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catgmds shows the guest to the oven, this is your new room :D Zech96: lol guest7774: It's awfully bright in there catgmds dims the light, go on in :3 guest7774: You sure? Zech96: this reminds me of hansel and gretel XD catgmds yes im sure, get in catgmds: XD guest7774: If you insist. guest7774 crawls in catgmds closes the door and lets the guest get used to the new room catgmds asks the guest, is it too cold in there? would you like the heat turned on? :3 EmiEtna is dead CHOZILLA: ... catgmds knows this, and even if you weren't dead she'd have cooked you up anyway CHOZILLA watches the cat cooking show EmiEtna is dead, if she were alive she'd flee D8 catgmds smiles, knowing you wouldn't have gotten far EmiEtna is saved by Typo Fairy 8D CHOZILLA wonders which 14 dumbasses looked at her scrap. catgmds sprinkles salt on dead Emi's head EmiEtna 's body is gone catgmds falls to knees screaming "WHYYYYY!!!" CHOZILLA: LMAOOOO CHOZILLA stole the body EmiEtna 's body is now with an azn lol CHOZILLA: LMAO CHOZILLA donates the body to scientific research catgmds looks for a new food source EmiEtna 's ghost is going "FFFFFFFFFFFF- D8<" catgmds measures chouno to see if she'll fit in a waffle maker CHOZILLA: LMAO