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ok so after-all is like the most amazing human being ever. <3 and i just wanted to put that out there so you know. not like you dont know that already. ;) yeekyeekw0pw0p entered this board. yeekyeekw0pw0p: i am drunk its 6 am yeekyeekw0pw0p: how are you A.DOG: your mother yeekyeekw0pw0p: my mom died 5 years gao A.DOG: in that case A.DOG: your father ------------- A.DOG: OH YOU HO A.DOG: GTFO BEFORE I GET MY BEATING STICK Gwigar: D= Gwigar: =C ------------- A.DOG: 's hawt amirite? cubify: your hawt. A.DOG: YOU'RE A.DOG: YOOOOOU''''RRREEEEE ------------- Twistedd: . . . A.DOG: you guys are making me sexy Twistedd: Thats impossible ------------- cubify: MY FIRST KISS WENT A LITTLE LIKE THIS... cubify: AND TWIST TheCakeIsAlie signed out. ------------- A.DOG jumps in front of your car A.DOG: WHAT WILL YOU DO OMGaGiantRock: hit it ------------- DontLogMeOff signed out. ------------- Randy whispers: I will rape your sould... Randy whispers: soul* ------------- kyosuke11: women dont have souls ------------- FunWithHerpes entered this board. MegumiRuby: quite a name ya got there o.O FunWithHerpes switched to the lobby. -------------- ITSNOTGWIGAR: ugh i was gonna be like ITSNOTGWIGAR: if you dont fuggin apoligize im gonna friggin hunt you down and gut you llike a fish ITSNOTGWIGAR: but nooooooooooooooooo ITSNOTGWIGAR: she just had to apoligize right away :C ------------- headbang.: let's go have gay sex, NO HOMO Parrot4a: I'm a gay guy in a woman's body xD ------------- shadowfantasy1 knows where to find all the guys now ._. Lykan: in cubi's room? ------------- Owlthief: ..Cube. You made me want to listen to bad romance now. Owlthief: DAMN YOU. ------------- GrrFACERawr entered this board. GrrFACERawr switched to the lobby. GrrFACERawr entered this board. GrrFACERawr switched to the lobby. ------------- iSurvived: what happens in the bathroom after kfc? iSurvived: wait dont bother answering that -------------- Yarisei: troll probably Hexm: No. Hexm: I've seen cubify around before. -------------- jewfro: wow look everybody its jewfro and they're signing autographs because they're so popular Hydreigon: no. metacuby: :| arcanine.: who cares metacuby: you fail at life --------------- ireaperz: wut u mean by "trolls"? :O Mattsu: creepy things Mattsu: that live under bridges guest9708: We need a bridge here, then. guest9708: I'll go fetch one ---------------- Heit-: Once there was an ugly barnacle. Heit-: He was so ugly that everyone died metacuby: THE END Mattsu: sounds like my life.