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Savannah 3:21pm do u kno what blarg means Me 3:22pm ya Savannah 3:22pm what Me 3:22pm Blarg Savannah 3:22pm ...... ~~~ Robozebra: mother of god Whiskybloo: what Robozebra: idk I just like to make things dramatic by saying that Whiskybloo: BRILLIANT ~~~ *totally comparing armor in Halo: Reach lol* Mangalynx: Unerring looks like a monkey Unerring: You look like an ass Matt: Manga and Dizzy's armor sucks Nate: *doing girl stuff* Me: *laughing the whole time* ~~~ Squarekitegaming: What the hell is going on? Uberdizzy: UR MOM Glorymad: LUL ~~~ Chorazin: everyone pick a number between 1 and 10 » 5 Uberdizzy: 69 Mattkuro: 4 Chorazin: uber won ~~~