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Deviantart: http://firetail84.deviantart.com/ TegakiE: http://tewi.us/tegaki/about.php?u=156704 Muzy: http://firetail84.muzy.com/ Love this: "Loyalty is what matters, and that exists now, not in the past. Loyalty has to be proved every day, in every piece of fresh-kill brought back for the Clan, every claw mark on our enemies, every patrol, every training session." -Firestar To be honest, when I meet people in real life, I am very quite. I like to do things by myself and I don't enjoy working with others. I know it may sound strange and kind of rude but, I just need my own space. For example, if I met you in real life, and you came up to me to watch me draw to whatever, I would look up at you then ignore you. I dislike the feeling of being watched. Even when a teacher at school calls on me, I kind of blank out thinking about what to say and how to say it. Though if you come up t m e really friendly like and say like hey what's your name, and want to be my for what I'm like rather than because of what I do, I would gladly welcome you to my friends list. Even with my closest friends, I still don't know how to start a conversation with them, especially since all of my friends are older in some way. And of course there is always that one friend you've known for years and then you suddenly drift apart during that one conversation. Well, besides the fact that I am hard to reach as a friend, I am a really kind person that loves her friends and enjoys many things that can support my life and benefit my ideals. Though my parents are strict and don't care much for what I like, I ignore their nasty comments and prosper beyond the hard words, I've always lived by many rules, like "never judge a rule by it's cover" or the golden rule "do unto others as you would want them to do unto you". If there is any reason why I should raise my fist at anyone it's because I was so agrivated that my strengths got the best of me. I am the type of person that always keeps her feelings on the inside and smiles brightly and gracefully on the outside :D