
User Since:

hi im shev holla at me: npt clr tuff skankk caledfwlch skaz skweed PEEING XDDDDD honl whdf str stir BOOHOOHOO pukebase frathouse skeej banshee. lugia. lugia- lugia-. faggit skejej gangam chelsea-- claedsnatch ruyb timeline inyerear pallas porrim birost aeus armsrace SAUDI das douchemuffins fucijk functional gdamn haip lilmama cadr vav va bandoe twocents gay-Z gay-z bic andicu ardanu birost bradyp qpb stupiddaydreams shev sherv shevorlet aahv elaborate sophisticated sophistication jerkymy batter batteur Dr.whatson: did you ever see that disney movie dedicated to csilla undyingUmbrage: omg Dr.whatson: i think it was called tangled charbutt: whos ken charbutt: ................ charbutt: im sorry skejej: WOW IM SO OCNUFWESd charbutt: the only thing i can think about is barbie dream house ken LightningRunner: Dat kitteh in teh corner.....Is epical cheese ;O; leghair: : | leghair switched to the lobby. caledfwlch: fuck you too leghair caledfwlch: leghair more like csilla caledfwlch: cha ching uranianUmbra: my cat likes it when i touch his abdomen?? CreepyFox: кошки это мило ._. caledfwlch: when u touche ur cats butt and they raise theur butt they want u to sniff it uranianUmbra: HE ALSO GOT A BONER ONCE FROM A BWELLY RUB malware is gay dreambigjeri: howd you become a regular?? caledsnatch: faqs treefitty: were moderators caledsnatch: i read them caledsnatch: and yeah dreambigjeri: ahh caledsnatch: if you read them caledsnatch: you automatically become a reg dreambigjeri: ooh thanks :)) caledsnatch: anytime caledsnatch whispers to treefitty: PISS treefitty whispers: DEAD caledsnatch: oh and a quick way to do it without readin them is caledsnatch: alt+f4 dreambigjeri signed out. caledsnatch: ANYONE MENTIONS SOMEONE ITS AUTOMATICALLY THEM X THEM caledsnatch: IM Malware: NO ME X OBE IS NOT A THING caledsnatch: NOW IT IS Fatso: Fatso whispers to Nyannyanneko: put your pee pee in my wing wang DreamxD entered this board. DreamxD switched to the lobby. Obesity: why would you have XD in your name Obesity: oh theyre in the dA board that explains everything grimAuxiliatrix: have u ever rubbed ur vagina on anything csilla uranianUmbra: whats a vagina grimAuxiliatrix: i wonder whats it like to have carpet burn on your balls uranianUmbra: GSSS Dr.Whatson.: thats why men preffer women who shave TredBear entered this board. nelyl: shegave me 600 australian dicks TredBear switched to the lobby. ProPathetic: on a scale from me to skymii how much of a faggot are you nelyl: eugenia shitreport whispers to Hydreigon: HI shitreport whispers to Hydreigon: HOW ARE YOU Malware signed in. Hydreigon whispers: tired and i actually have to go like now because my mom just screamed at me but i'll trY TO BE ON TOMORROW OK I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN ON LATELY shitreport whispers to Hydreigon: ITS OKAY shitreport whispers to Hydreigon: OK BYE!!!!!!! shitreport whispers to Hydreigon: die Hydreigon whispers: bye i'll see you later Hydreigon whispers: oh ok shitreport whispers to Malware: where u been Hydreigon signed out. Malware whispers: PREPARING TO LEAVE Malware whispers: ill be back Malware whispers: aGAIN Malware signed out. shitreport whispers to Malware: WHY IS EVERYONE LEAVING ME System: User is offline. Offline-message stored. twenny: province what twenny: oh right youre fuckin malaysian twenny: or somehting Malware: SKEEJ U FUKCIN LISTEN TO BEBOT AND U FORGET IM FILIPINO twenny: LMFASO twenny: SHUT THE FUCK UP shev: everything is fucked Hydreigon switched to the lobby. shev: spaghetti is fucked Hydreigon entered this board. shev: oh ok Hydreigon switched to the lobby. Hydreigon entered this board. Hydreigon: mom's vomit on his spaghetti Hydreigon switched to the lobby. Hydreigon entered this board. Hydreigon switched to the lobby. Hydreigon entered this board. Hydreigon: spaghetti on his sweater already mom's spaghetti Hydreigon switched to the lobby. Hydreigon entered this board. Hydreigon: palms are heavy Hydreigon switched to the lobby. Hydreigon entered this board. Hydreigon: won't give up spaghetti Hydreigon switched to the lobby. Hydreigon entered this board. Hydreigon: DO NOT MISS MOM'S SPAGHETTI Hydreigon switched to the lobby. Hydreigon entered this board. Hydreigon: LOSE YOURSELF IN SPAGHETTI Hydreigon switched to the lobby. Hydreigon entered this board. shev: im gonna fucking kill you shev: ive got people over and theres a lot of porn on my dashboard Hydreigon: Oh shev: cant even sob because im dead Hydreigon: gay zombie spaghetti Hydreigon: PRON Hydreigon: PORN Hydreigon: I MEANT PORN Hydreigon: I REALLY DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY SPAGHETTI shev: OH MY GOD shev: IM GOING TO FUCKING STAB YOU shev: oh dude i had a dream last night and you were in it with a bunch of other people but i cant remember it shev: the only thing i can remember is Hydreigon signed out. shev: you were on a bed rolling around laughing and you fell off and dissappeared shev: i h9 you please leave my life shev: why do i call you malware wtf Malware: but i cunt this is hoo i em Malware: cant Malware: CANT shev: iscribble doesnt take any more new members shev: if you get banned you get banned. shev: no more account for youuuu Spiderish: besides i ain't even referring to ur iscribble Spiderish: i'd just end Spiderish: your existence mmijur: pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft mmijur: i could just go on my other laptop ya cunt shev: ah shev: AHAhah shev: ha shev: HAAHa shev: AHAHAHAH mmijur: its true mmijur: -.- mmijur: WHEN DID YOU START GETTING IN ON THIS CONVERSATION SHEV?!?!?! shev: LAUGHS shev: WHO CARES mmijur: -grabd halo and wings and then turns into cute ittle fox. looks up at bay and has cute brown puppy dog eyes- shev: LAUGHS Spiderish: ommFG Bay.: pets the young weeaboo mmijur on their head Bay.: good young skywalker Bay.: good shev: hey mal! Malware: hi skeej shev: are you feeling any better? ;_; Malware: a bit Malware: thank Malware: hbu Malware: shev: ehh ive been feeling okay Malware: shev: as long as youre feelingbetter ok Malware: you sweet thing Malware: touches ur face Malware: thank Malware whispers: & ur butt shev: hey mal shev: did you know shev: i dont think i have a single friend shev: who uses xD/XD Malware: [6:15:46 PM] ^cat god^: DID U AD MEH YET XDDDDDDDDD Malware: but i do shev: SCREDCHES Fatso: im SO COLD homosexual-dave has a boob tho Fatso: MY NIPPLES COULD CUT THROUGGH STEELL batter: didnt lily draw this omg Dowitt: cory in the house gangster: cory in the house batter: cory in the house MachoPie.: cory in the house Moonii: cory in the house WANKER: cory in the house Spiderish: cory in the house Dowitt: combo 8r8ker ci: and then wtith the ci: thougth bubble ci: penis ci: vroom vroom Yveltal: are those last two things nicki minaj lyrics