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Foxwolf: "Dick penis wiener DOUBLE SPHERES?" Foxwolf: I lost it mystry: NO MORE DOUBLE RAINBOWS Pocket-Spy: Double Spheres? mystry: Nah, we got them doubles spheres Foxwolf: Balls Foxwolf: I presume Pocket-Spy: Or a really mishaped penis. Foxwolf: Reminds me Foxwolf: For the past week, dudes have been comparing penis size.. With watermelons mystry: wat Tilikum: None of them will come close. mystry: Yeah, why not something more realistic, such as their brains? Foxwolf: Peanuts Pocket-Spy: Grains of salt. Tilikum: What brains? Pocket-Spy: *A grain Foxwolf: Hydrogen atoms mystry: A hydrogen's electron mystry: *hydrogen atom's electron Foxwolf: And that's as small as you can get Pocket-Spy: Quarks. Pocket-Spy: They make up electrons mystry: lmaowat mystry: DARK MATTER mystry: Yeah, when their stupidity comes into contact with any form of life it eats it. Foxwolf: Oh yea that's right mystry: Foxwolf: ROFL Foxwolf: Antimatter - a single gram of matter coming into contact with a gram of antimatter - BOOM NUKES Adelinde: PUHDAYDOS. Red.: WHERE?? Red.: I love Pahdaydos Adelinde: SOON TO BE IN MY BELLY. Red.: ........ D: mysteryofsky101: DID SOMEONE SAY.. mysteryofsky101: PUHDAYDOS? mysteryofsky101: BOIL 'EM, MASH 'EM, STICK 'EM IN A STEW Adelinde: POH-TAY-TOS. Eugene.: want. Heinricht.: XDDD mysteryofsky101: oyusbby Heinricht.: Hey. Heinricht.: heeyyy.. Heinricht.: hhheeyyyy Adelinde: What. WHAT. Heinricht.: Where are they taking the hobbits? Adelinde: TO DIDNEY WORL. *Shot.* Eugene.: Wat. Heinricht.: XD Eugene.: To my belly. mysteryofsky101: To Isengard mysteryofsky101: Oh Orlando Bloom.. Heinricht.: Orlando go Bloom. Adelinde.: wh-.. Adelinde.: I love how they're all smushfaces. Heinricht.: XD pancaaakkee mysteryofsky101: Looks like another BLU waffle to me. LET US PARTY ON HIS FACE IN TRIUMPH! Adelinde.: *Parties soft.* mysteryofsky101 parties like a rock anthem Adelinde.: Every day I'm steppin' on the beach~ mysteryofsky101: LOL Laura.: FEED ME. mysteryofsky101: EAT IT Laura.: I HUNGER. REDScoutEric: WHATWHATWHAT Adelinde: *TICKLES ALL OF YOU.* mysteryofsky101: MOLLESSSSSSSSSSSTTTERRRRR REDScoutEric: BAD TOUCH Adelinde: WHERE? REDScoutEric: GET AN ADULT ]] Adelinde: *Hides.* Laura.: I'M AN ADULT! Laura.: *bad touches* mysteryofsky101: PEDOPHILLLLEEEE Adelinde: *Me gusta.* Laura.: ONE MESSAGE. REDScoutEric: *Throws popcorn at* Laura.: PURPLE. Laura.: PURPLE ISSSSS......"YOU'RE HOT." mysteryofsky101: wat Adelinde: WHICH ONE IS-- HAHA Laura.: .....Okay. Adelinde: *Le collapse.* Heyyyyy.) REDScoutEric: Adddyyy ;w; Gimme a hug ]] Tilikum: *touches.*) DerpyHerpes: HEEEEEEEEEEY ADDY) DerpyHerpes pets) Adelinde: *Crawls over and lazily hugs.*) Adelinde: Haiii guiiiise~ <3) Tilikum: Did I send that under the wrong account?) aMystery: ADELINDE) aMystery: MY FRIEND AIN'T ACTING LIKE A DOUCHE ANYMORE) Adelinde: Send what, now?) Adelinde: YAY~) aMystery: *dances with Ade~*) Adelinde: *Dances for a minute. Then sleeps.*) aMystery: *flops on you* C:) Foxwolf humps Addy as a welcome) Tilikum: *cuddles.*) DerpyHerpes: -sits alone in the emo corner-) Adelinde: adkjhfdjah you guys are so cuddly~) FOXWOLF: SLUTSHOOKERSMOTHERFUCKINGWHORES FOXWOLF switched to the lobby. InSANAty: o.e