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Mazal Fernandez xD i can see I really have to work xD 21 hours agoDylan Gibbz Fine >.> I shall leave you <.< And go where I am wanted >.> 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez well I'd love to talk to you XD but I'll never get anything done 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Screw procrastination xD I've been praised by some girl on iscribble for helping her procrastinate.... She's gotten into Dr Who... Now she's working through all 87 episodes instead of sleeping :L 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez lol XD dammit 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Whatcha have to do for maths? XD 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez I cant procrastinate 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Or English? XD 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez solving systems of equations w/ elimination 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz I got an A* in English today 8D 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez english, I have to write a page on why reading = writing and writing = reading 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz ..... But it doesn't? XD 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez thats my prompy *prompt and if I dont answer it i'm screwed 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Reading is when your eyes scan over words and send an impulse down sensory neurones to your CNS Writing is when the relay neurones in your brain send these down motor neurones to the effectors in your hands, causing you to write words. LOL The 'going somewhere I'm wanted' kinda failed... "Hai Xarla!" 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez lol XD 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz "FUCK YOU! I lost." Imma let you work now >.> 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez after losing the game, thanks XD 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz But I shall remember this day. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez ._. okay XD 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz And when we meet in London, probably sitting at a cafe, with ice cream... And you start a conversation I will say "Screw you, I'm playing Angry Birds... Dont distract me." And you shall have to face being ignored. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez noooo XD thats mens lakjsdhfhf *mean I have to work 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Well... You shall feel ignored, and you will remember back to this terrible day when you made me feel the same... And just to make it worse, I will use the Mighty Eagle when I'm playing Angry Birds So you will know that I must have felt terrible by having to spend good money on something so crap just to make you feel bad about how you made me feel bad. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez stop making me feel bad! I'll make it up to you XD 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz And when you get good grades because you worked so hard, you will think back to this day, and wonder "What would have happened if I had spoken to Dylan?" Maybe you will wonder that if you had continued the conversation, you would have found out that he had broken his new phone he had only had for 2 weeks. Maybe you would have found out how his nan had given him £200 so he didn't really care about the phone, and play it out cool as he usually does when talking to people. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez o: I didn' know that D: 'm sorryyy I've been busyyy D; 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz And maybe, just maybe, if you had continued the conversation, he would have stayed longer on his iPod that night.. Instead of falling asleep feeling unloved. Maybe the extra time spent on his iPod may have led him to some inspirational theory, and that theory may have made him rich enough to buy the Mighty Eagle in Angry Birds 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez o.o you're not unloveeed 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz And then you will think back to this day and regret doing equations and writing how reading is cleary not the same as writing. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez D: dylaaan XD we'll talk later 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez tomorrow ? 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz And then the terrible news will come that England suffered a flash flood during the night of that terrible day when you made Dylan so upset And he was lost to the swirling waters in the darkness 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez o: D: 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz And you will regret saying "Tomorrow?" 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez thats so dramatic D: 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Because there was no tomorrow. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez dylaaan D: D: 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz And then, you will be sitting in London, at the cafe, eating ice cream alone. With only the memories of that terrible night left. And you will think to yourself... "Who the fuck actually uses those equations in real life anyway?" 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez exactlyyy but I need to do this lsjhdf 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz And you will sit there thinking "Did I really need to do the work?" when you could have been talking to a good friend about how excited he was that Dr Who was back in only two days, and that how he was attempting Werewolf for his birthday, one of the Uk's hardest caches... But instead of talking, and being all cheery... He just lay down on his bed, turning to Oliver to keep him company instead, and fell asleep... 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez D: [hug] 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz ...No. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez D: why not? 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Your work is more important then a hug to me. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez don't you want me to be successful? Why don't you think about this 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz You do know I'm only kidding xD 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez what if I don't do my hw, fail my classes, drop of of HS .... 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz That was the ultimate test. And you failed. