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Hello my name is Violet Wing, and yes i am a pegasister! Don't judge me about who i am and what I like. People make their life they way they want it so let them be. I also want to say i'm not a very good drawer so please don't judge it hurts my feelings and i'm a young girl :(. And I believe that everyone has talent somewhere in their heart just waiting to show the whole world. I'm also very kind, Even though my friends might not get along with my other friends still doesn't mean i cant be friends with them too. Friends are friends and they look after each other and make sure they are okay in life. My best friend Breana, she has been there for me and never has given up on me for 4 years! I will love my friends know matter what they say about my other friends I have. I hope you learned a life lesson and thought about it. When you're in a fight with a friend just remember has she/he been there for me, just because i'm there friend and they are mine too. We all make mistakes and lets clean those mistakes up and make it all better by showing love. ~Made By VioletWing