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robotcorgi: ryan robotcorgi: you stole my virginity robotcorgi: give it back Dahakka: no refunds Sensei.: How many men are in here? robotcorgi: we are all men in gods eyes shower: robo did you get the ref robotcorgi: yeah just hold the fuck on nigga MrBear: When is the last time something WASN'T Hot to you? ' _' Kapow: about the same time that hot needed a capital letter I guess. Sander: i give it 2 severed cocks up Insanityy: every time i hear or see someone type or say que pasa i think "Queef Pasta?" Sketchpad: That man has an ass on his shoulder. papachan: assmind Lentlemen: Sorry, what does "Oc" stand for? papachan: original character guest9687: Orange Crush Secretagentg: old canary shirt: orangutan convoy? papachan: octopus condom guest9687: Ovarian Cyst guest9687: Obese Children Secretagentg: oriental chicken papachan: octagon carrot Somniantis27: obtuse catastrophe shirt: origami cartographer Lentlemen: oblong carpenter shirt: oregon choreography papachan: oreo coaster Secretagentg: obvious c-section papachan: OBITUARY CORGI Somniantis27: organ crapper? shirt: orgy collinder shirt: ordered colon Secretagentg: ovary cite Somniantis27: owned car shirt: owed cunt? idk anymore. Somniantis27: overlyproduced childrens-toy papachan: office cocksucker papachan: odored curcumcision shirt: ocelot cow papachan: oblitorated corgi Secretagentg: orgasm captain papachan: ovary champion JustQuit: where is every body papachan: all the bodies papachan: are in my house kawaiistorm: why is your oc your mom Zy: SHE'S NOT. Paviche: http://i459.photobucket.com/albums/qq320/Yaoi_is_my_life/OC-1.jpg stereosbutt: his face is really messed up stereosbutt: looks like someone hit it with a car MR.HANDSOME: /foreign face shirt: "you entered assbutts" shirt: great Welcome to the lobby. Loading... You entered my butt. Kapow: look at the sketch, it has jizz on its nose. nyne: It's soot.. tiredsweater: from the soot monster Kapow: 'soot monster'. tiredsweater: thats what people used to call my dad tiredsweater: now hes in jail :( Kapow: :( of course of course Kid.: What is with adolescent girls and overly asian names? Kid.: Bonus points if they don't know what it translates to. Moustache: im completly in love with that nose anala :o analadventure: its anal adventures analadventure: but okay stereo: anala Kapow: anala dventures. stereo: anal ad PaperCloud: nice PaperCloud: draw more anal Raikov sprays bunny's vag with Febreeze Raikov: Take it Raikov: Take it all Kapow: ohohoho kupo rps? TMYK buttteller: what does TMYK mean Sander: try my young kock buttteller: oh my Xer: ͠͠͠͠͠͠Θᴥ͠͠͠͠Θ Selenite: Some guy in a sweater. iwearwigs: HAWK iwearwigs: oooh i did tian ho a long time ago iwearwigs: HUO nicnac: LAY OFF ME MAN iwearwigs: I WILL LAY ALL OVER YOU nicnac: dSGSFDH Kapow: NOO WHY Whyywhyy1 switched to the lobby. Feminition: cute dicks kupo bra Kapow: oh wow kupo. MISHA-MIGO: kupo bra Feminition: also he's not a bay pornstar apparently just a "model" Feminition: bay Feminition: BAY Feminition: why is it turning like that BaNANAzzha: ew wtf!? MISHA-MIGO: idk Feminition: is it like NO DON'T LOOK AT ME BananaBoobBagel: It's saying "bitch please" Feminition: I'M SO EMBARASSED J-Inu: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/206/5/d/meh_1_by_j_inu-d41m75v.jpg Izuuuu Feminition: leeegs SCARCHAN: looks like this is going to be a LOOOONG drawing SCARCHAN: heuh Feminition: heh Feminition: hi5 Feminition: bro SCARCHAN: hi5 GeorgeWeasley.: Dat load. SCARCHAN: dat ear GeorgeWeasley.: ... SCARCHAN: or was it fred Solidus.Snake: must... watch....meatl gear solid. whycantidraw: meat gear solid Rasputin: I want a pure bread husky. sleepymaybe: mm bread husky sleepymaybe: taste so good supanatuwal: what kind of porn supanatuwal: and what position a.Dinosaur: I SUPPORT MITIONARY. supanatuwal: its missionary, dino. a.Dinosaur: :c doctorNO: this is one shitty ass board Shaunie.: ,':| Baconghost: Kupo? Baconghost: More like Baconghost: KUPRO theprofessional: HEH Baconghost: hoho Baconghost: Kupo draw for me Baconghost: My oc is a nude portrait of yourself Akiraa: fuu melt you are pissing the shit out of me. iMeltFaces: akiraa stfu you weeaboo fag Konann: Can someone helpa noob out?? lotionactivated: no iMeltFaces: no iMeltFaces: Konann you came to the wrong place iMeltFaces: so fuck off ChikoLas: eww at Kupo's box lotionactivated: i like hairy butts you asshole iMeltFaces: gtfo u weeabo shit iMeltFaces: ik chiko iMeltFaces: