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Froth: dont you hate it when. you're drinkig something. and the ice. waters it down. and you just lose yoyur shit, flipping the desk and all teh food onyour plate goes flying on the carpet and you have to pick it up and it gets you more mad so you just TAKE THE WALL AND RIP IT OFF bigolbowlofruit: william shatner gaybooty: hordan pleas CitricAcid: in the eye jordanswiener: stek a blendr in ur poopr an turn it on CitricAcid: Zest is a food ingredient that is prepared by scraping or cutting from the outer, colorful skin of citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, citron, and lime. Zest is used to add flavor ("zest") to foods. QUICKMANGO: what do you think of this? spoonish: "oh" QUICKMANGO: there is more behind that QUICKMANGO: <w< spoonish: "oh ok" QUICKMANGO: I SAID BEHIND QUICKMANGO: NOT AFTER Aira.: my mom said whats up with the korean elevator music BlackCat.: It's like your hands are hammers and you're just bashing on the keyboard, hoping to get a result that looks like words of the English language. BLUSniperLaura: EVERYONE ACT NORMAL. BLUSniperLaura does normal things. idunolol eats grass PinguAway: if i touch it PinguAway: ur drawing will explode PinguAway: into the abyss PinguAway: and never return Renxius: How was Narnia? Plexx: I was going to say "delicious" Plexx: but that is not a good adjective for this situation Planetarily: and i thought tomyself... spoonl: WHAT A WONDERFUL WOOOOORLD spoonl: oh Planetarily: .... Planetarily: what "lol u look like adam sandler poking his head of one of those things they stick there headout of those big pitures with holes to put ur face in"