
User Since: me: you ever just try to be nice and make conversation with people that you feel like hate you, and they actually DO hate you? LOL AD: I have, and it feels like Brian Griffin Talking to quagmire vaspira: You inspire my inner penis cashmuny.: AHAHASdhfhf cashmuny.: im so glad ---------------------------------------------------- Gae-: ca s h cashmuny.: gae cashmuny.: *blush* You entered Thing. Gae-: why r u still up go to bed cashmuny.: oh. cashmuny.: because im looking at dicks! Gae-: ...good reason. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ kasaitaro.: what did you trip on noid-: my dick noid-: LOL cashmuny: the dong KaitoKaito: lmao cashmuny: AHAHAHSDFH squii: shamrock dong cashmuny: AHADASFHFH noid-: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) KaitoKaito: shrieks cashmuny: wanna shamrock teh dong ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Heichou: He's got a milf cashmuny: LOL THATS WHAT I SAID Heichou: AIDEN'S MOM IS ALL I WANT Heichou: ... Heichou: No wait noidsir: AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA Heichou: AIDEN'S MOM HAS GOT IT GOING ON cashmuny: u faaaaillll --------------------------------------------------------------------- gay switched to the lobby. KaitoKaito: bye soul cashmuny: im straight now KaitoKaito: lkjdsfbh KaitoKaito: im dead cashmuny: LOL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gae. whispers: wtf is spheggy Gae. whispers: r u trying to say spagetti m8 cashmuny whispers to gae.: NO IM TRYIN TO SAY SPHEGGY >:3 Gae. whispers: whAT The HELL IS SPHEGGY Gae. whispers: noTHING CAME UP ON GOOGLE Gae. whispers: WHAT R U EATING cashmuny whispers to gae.: spheggy and meeburr Gae. whispers: IS SPHEGGY A PERSON cashmuny: LMFAO Gae. whispers: dEAR GOD Gae. whispers: LET SPHEGGY GO ----------------------------------------------------- PigSpit: he should be a drag queen PigSpit: oh fuck I lost my burrito ------------------------------------------------------ aerorerorero: only the ashes in the wind shall remember the taste of my flesh ------------------------------------------------------ kakyoinn: i apologize for my bad art cash kakyoinn: sob kakyoinn: yo mom cashmuny: what are you talking about mom.: ey cashmuny: /falcon punches to the moon cashmuny: i APOLOGIZE.. kakyoinn: /on the moon mahoubirb: shh u nerds drawin hotties as perusual cashmuny: now you think of what you said cashmuny: /waves finger at moon kakyoinn: ok kakyoinn: /sobs on moon