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The name is Brenda; YaiChan for intarwabz speak. I'm currently 17; whenever I wrote this. I live in an apartment in a small city no one really pays attention to in California. In this apartment, I have my siblings to have to endure my insanity, which whom I feel sorry for. As I was saying, the apartment is a place where I rome free to do as I please with some train of thought at least and not get penalized for it. Lol, penal. Currently, I am a student in High School trying to at least graduate to go to a University or College to get a Bachelors Degree in Art and Animation OR Game Development and Design. I'm still undecided. I'm also interested in joining the Military. This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any Questions? I'm a silly person to hang around with. I can be uptight sometimes only when I need to because I have accepted the fact that I have responsibilities that I must uphold to. Other than that, I'm dandy and hyper! 8D -- Brenda. Right Handed. Hyper. Libra. Been on the Web since 2004/2005. Playful. Open Minded for Religion. Just please don't shove yours down my throat. :) Rooster. Older/Little Sister. Middle Child. Inspires much people. Role Model for some. Good Friend through thick and thin. Chocolate eater. Oldfag. A "Chan". Hentai, Yuri Lover. Yaoi Hater. Not sorry about that, Yaoi Lovers. Non-Believer of Diets Not shallow. Don't do drugs. I never will. Alcohol reminds me of my parents. Just by looking at it. Loyal. Outgoing but shy at times. Never seems to act like a girl. Serious at times, but always kid at heart. Will always love a warm hug from a friend OR love. Weird. Seems to never get her head outta her imaginary world. Videogames are my life. Everything that I grew up around revolved around videogames. Old school and always will be. Looks for a playful and humorous people. Gets carried away in good moments. Loves the Rain. Can ride her bike with no Handlebars. Wishes she was a panda. D: Rock-and-Roll/Classic Rock Forever. Techno/Rave/Happy Hardcore/Etc. Forever. Disco Forever. Oldies FOREVER! Can spit the atom of a molecule. Loves to 'Go Berzerk'. Believes that Chuck Norris is better than you. Knows that most of the Songs on Sonic The Hedgehog 3 are created by Michael Jackson. Can lead the nation with a mircophone. Thinks there should be more mudkipz in this convo.. Believes that sometimes you cannot have what you always want. Thinks Metal Gear Solid is pwnage. Thinks you should apply YaiChan onto the forehead. Knows 01000010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001. Knows Pandas rule. Hates Drama. Thinks you should touch her beaver. Knows there COULD be a happy ending for everyone. But you got to work for it. DESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESU Loves the idea of having a nice date at home with a homemade dinner and some candles. Is open to anything that could make someone happy. Never really asks something in return. Is L337. Yells FUUUUUUUUUUUUU alot. :D Sometimes will not do anything if not motivated. Does not cherish the thought of being alone and quiet. Is thankful for all her friends. Piss her off and you will be sorry. Warning, if you make her too happy.. Well.. let's just say you won't be the same. My reach is global. My tower secure. My cause is noble. My power is pure. Changes people even without even thinking about it. Says " Sorry " too much. Long cat is loooooooong. You've just been Rick Roll'd. Think 'Feck Yeah, Seaking!' is awesome. You may think she's a dreamer, but you're not the only one. Loves to scratch her brain. *picks nose* I'm such a gold digger.. *Still picking her nose* I'm such a hungry hungry hippo. :3 Brenda is like a videogame.. except.. there is no reset button. The Game. You just Lost. ♥