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WolfFoxCat: Dead eggs that havent hatched? USE THEM ON HALLOWEEN Capt.JaySparrow: o-o Capt.JaySparrow: won't they eventually stink though? WolfFoxCat: Sorry if that sounds mean but y'know, theres nothing else to do with dead eggs WolfFoxCat: yes, which is what will make them more fun to peg at people I dont like Capt.JaySparrow: PFFT WolfFoxCat: so that those people will reek WolfFoxCat: they will go to school smelling of dead budgie babies Capt.JaySparrow: that is fantastic WolfFoxCat: and i will laugh at them cruelly Capt.JaySparrow: but what will you do with them till then BustyRusty.: LOL BustyRusty.: OMG BustyRusty.: I'd eat em. Capt.JaySparrow: lock them away to hhi WolfFoxCat: i shall keep them in the freezer BustyRusty.: NUU BustyRusty.: I WANNA EAT EM BustyRusty.: YUMMY Capt.JaySparrow: that is also an option BustyRusty.: AND I WILL FART EGGS BustyRusty.: AND EAT SHITTY EGGS BustyRusty.: AND WolfFoxCat: I also have a dead cane toad in my freezer. BustyRusty.: THEN EAT THEM AGAIN Capt.JaySparrow: omg you would be like kazooie WolfFoxCat: That shall come in handy on halloween. BustyRusty.: Eugh BustyRusty.: XD WolfFoxCat: Sadly, I missed April Fools (It was 5mins before 12 when I remembered about it) BustyRusty.: Damn. WolfFoxCat: Mmm. WolfFoxCat: I'm going to have it with a stick up its ass and i will whack people while throwing budgie eggs at them BustyRusty.: LOLOLOL WolfFoxCat: >:D WolfFoxCat: Revenge is sweet WolfFoxCat: Cane toad and budgie omelette sweet. BustyRusty.: Jester- A.K.A. Psychic Lion-cat. BustyRusty.: What he's most likely to say before anything. BustyRusty.: Um... BustyRusty.: Welll.. BustyRusty.: Idk actually XD WolfFoxCat: :OOOOOOOOOO apparently budgie eggs can be eaten BustyRusty.: "You'll always need protection with me around ;)" BustyRusty.: PSSH WolfFoxCat: and apparently taste 'nutty' and 'sweet Capt.JaySparrow: thats WolfFoxCat: and i just read about someone feeding a boiled budgie egg to their budgies mixed in with their food.. Capt.JaySparrow: thats men Capt.JaySparrow: *mean Capt.JaySparrow: just like EAT YOUR BABIES BustyRusty.: LOL WolfFoxCat: YOU WERE A HORRIBLE PARENT BIRD WolfFoxCat: NOW EAT YOUR CHILD BustyRusty.: LOLOLOLOLOLOL WolfFoxCat: i have a craving for budgie egg omelettes now WolfFoxCat: i feel horrible inside WolfFoxCat: i will have to share some with my birds to make myself feel less horrible<3 Capt.JaySparrow: but after you eat them youll feel good inside WolfFoxCat: i will feel full, and its better then wasting the eggs :3 BustyRusty.: PSSH WolfFoxCat: would you guys like to have some budgie omelette? WolfFoxCat: oooh, i wonder what I would do with the dead budgie bodies once they die of old age? BustyRusty.: As long as it ain't rotten BustyRusty.: YUM WolfFoxCat: LOL JUST KIDDING I'll bury them xD BustyRusty.: KFB BustyRusty.: KENTUCKY FRIED BUDGIE Capt.JaySparrow: PFFT WolfFoxCat: :D BustyRusty.: I'm serious. WolfFoxCat: People will love that restrauant until they find out what the name really is BustyRusty.: LOL BustyRusty.: Kentucky fried boobs BustyRusty.: Kentucky fried bob Capt.JaySparrow: dear god WolfFoxCat: XD BustyRusty.: Kentucky fried Buster. BustyRusty.: Shit. BustyRusty.: RUN ME WolfFoxCat: omg you guys have driven me past the 2am-mark-I-was-going-to-sleep-at BustyRusty.: RUN NOW WolfFoxCat: Mmmm WolfFoxCat: THAT WOULD TASTE NICE BustyRusty.: NO BustyRusty.: NO BustyRusty. runs WolfFoxCat: MIXED IN WITH A LITTLE BUDGIE BLOOD SAUCE AND BUDGIE EGG YOLK BustyRusty.: HALLPP BustyRusty.: HALP ME BustyRusty.: BOB BustyRusty.: HELP BustyRusty.: OH BustyRusty.: BOB BustyRusty.: DON'T RUN THE OTHER WAY WolfFoxCat sets a buster trap BustyRusty.: YOU'LL DIE- Capt.JaySparrow: im sorry buster BustyRusty.: NO BustyRusty.: NOOOO Capt.JaySparrow: this is how it has to be BustyRusty. jumps off cliff and rides on Rainzone Beats BustyRusty.: HAHAHAHA WolfFoxCat a gigantic mouse trap with everything buster loves BustyRusty.: BITCHESS WolfFoxCat: *uses fishing rod to save you before cooking you* BustyRusty. looks away. "NOT MY REDDY" WolfFoxCat: fft BustyRusty. Rainzone drops the bass WolfFoxCat uses fishing rod BustyRusty. slaps fishing rod WolfFoxCat threatens to kill Reddy WolfFoxCat: HAND YOURSELF OVER BustyRusty. jumps and saves her BustyRusty. rolls Capt.JaySparrow: (thats kind of ironic since bass can also be pronounced like a fish) WolfFoxCat karate chops you away BustyRusty.: (Eeyup :D) WolfFoxCat squirts budgie blood in your eye BustyRusty. NUUUU BustyRusty.: MY EYE WolfFoxCat steals reddy back BustyRusty.: OH GOD BOB'S HEAD IT'S NEXT TO ME WolfFoxCat places net over you BustyRusty.: REDDY NO WolfFoxCat: TRAPPED NOW BustyRusty. sets Reddy free with majestic powerz BustyRusty. goes to sleep. WolfFoxCat KILLS BUSTER AND EATS HER INSIDES BustyRusty.: "I like me, shaken, not stirred." BustyRusty. squims and revives, zombie BustyRusty.: WJFGBVEJK BustyRusty.: WHERE MY WAFFLES BustyRusty.: AHAAHHAHA WolfFoxCat: Mmmm, MORE BUSTER BustyRusty.: NOOOOKOMOMOMO WolfFoxCat kills zombie and eats THEM too WolfFoxCat: delicious BustyRusty. dies BustyRusty.: (LOLOLOL) WolfFoxCat cries because there is no more zombie busters to eat BustyRusty.: HAHHAA WolfFoxCat shrugs and fries reddy before eating them