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Cyiel: Are you questioning my awesomeness?!! D:< hushhh: are you questioning the WOLRD? hushhh: D:< Basi: ... Basi: lol Cyiel: D:< ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY QUESTION?! hushhh: AM I?! Cyiel: ARE YOU?!! ------------------------------------------------ Cyiel: B- but.. Cyiel: If we go to alaska.. Cyiel: How am I going to reach my job in Japan? Cyiel: But then Alaska has fuzzy and deadly polar bear that you can't resist... Cyiel: But, Japan has all the manga in the world.. Cyiel: But then Alaska, I can actually understand people there... Cyiel: But Japan has awesome food.. Cyiel: So, I've decided somthing once again. You.: Hrm? You.: We create our own Japaska? You.: JAPASKA~ Cyiel: That's what I was about to say! Cyiel high fives You.: WEWT You. highfives as well You.: A cold place with no sunlight for six months and all the manga in the world! Cyiel: YES!<3 You.: WIN You.: It has to be shaped You.: like a shoe You.: OR A FEDORA Cyiel: But, that's italy's job. Cyiel: WHAT?! You.: Japaska must be shaped like a fedora. You.: Badass hattt. You. puts his fedora on. Cyiel: OH Cyiel: LOL ---------------------------------------------------------- Tarvez whispers: what would you do for a klondike bar... xD Cyiel whispers to Tarvez: I would eat a polar bear for one. Tarvez whispers: lol yumm... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Falldown: YOU CAN BE A CREEPER AND WATCH ME SLEEP THOUGH. Beina: FFFF, no. Beina: That's Edward's job. e3e ---------------------------------------------------------------- Kris78: i just remembered how great this one is too.. O_O Kris78: he has a top hat in this one 8D Beina: OMFG Beina: THAT'S MY TOP HAT *_* Kris78: and a cane Beina: AND THAT'S MY CANE *_* Kris78: lol he kicks the door open XD Beina: AND THAT'S MY DOOR *_*