you didn't do anything ChikoLas: then why'd you call me madballs lilAshleyBug: Gaea you won XD iMeltFaces: Ashley iMeltFaces: your drawing still sucks iMeltFaces: ashely finally deleted her fucking shit drawing lilAshleyBug: excuse me? iMeltFaces: yeah iMeltFaces: you heard me Baconghost is crying IRL right now with anger HOTANDDANGEROUS hates Bacon because she is a dirty jew nigger!!!!!!!!!! lotionactivated: melt where have you been all my life ChikoLas: alone jewelabelle entered this board. khraljevo: i could never love vagina as much as i love manly chest hair. jewelabelle switched to the lobby. khraljevo: ... khraljevo: awkward. Delic: B( Delic: ill come on you Delic: --oh god not like that MarceIine entered this board. leetlehat: smooth cooch awee yeeahh MarceIine switched to the lobby. Delic: i only go out for cockplay stuff. Delic: ...cosplay* Delic: oforgodssake USArocker: stop /ing this isn't an RP board mustbeacone licked usa in the ear and purred in her vagina USArocker: fuck fudkcfccfuk USArocker no XY: I recently got a taste XY: In cool girls sherlockhomies: really sherlockhomies: i like lukewarm girls houdini.: sensei im sad houdini.: MAKE ME FEEL BATTER guest3722: ./w ricklexicon come on, baby girl guest3722: OMG guest3722: FAIL WHISPER guest3722: OMG guest3722: I AM SO EMBARRASSEDDDD guest3722: PLEASE DON'T READ THAT guest3722: You do realize I have to kill you now. richlexicon: oh fuk jesus entered this board. richlexicon: jesus whispers: god isnt real richlexicon: I KNEW IT e.o: Rich, you ARE JUST DRUNK >:c richlexicon: nu im nt SmexxiHealth: No hairy is just an ass sometimes hairybutt: yeah sleepist: because he is a butt? Kid. gives Kupo cake. Kid.: It's vanilla dopeymerlin: THIS HAS PIXELS IN IT dopeymerlin: GOD DAMNIT KID YOU KNOW IM ALLERGIC JackDawson: YOU MESSED UP MY PIG IN A BLANKET YOU BASTARD Kid.: Okay so schizo meets sleaze. Kid.: Love at first sight. dopeymerlin: what dopeymerlin: 3:c shes not sleazy dopeymerlin: ohmigosh WHY WUD U SAY DAT BOUT SOPHIE!!!1!!11 Kid.: SOPHIE IS NOT A SLEAZE SHE"S JUST LIKE ME dopeymerlin: SO YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH MENTALLY DISTURBED PEOPLE Kid.: ACTUALLY I DON'T dopeymerlin: THEN U R NUTIN LIEK SOPHIE11!! Kid.: STOP CALLING HER MARY SUE HER NAME IS SOHPIE fuuk entered this board. you. entered this board. kid.. entered this board. Kid.: NO IM JAPANESE I READ ALOT OF ANIME Kid.: You're kinda like hitler Kid.: Be a painter when you're young Kid.: Then you rule the world. Kid.: Then you commit suicide Kid.: The end. nacly: i want to swim in a wonderful sea of portuguese men curlybeard: that was over so shut your pig hole Bloodify..: Are you Bloodify..: 5? suitjacket: no i am 6 Harley.Quinn. stops doldo raping salty Harley.Quinn.: sorry hairybooty: doldo Harley.Quinn.: dildo even hairybooty: DOLDO Harley.Quinn.: shhhhh nacly: lmao hairybooty: ......DOLDO.... Azaroth: Fuck this... and fuck all of you. Azaroth signed out. Joker-: WHY Joker-: SO Joker-: SERIOUS hairybooty: HAAAA hairyfungus: tsubasa can you draw my oc hairyfungus: its a naked portrait of yourself tsubasa92.: I already--- oh tsubasa92.: :T kawaiistorm: liar liar pants on fire, hanging from a telephone wire BananaBoobBagel: Asking for hoes to hire. tsubasa92: waiting for the milk to expire kawaiistorm: and needs a change of attire khraljevo: no. FIRST PAYCHECK. is sentimental. Kali-Ann3: So money. khraljevo: holy shit you must've been thrown infront of a bus tsubasa92: want my bod kupo? nacly: wait how much do you fuck on average kups drainedchemical: what. norwegianbutt: omg u made me pop a boner RennerAss cups it norwegianbutt cums norwegianbutt: im sorry RennerAss: I rather not lag out pls norwegianbutt: was that too soon RennerAss: omg kupo premature RennerAss: you have a condition norwegianbutt: im sorry norwegianbutt cry RennerAss washes cum hands with your tears norwegianbutt: I HAVENT BEEN TOUCHED BY SOMEONE IN SO LONG..... Bluey.: Piko, you rude ass norwegianbutt: ew lol RennerAss: kupo lick it off RennerAss: lick off my dressing norwegianbutt: ............. norwegianbutt: ED YOURE DISGUSTING RennerAss: lick it all, you slut norwegianbutt cries and licks off dressing RennerAss: look at me norwegianbutt sobs RennerAss: look at me while you do it Marimba: I want a pet alpaca to spit on my friends. Haan: You must like your friends very much. DemsRaid: we should be butties DemsRaid: ahaha DemsRaid: i'm sorry buttclap: ahaha buttclap: you so fanny buttclap: HAHA FANNY DemsRaid: i'm dying