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Session Nick-Name's: SchemerWolf, Walverina, BerserkerWolf, LittleHellion, C.Monochrome Age: 20 Country: Puerto Rico My DeviantArt gallery: http://walverina.deviantart.com/ My FA gallery: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/walverina/ ````````````````````````````````` TRUTH: Strong bad: (from homestarrunner.com dressed as Skull Kid from majora) *sarcams tone* Oh the evil moon is crashing into the earth again! What a totaly unfrustrating way to play a video game! ````````````````````````````````` C.Monochrome: theres one part in the hero story thats harder cause it involves defusing bombs and theres a hard part in the evil story involving the aliens (can't remember well but I know it was hard) and yeah I haven't been hable to unlock pure evil XD; C.Monochrome: no wait, I did I think it was neutral the one I coudn't unlock er idk It's been so long since I have played it XD; Magma-chan: Well, right now I'm at a circus. Magma-chan: I was all like... "Why... is Shadow... at the circus. WAIT I KNOW HE WANTS TO SEE THE CLOWNS AND STUFF AND THIS IS WHAT HE DOES IN HIS FREE TIME." Then he said something about the next emerald and I went " ...Or that. That works too. I guess. >>" C.Monochrome: so yeah I'm not a very good sauce but if you are stuck somewhere you can ask me and I'll go and find the magazine that has where to find everything and stuff XD Dr.Awesome knows nothing about sonic cause she hasn't played it since second grade <:DD C.Monochrome: .......... s-source.... Dr.Awesome: S-SAUCE Magma-chan: .....OH MY GOD. XD THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL. Magma-chan: P-PROFILE? C.Monochrome: yas! OTL X'D ````````````````````````````````` Zemo: *throws a skittle at the.. monitor* SchemerWolf: *a skittle hits her eye*...... o.x......ow... Zemo: .. Zemo: *didn't mean to hit anyone with her skittles* SchemerWolf: ish ok XD *munches on skittle* o3o nom nom nom Zemo: O3o *stares at walverina while she eats skittle* SchemerWolf: *stares at Zemo* o3o nom nom nom Zemo: *stares at walverina*....*starts staring contest* SchemerWolf: *stares at Zemo on a staring contest* o3o nom nom nom Zemo: *stares back at Walverina* O3O *eats..chicken* SchemerWolf: *stares at Zemo* O30 CHICKEN oWO Zemo: MAI CHICKEN. MAI CHICKEN *runs away* SchemerWolf: D= *munches the skittle particles* nom nom nom o3O Zemo: *walks back*..*watches walverina munch on skittle particles* Zemo: *almost typed skittitle partacales* SchemerWolf: XD *Dances to Thriller to throw Zemo off* Zemo: *thrown off* FSA;KLDFJKLDJKLSDFJA;SFJL;AKSFJLKJASLF;JKLAJSKLFAKLSDJ D< SchemerWolf: LOL Zemo whispers: *throws another skittle at walverina* ````````````````````````````````` Zemo: fail SchemerWolf: fail? XD Zemo: YES Zemo: FAIL Zemo: *stuffs it into your brain* SchemerWolf: D= Mah Brain!! deeer deerr @wo Zemo: >D Zemo: *throws more skittles, then runs* SchemerWolf: *munches the skittles* num num num o3o SchemerWolf: @3o* Zemo: BILLYBOBJOE JR. MCFINKLE PANTS/PLUMBOB D< *throws nerds* SchemerWolf: deeeer @Ao *grabs a fryingpan that was floating around and does a homerun with the nerds* @3o num num num derrr Zemo: JASFJ;LAJFHKLAHG;LJ Zemo: *eats them* Zemo: DDDD< *throws bricks* SchemerWolf: *brick'd* x_X Zemo: well Zemo: it's better than gettin' stoned Zemo: LOL Zemo: *throws stones* SchemerWolf: XD lol Zemo: XD SchemerWolf: *stone'd* X_x.................... ROYAL RAINBOWWW!!! 