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez YOU'RE SO MEAN DYLAN GIBBS o: how ? 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz You should have been focusing on your homework, instead of reading my suicidal fantasies XD 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez XD I nhave been 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz ..... Oh. I see how it is! You just failed again. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez ... just shut up now Xd *XD 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz You will regret those words Mazal Fernandez One day, you will think back and wonder "If I didn't tell him to shut up... What would have happened?" 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez of course I will .... DYLAN GIBBSSSS. 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Maybe he would have kept on going through the whole evening, pretending to be me thinking back on my life in 10 years time, describing himself in the third person, and trying to make myself procrastinate as long as possible? 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez Stop procrastinating! XD well Procrastinate procrastination 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Maybe he would have not turned to comfort eating after how bad I made him feel... Maybe he wouldn't have died of a heart attack due to an overdose of fat caused by the comfort eating caused by my harshness and ignoring him. 20 hours agoMazal Fernandez [ignore] 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz And you will regret ignoring him, as his house slowly filled with water Trying to say his last goodbyes to the people he knew the most And how you watched the news the next day to see floods being reported from South East England All he wanted was a conversation! And you ignored him, and look what it brought on you. But maybe ignoring him was the right thing to do? 20 hours agoDylan Gibbz Because you ignored him, you spent your whole life thinking that reading and writing were the same thing. People gave you strange looks when you went on dates and asked to "read your phone number on this paper?" People got intrigued when you said you were writing a book... When they would ask what the book was called, you would respond with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. If you hadn't have ignored him though, you would know the difference. Just saying "[ignore]" may have ruined your whole life as you went to job interview and got reading and writing confused SHIT MAZAL YOU'VE GOTTA HELP Seriously! There's water flooding the streets ....I DON'T WANNA DIE God it's filling the house... Goodbye Mazal... I guess I won't speak you you again. ...t* ....to* Its the water, screwing with my iPod.... Goodbye! Live a good life... Maybe, if you hadn't ignored me, you would respond to my last words... I just want to let you know that I will never give you up And I won't ever let you down And I won't run around and deser.... --- dylangibbs: ...Sita. dylangibbs: If we can't do a duet in real life. Toksichnyi: Yes? :3 dylangibbs: Iscribble duet? XD dylangibbs: IS THIS THE REAL LIFE? dylangibbs: IS THIS JUST FANTASSSSY dylangibbs: CAUGHT IN A LANDSLIDE Toksichnyi: xDD NO dylangibbs: NO ESCAPE FROM REALITY dylangibbs: OPEN YOUR EYES dylangibbs: LOOK UP TO THE SKIES AND SEEEEEEEEE dylangibbs: IM JUST A POOR BOY dylangibbs: I NEED NO SYMPATHY dylangibbs: COS IM EASY COME dylangibbs: EASY GO dylangibbs: LITTLE HIGH dylangibbs: LITTLE LOW dylangibbs: ANYWAAAY THE WIND BLOWWWSS dylangibbs: DOESNT REALLY MATTER TO MEEEE soren.: to meeeee dylangibbs: TOO MEEEEEEEE.... dylangibbs: :D Toksichnyi: dylangibbs: So for the next 10 minutes.dylangibbs: I will be naked.dylangibbs: And I shall leave you with that thought.dylangibbs: Goodbye.ToxiicVodka: xDD Great to know? dylangibbs runs offsoren.: oh god... .////. ....knowing that..just.... dylangibbs: MAMA JUST KILLED A MAN dylangibbs: PUT A GUN AGAINST HIS HEAD dylangibbs: PULLED MY TRIGGER dylangibbs: NOW HES DEAD dylangibbs: MAMAAAA dylangibbs: LIFE HAS JUST BEGUN dylangibbs: BUT NOW IVE GONE AND THROWN IT ALL AWAAAY dylangibbs: MAMA.... OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH dylangibbs: DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE YOU CRRRYYYY dylangibbs: IF IM NOT BACK AGAIN THIS TIME TOMORROOOO dylangibbs: W dylangibbs: CARRY ONNNN soren.: carry on dylangibbs: CARRY OONNN dylangibbs: AS IF NOTHING REALLY MATTERS dylangibbs: .... dylangibbs: TOO LATE dylangibbs: MY TIME HAS COME dylangibbs: SENT SHIVERS DOWN MY SPINE dylangibbs: BODY'S ACHING ALL THE TIME dylangibbs: GOODBAI EVERYBODEH... I'VE GOT TO GO! dylangibbs: GOTTA LEAVE THIS ALL BEHIND AND FACE THE TRUTTTTHHHHHH soren.: okay..so yeah...showering xD dylangibbs: MAMAAAAAAAAA.... OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH dylangibbs: I DONT WANNA DIE! Toksichnyi: I shall be thinking about you, Soren. ;D dylangibbs: I SOMETIMES WISH I'D NEVER BEEN BORN AT ALLLLLLL dylangibbs: As will I :P soren.: i know 8-) xD dylangibbs: >.> Toksichnyi: xDDD dylangibbs epic air guitars... soren.: the feeling is mutual r---dylan <3 soren.: xD dylangibbs: I SEE A LITTLE SILHOUETTO OF A MAN dylangibbs: SCARABOUSH SCARABOUSH dylangibbs: WILL YOU DO THE FANDANGO dylangibbs: THUNDERBOLTS AND LIGHTNING dylangibbs: VERY VERY FRIGHTENING ME... dylangibbs: GALLILEO! dylangibbs: GALLILEO! dylangibbs: GALLILEO! dylangibbs: GALLILEO! dylangibbs: GALLILEO FIGURO dylangibbs: MAGNIFICCCCOOO dylangibbs: IM JUST A POOR BOY NOBODY LOVES ME dylangibbs: HES JUST A POOR BOY FROM A POOR FAMILY soren. poofs ._. dylangibbs: SPARING HIS LIFE FROM HIS MONSTROSITY dylangibbs: EASY COME, EASY GO, WILL YOU LET ME GO dylangibbs: BASMILLAH NO! WE WILL NOT LET YOU GO dylangibbs: LET ME GO! dylangibbs: WILL NOT LET ME GO! dylangibbs: NO NO NO NO NO soren. signed out. dylangibbs: OH MAAMA MIA MAMMA MIA LET ME GO dylangibbs: BEELZEBUB HAS A DEVIL PUT ASIDE FOR MEEEEE! dylangibbs jumps out and down air guitaring... dylangibbs: SO YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME AND SPIT IN MY EYES dylangibbs: SO YOU THINK YOU CAN LOVE ME AND LEAVE ME TO DIEEEE dylangibbs: OHHHHH BABY! dylangibbs: CANT DO THIS TO ME BABBBYY dylangibbs: JUST GOTTA GET OUT, I JUST GOTTA GET RIGHT OUT OF HEEEERRRE dylangibbs: OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH dylangibbs: NOTHING REALLY MATTERS.... dylangibbs: ANYONE CAN SEE... dylangibbs: NOTHING REALLY MATTERS.... dylangibbs: NOTHING REALLY MATTERS... TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Toksichnyi dies. dylangibbs: ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWWWWWS