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>You All Are Fags. I Really Hope You All Rot In Hell. > I'm responsible for beating some sense into people by making them learn the hard way how to use /ignore command. Bitches doesn't know about my secret arguments. > I'm the reason for world's obesity Wewfie entered this board. Ellis.: hello NickWolfwood: Why are you reporting Stalker? Wewfie: hi Ellis.: for bad language. NickWolfwood: Hey, Wewfie. Wewfie: loading NickWolfwood: LAWL Niclas.: hi Wewfie Ellis.: calling us names that should not be said NickWolfwood: I'm a fag. NickWolfwood: I found no offense. Stalker.: I'm a whore also Wewfie: Vithryl youve been calling people names which is an evil mean bullyish thing to do Wewfie: now what if that person irl were very sad Wewfie: and you called them a mean name Stalker.: Awshit Stalker.: I'm such a horrible person Wewfie: and they went home and ate pudding until they gained 100 lbs Ellis.: both them and Nickwolfwood have, but we haven't been able to get any proof on them Wewfie: ALL THAT WOULD BE YOUR FAULT Wewfie: all that fat!!!! Stalker.: Stop making me feel terrible Wewfie: you need to reconsider your actions Wewfie: you lame bully Wewfie: >:( Stalker.: You had opened my eyes Stalker.: I NickWolfwood: Are you reformed. Stalker.: I must become a nun now NickWolfwood: OH G NickWolfwood: OD NickWolfwood: NO NickWolfwood: WEWFIE Stalker.: and share bibles in the street NickWolfwood: SHE'S GOING TO BECOME A NUN AGAIN. NickWolfwood: WHAT DID YOU DO!? Wewfie: thank goodness NickWolfwood: No, man! You don't even know. NickWolfwood: She's an awful nun. Wewfie: nuns are much better than people who force bad eating habits on other people NickWolfwood: She tried to shoot me. Stalker.: I'm going to tell the fatties they are good looking Stalker.: and burn my tongue after for telling filthy lies Wewfie: anyways ok >:( Vithryl please stop using such offensive cruel words Wewfie: bye now Wewfie switched to the lobby. > Whenever you say your OC is straight, a faggot shows up from nowhere and rapes it. > Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics; even if you win, you'll still be a Retarded. > I'm one Genderless Alien with strange fetishes. > I feed on your immaturity.