8B Zemo: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *points and laughs* SchemerWolf: *trows a royal rainbow at you* >=D Zemo: :OOOOOOOOoo Zemo: *runs away* SchemerWolf: MUAHAHAHA Zemo: *comes back with rehab..s* Zemo: .. Zemo: *throws rehabs..at..you* Zemo: xD SchemerWolf: *rehab'd* =B SchemerWolf: XD Zemo: :D Zemo: xD ````````````````````````````````` WhyIsTheRumGone whispers: why is the rum gone? D=< LunaticSchemer whispers to WhyIsTheRumGone: because I drank it all! >=D WhyIsTheRumGone whispers: D=> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilightwolf: 8YF Twilightwolf: ............. Twilightwolf: UD* Twilightwolf: ................................... SchemerWolf: giant chihuahua X'D Twilightwolf: UDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Twilightwolf: FOR GODS SAKE Twilightwolf: 8 Twilightwolf: D Leroy.: *me is being asked for a profile post* Twilightwolf: DOT. SchemerWolf: you turned into cyclops =O Twilightwolf: *hyperventilates* Leroy.: Ladies and ladies Leroy.: put this on all your profiles ````````````````````````````````````` Twilightwolf: *HUGS* NIE NIE MAGGY Maggra: baiii Twilightwolf: DREAM ABOUT CHOCOLATE Twilightwolf: C: Twilightwolf: AND DR. PEPER Twilightwolf: .. Twilightwolf: PEPPETHY Twilightwolf: -.... Twilightwolf: just go Maggra: C: xD bai Maggra switched to the lobby. Twilightwolf: *draws teh picture she drew on her whoopy cusion* SchemerWolf: *hugs* byes , and take ca- *facepalms* SchemerWolf: fffffff X3 Nothetastar: I will destoy anyone who does not believe this should be profile'd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilightwolf: *is having a quiz tomorrow* SchemerWolf: afa= SchemerWolf: ............. D=* Twilightwolf: ........................................................................................ Twilightwolf: HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE Twilightwolf: P-PROFILE YOU MONSTER Twilightwolf: D8< SchemerWolf: XC X'D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SchemerWolf: /lisy System: You entered an unknown command. SchemerWolf: /kus System: You entered an unknown command. SchemerWolf: ..... SchemerWolf: /list SchemerWolf: /lidy System: You entered an unknown command. SchemerWolf: /liwr System: You entered an unknown command. SchemerWolf: /lsu System: You entered an unknown command. SchemerWolf: /skf System: You entered an unknown command. SchemerWolf: /lid System: You entered an unknown command. SchemerWolf: ................................................ SchemerWolf: /lsdi System: You entered an unknown command. SchemerWolf: agh fyucj ut! SchemerWolf: ......... SchemerWolf: FAIL OTL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SchemerWolf: Which of these treats would you prefer to nibble on? * Chocolate * Sea salt chips * Edward Cullen * Jacob Black <--- wtf kind of answers are those? SchemerWolf: I don't think even Hannibal Lector would eat them =B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilightwolf: ..SO Twilightwolf: >. Twilightwolf: >.> SchemerWolf: >> SchemerWolf: << Twilightwolf: WALK WITH ME Twilightwolf: SUSIE LEE Twilightwolf: THROUGH THE PARK AND BY THE TREE Twilightwolf: BLA BLA BLA Twilightwolf: BLA BLA BLA Twilightwolf: LOOK AT ALL THE BUGS WE FOUND Twilightwolf: I CAN TELL THAT WE ARE GONNA BE FRI- *shots* Twilightwolf: *shot*** SchemerWolf: X'D SchemerWolf: ZA WARUDO! *srs face* Vice.: *Startled again* D:< Vice.: WHY IS EVERYONE YELLING Vice.: HGNNSJFJSOLF Twilightwolf: BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU SchemerWolf: AND IT'S FUN!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SchemerWolf: you welcomed =3 SchemerWolf: uour* SchemerWolf: ...... SchemerWolf: your* Maggra: ...... Maggra: That Maggra: was awesome XD SchemerWolf: X'D SchemerWolf: profile? ='D Maggra: Profilee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walverina: sdkhjskd I have to go dad wants to sue the computer >A< Walverina: ..................... Maggra: awww D: Walverina: u-use* Maggra: baaaiiiii Maggra: XD Maggra: SUE THE COMPUTER Maggra: :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~