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PaperCloud entered this board. Sayoka signed out. pelepu: HELLO FATHER PaperCloud: COCK zooki: MONSTER pelepu: i'm going to say that to someone someday Hayacchi: lol Hayacchi: When you get knocked down Hayacchi: Just straight up say it Sayoka: you get knocked up Hayacchi: LOL pelepu: LOL pelepu: F UUUU pelepu: FOREVER Sayoka: c: SPAMMMMMMMM: WE NEED SUU TO HAMMMMMMMM: WHERE'S SUU?! SPAMMMMMMMM: WHRERE IS SHE HAMMMMMMMM: LOL SPAMMMMMMMM: LOL HAMMMMMMMM: STOP COPYING ME SPAMMMMMMMM: STOP COPING ME HAMMMMMMMM: WTF HAMMMMMMMM: LOL SPAMMMMMMMM: OMG SPAMMMMMMMM: LMAO HAMMMMMMMM: I'M POSTING THAT guest7197 entered this board. Sir-Kawaii: please tell me a masterball, cause i need one of those 8D guest7197: SEXY PARTY! guest7197 switched to the lobby. pelepu: LOL pelepu: WTF ook: i have 900 master balls You entered OC Board. ook: pelepu ook: u smell ook: go take a shower stinky PUU: D: otakugurlxd entered this board. PUU: i smell wonderful GEEKS: wb otakugurlxd: electricity problems... ook: u smell like cat pee GEEKS: D: PUU: D: that's my cat you dope ook: oh.. PUU: oh sorry you said cat pee PUU: that's my dog ook: well go put your cat in the shower PUU: you ninny PUU: if i did that ook: it will love u for it PUU: i'd dieeeeeeee PUU: from blood loss ook: nose bleed to death? PUU: yea i mean do you know how sexy a cat is in the shower? PUU: instant nosebleed plz ook: ikr ook: hurr we r so weird puu PUU: liek PUU: omg yes~ PUU: did you know that jacob saw you nakid PUU: and made ur butt hairy PUU: smells like forest ook: jacob? Jis: . PUU: umm ook: the beastialty guy from PUU: Jacob white ook: twilight PUU: no no PUU: Jacob white is from sunrise ook: LOL PUU: get ur facts straight D: < ook: sunrise? thats a news show ook: on at like ook: 7am PUU: Oh sorry, i meants to say Sunrise : The Anti-everything ook: ohhh ook: that guy PUU: but i figured since sunrise is such a popular book i'd just say sunrise ook: yeah he has a hairy set of nuts to PUU: sorry for the confusion PUU: yea i mean i can't believe they showed that in the book ook: coconuts that is PUU: i just about laughed PUU: i mean really.. haha PUU: remember the fight scene? PUU: when edward curry went balistic? ook: omg yeah ook: and they threw oat meal ook: at each other PUU: and his cousin edward mullet and bella brawns were just watching? PUU: yea man that was soooo funny ook: omg ook: and they where like ook: fapping when they saw the dancing chicken PUU: yeaaa freak i mean that red haired dancing chicken sure did know how to wear panties