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I ate the apples. maaaaaaaaaaaan. Nelly4u: r u to somekind of bisexual...? tru: xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD no eng: .... eng: no tru: im a guy. Hoji entered this board. XNessax.: O_O england.: yeah england.: moobs Hiie.Catcher.: ;D england.: (; Hoji: DX Hoji switched to the lobby. vi-ro entered this board. tru: ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD eng: like eng: idk tru: hey. tru: xD eng: sexs eng: *shot* tru: LOL eng: sex* eng: hey tru: -just jizzed- tru: -killed- vi-ro switched to the lobby. KingSize: and demons? KingSize: they make you wet? KingSize: omfg bernard: no choco.sama: uh InYourBed: wondered why chickens taste so goo-... bernard: they do the complete opposite Mr.Hatxman: so.... Mr.Hatxman: then a demon chicken won`t change anything bernard: a demon chicken bernard: hm bernard: good question InYourBed: makes you wet and cringe. at the same time. InYourBed: its like granny porn