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~Memory Lane~ diamondraskyro: lol lets make the caravan window brake :3 Ruko: If I do it on the layer above but aren't you getting a little carried away here? XD diamondraskyro: nah if it can shake the ground it would crack a window. Ruko: It's shaking the ground now? O_o' diamondraskyro: yes XD Ruko: Where are you going Diamondra? o3o diamondraskyro: O.o um bath having jonathan round... and i had to answer to door in towel last time cuz no one else would answer the door WHILE i was still in the bath and i don't want that to happen again rofl.... very embarrassing :s Ruko: Dude, you do remember using real name is a bad thing right? lD .... Ruko: And I don't know if everyone wants to know that. XD diamondraskyro: um he doesn't come on here and one name isn't going to endanger his life tbh xD Ruko: I'm choking on my toast by laughing. XD diamondraskyro: Lmao how come? Ruko: *head desk* Lololoolololol. X'D BlackCat. realizes drawing black on black...does not work GinPyo entered this board. Ruko: Your leg tastes of cranberries. :D GinPyo switched to the lobby. Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: WHAT HAPPENED? o3o BlackCat. whispers: He just said 'not to close to the ears' aaaand GinPyo said time to poof, and now oniaustin has a lazer beam hand BlackCat. whispers: GOD I ACCIDENTLY WHISPERED THAT TO ONIAUSTIN Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: FFFFFFFFFF BlackCat. whispers: HOW EMBARRSINGGGJAHHEBRJHWJNEDF Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: LMAOOOOOOOOOO BlackCat. whispers: HIDE MEH Ruko whispers to BlackCat: XD System: User is offline. Offline-message stored. Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: Just starts drawing as soon as they erase~ Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: jUST A CIRCLE, ANYTHING. O3O Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: NOW Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: YEAAAAAAAAAAH Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: OWNED BlackCat. whispers: .u, Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: *laughing like maniac* BlackCat. whispers: ....I AM HAPPY Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: XD BlackCat. whispers: *laughs evily* LilleEva switched to the lobby. BlackCat. whispers: HECK YES BlackCat. whispers: we also made her run away in depression! Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: Whoa. ._. Oops~ BlackCat. whispers: I FEEEEEL LIKE COLLAAAABBIIINNGGG Ruko whispers to BlackCat.: Oh okay, where? What of? l3 BlackCat. whispers: ...SOMETHING CUUUUUTEE *yelled that out* *every one stares* ..uhh...anywhere you want ._. BlackCat.: ...*cough* do you stop a person from passing out? Ruko: You try and keep them away, keep them focused on talking, anything. ^^ Ruko: *awake Ruko: LOLOL BlackCat.: FFFLOL Ruko: FFFF Okay, sorry. XD BlackCat.: "I'm gunna fainntt..." "STAY AWAY 8C" Ruko has just passed out from laughing. BlackCat.: WAIT Ruko: PFFT BUT.. WAUT WUT BlackCat.: *stares at you* OnO Ruko: ...WTH IS WAUT? BlackCat.: WAUT WAUT Ruko: SOME HOW THAT MAKES SENSE. O_O BlackCat.: IT ALL BECOMES CLEAR TO ME BlackCat.: wait...whut? BlackCat.: ono Ruko: I have no idea. ._. BlackCat.: He's too tall and ...uncute to be cute |D plus, I find animals much more adorable when they are chibis c': Ruko: He's multi skilled, he can look really cute and also dang sexy too. lD BlackCat.: OHGODSOCUTE *clings to Cat* BlackCat.: FFFF BlackCat.: ohgodFFFFF BlackCat.: ...FFFFFF! Ruko: FFFWUT BlackCat.: *ehem* My parents >> << >> walked in the room when you said that Ruko: IT@S VERY RARE FOR ME TO SAY STUFF LIEK THAT I SWEAR BlackCat.: OWO Rukkoooo~ Your pevertedness is showing 8D BlackCat.: *SHOT* Ruko: *dies* BlackCat.: HURR NO LET IT FREEEE Ruko.: I can hear Cat's thoughts. lD 'Ins, INS? What kind of name is that?' BlackCat.: FF BlackCat.: