.: LOLOL.. Lila.: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA himechan: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Iratulle: HEEHEEHEE KanaChan.: im getting chocolate all over my tablet man KanaChan.: LOL Johnathon: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Iratulle: TEEHEE Iratulle: -PEDO GIGGLE- himechan: LOOOL himechan: CHOCOLATE CAKE Johnathon: HARHAR oh chocolate Lila.: TEE HE HE Johnathon: tralala Iratulle: HOHOHO Lila.: TROLOLOLOLOLO Iratulle: TROLOLOLOLOLO. Iratulle: LOLSTFU Lila.: LOLOLOLOL Johnathon: LOLOL KanaChan.: LOL.. KanaChan.: SERIOUSLYSTOPMAN Iratulle: -snort- KanaChan.: we are acting like mad cows Lila.: NO KEKEKEKEKE KanaChan.: D: Johnathon: i snorted some of my hair eAe Iratulle: that's not a bad thing Iratulle: LOL Lila.: LOL KanaChan.: LOLL. Lila.: MOOOOOOO Iratulle: WANWAN. Johnathon: MURF Lila.: LOL MERF Lila.: MEW Iratulle: HERPADERP Lila.: CAWWWWWWW Johnathon: DERP Iratulle: NYAAAAA Lila.: HERP KanaChan.: idk if i should join in or not anymore Iratulle: DESU. Lila.: DESUUU Johnathon: DESUUUUUUUUUUU Iratulle: DESUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU KanaChan.: |'D.. himechan: IMK LAGGING SO HARD Johnathon: SUGOIIIIII Lila.: DESUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Iratulle: ARIGATOFUL Lila.: NYA..... RAWR. Johnathon: -goes to check for new episode- Iratulle: KONNICHIWA BITCHES. KanaChan.: man im saving this KanaChan.: LOL