He did say Iris ;A; I swear BlackCat.: FUUU Ruko.: lD BlackCat.: MY WRITING BlackCat.: I BLAME YOU, TABLET OnO BlackCat.: TO THE NAUGHTY CORNER WITH YOU Ruko.: FFU I didn't even realise. XD Ruko.: Did I mention how cute Iris' feet look? l3 BlackCat.: Alrighty, are we both done? And did I mention how HOGODFLUFFY Cat's tail is OWO? BlackCat.: Its so FLUFFY ;W; Ruko.: 'CUZ HIS FEET ARE FREAKIN' ADORABLE BlackCat.: CAT'S TAIL IS THE MOST FLUFFIEST THING IN THE WORLD OAO Ruko.: SO CUTE oWo BlackCat.: IF CAT'S TAIL WAS IN A FLUFFINESS FIGHT WITH A GIANT BALL OF FLUFF, CATS TAIL WILL STILL WIN OAO Ruko.: FF Lets just spaz about the other's OC for a bit shall we? 8D *shot* BlackCat.: INDEED-- FLUFF-- WE-- FLUFF!!- SHALL- ..FLUUUUFFFFFFF *splosion* Ruko.: FUU OAO Ruko.: I think i've developed a small crush on Iris. oAo'' *slaps self with a fish and then dunks her head in the toliet* BlackCat.: *spat out her tea* waitwut ;A; really? BlackCat.: Why do I find that amusingly adorable ;W;? Ruko.: *head desk* Maybe a bit~ Ruko.: FUU BlackCat.: ;U; MY LITTLE RUKO IS GROWING UP *SHOT* Ruko.: FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Ruko.: This colour? BlackCat.: Do anyone you think is nice ouo Ruko.: FFFF Ruko.: Sorry that sounded funny. lD BlackCat.: ...OHGODIJUSTREALISEDTHAT BlackCat.: Thats what she saaiiid~ *SHOT* Ruko.: LOOOOOOOOOL Ruko.: Just pick a random OC. OH OH, I wanna do a chibi Acidos. OAO Diamondraskyro: oki <3 shall we just draw to get warmed up? Diamondraskyro: lol Ruko.: CHIBI ACIDOS ;W; Diamondraskyro: OMG Diamondraskyro: SMEXY JOCO Diamondraskyro: LMAO Ruko.: LMAO diamondraskyro: because the back of my head is smexy and stuff O-o Ruko.: LMAO diamondraskyro: *grabs knife and does evil laugh* diamondraskyro: your time is coming to an end TOMATO Ruko.: I'm not used to what citys look like, it don't flow quite as easily for me. oAo I'm not sure if I can be quite that creative. lD Ruko.: I might actually have to use a ref. OAO *le gasp* BlackCat.: Just start thinking what the building would be first, like a cafe, a mall, an apartment etc owo BlackCat.: OWO BlackCat.: YUS Ruko.: NUU OAO BlackCat.: COME TO THE DARK (reference filled) SIDE OWO Ruko.: NOT THE REF OAO Ruko.: ANYTHING BUT THAT BlackCat.: YES OWO BlackCat.: REEEEFFFF Ruko.: NUUUUU~ *death cry* BlackCat.: BECOME ONE WITH THE REF OWO BlackCat.: Lightning OWO Ruko.: Lightning or lighting? o3o BlackCat.: Lightning |D BlackCat.: I just saw it from my window <u> Ruko.: ....That suddenly looks like a really weird word. o3o Ruko.: o3o BlackCat.: Yeah I noticed that oAo I thought I spelled it wrong for a sec Ruko.: O3O *stares* BlackCat.: Lightning... BlackCat.: Light... BlackCat.: NING BlackCat.: Ninglight BlackCat.: Ghtlingin BlackCat.: Ling Night Ruko.: OAO BlackCat.: Ono BlackCat.: Nlight ing OWO BlackCat.: HOKAY OAO *goes back to shading* Ruko.: o3o Pinapple juice looks like toilet cleaner. Ruko.: Mine does anyway. ono BlackCat.: My mind was just blown at that comment ono Ruko.: Hoyus. owo BlackCat.: And I think it just got struck by ninglight ono Ruko.: XD Ruko.: Omg I am so calling it that from now on. :'3 Ruko.: It's NINGLIGHT Ruko.: WOT BlackCat.: OMG, please, one look ;A;? BlackCat.: I CAN'T DRAW BUTTS DB BlackCat.: JESUS ON A BUN BlackCat.: HOW MUCH FLUFF DID YOU CONSUME? BlackCat.: IS THAT EVEN LEGAL? BlackCat.: MY GOD, WOMAN. BlackCat.: LETS GET DOWN TO BEEZNUS BlackCat. signed out. Ruko.: Oh cruel irony~ Ruko.: I can just imagine~ Either Cat is annoyed being at the back because she has to watch Iris' ass or she's fine with it... l3 Ruko.: *shotforever* Ruko.: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DC WHEN I JUST SAID SOMETHING FUNNEH BlackCat. signed out. Ruko.: BEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTT BlackCat.: 8C Ruko.: 8D BlackCat.: BC Ruko.: C8 BlackCat.: |BC Ruko.: C'B BlackCat.: LOL I JUST MADE A FARTING NOISE WITH MY CUP