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SHOUT OUTS TO: CONCEPT WEEDIE YOONIWUT PWANZA PWANZA UN-HALO CONCEPT CONCEPT C0MBINED PWANZA EGL YBUR YBUR TYB SUSHI TYB WEEDIE DINKY HAYDEN HAYDEN JOJO JOJO JOJO RENCHAN JOJO Hello, im pwanza. Also known as: pwanpwan, pawnie, pawanza, pwan, panie, pwnza, pawnza and many more! Also, i've known Conni (Concept) longer than you! We met on iSketch 3 years ago :DDD beat that >:33 I'm only nice to people who are nice to me because why should i be nice to someone that hates me? its pointless really Anyway ENJOY MY THANG C0mBineD entered this board. C0mBineD: hey pwanza: hi Weefie: ohno Weefie: its combi pwanza: :D Weefie: hies spazeguy Alex.: weeedue C0mBineD: ;o Alex.: you shoudl draw bettie paige Weefie: ;o? Weefie: whos thaaat Alex.: a pin up Weefie: show me a piccie ;o pwanza: bettie paige.... pwanza: never heard of her guest7770 entered this board. guest7770: hey C0mBineD: hey Alex.: yellow mutter custard drippng from a dead dog's eye Alex.: goo goo g'joob Alex.: lol guest7770: im Lina XD guest7770: whahah C0mBineD: lol C0mBineD sits on lina C0mBineD: muhahaha guest7770: jeroen dank je voor je commentaar :) guest7770: haha C0mBineD: :P guest7770: hoezo ben je impressed? C0mBineD: waarom ben je guest :P? guest7770: had je niet verwacht dat ik kon tekenen :L guest7770: ja ik kan niet inloggen guest7770: somehow C0mBineD: ik vond het wel grappig ideee C0mBineD: want guest7770: xD C0mBineD: ik vond de titel heel goed erbij passen zeg maar C0mBineD: ;o guest7770: haha guest7770: er stond peace of heaven guest7770: maar het moest zijn piece guest7770: whahah guest7770: stukje hemel niet vrede hemel guest7770 signed out. pwanza: lol my nose sucks C0mBineD: xD guest3355 entered this board. guest3355: ik kan nog niet inloggen C0mBineD: raar guest3355: ja heel raar C0mBineD: wat zegt ie als je het probeert? guest3355: ja stuurtie me terug naar homepage C0mBineD: probeer het met een andre naam? guest3355: waarom zou dat uitmaken C0mBineD: idk guest3355: namen hebben er niks mee te maken guest3355: wachtwoorden guest3355 signed out. Weefie: and there , again , alex begins to draw himself pwanza: lol Alex.: naaaaaaaaaaah pwanza: Alex are you a mutant? C0mBineD: ya he is C0mBineD: we all are pwanza: well, you are. C0mBineD: I am pwanza: your the biggest mutant here, i mean comeone your name C0mBineD is totally mutant-like Alex.: im out Alex.: im sleepy Alex.: adios pwanza: adios Alex. signed out. pwanza: amigos pwanza: aww... C0mBineD: bye pwanza: bye C0mBineD: lol pwanza: adios amigos C0mBineD: oh wait alex left allready pwanza: lol atalFayOxay entered this board. atalFayOxay: i am the ox, ox of the world! mwahaha atalFaxOxay destroys the earth and takes over pwanza: why do you destroy the earth and take over it? its gone, its over and done with C0mBineD: you might as well take over the universe.. pwanza: uhh, C0mBineD... C0mBineD: uhh yea? pwanza: uhh.. hes gonna take over the universe, now i have to work as his filthy slave, i hate you... atalFayOxay takes over the universe and makes pwanza dance on pluto pwanza dances on pluto and realises that pluto is smaller than her and she falls for all iternety jesus + jimi shoooooooow! jimi: jesus christ! jesus: jimi christ! jimi: i liiikkkkkeeeee bubbles *pwanza throws jesus some bubble gum* jesus: i love bubbles, you only like, *pops bubbles that come out at him* jimi: did you do something with your hair? jimi: its soo bubbly and its like it was made of bubbles jesus: my hair is bubbles jimi: OwO bubbles! *jimi pops the bubbles* jesus: god damnit im bald now god: you used my name in vain! how could you? jesus i loved you jesus: shut up you fattie god: thats it im turning you into bubbles jesus: nooooooooooo *jesus turns into bubbles* jimi: bubbles!!! *jimi pops a bubble* jesus: noooo jimi dont, im your soul *jimi pops them all and has no soul* jimi: oh, my, god. Im soulless! oh well! *jimi carries on popping bubbles* Thank you for watching, stay tuned for tomorrow on, jesus + jimi shooooooww!!!!! DustFinger: Ouch, that was harsh jaws XD JawFinger entered this board DustFinger: Psht... who said u can be a Finger again just like *snaps finger* THAT pwanza: lol JawFinger: :( DustFinger: >:D DustFinger signed out. JawFinger: that was secretly an inside recruitment job, an attempt to pull in more fingers. DustKnee entered this board. DustKnee: :) JawFinger: it was secretly an inside recruitment job, an attempt to pull in more fingers. JawFinger: >:P DustKnee: lol JawFinger: welcome back DustKnee: I like this name switch DustKnee: ty. Norlinsky: Was I a target? JawFinger: we'll confue everyone. JawFinger: confuse* pwanza: dustknee, jawfinger. its a parallel universe or watever, i dun care about spelling online... lol Norlinsky: Ok I'm confused Norlinsky: It started out as fingers, now knees? Norlinsky: Or still fingers? Norlinsky: Or both? JawKnee. entered this board. JawKnee.: Knees ftw. anemone: o.o Lumi: it doesn't even matter. XD anemone: yoo..knee JawKnee.: yoyo JawKnee.: :D DustFinger. entered this board. Norlinsky: Huh JawFinger signed out. JawKnee.: :) Norlinsky: So it is all knees? NorIinsky entered this board. Lumi: no its all elbows NorIinsky: I am not a finger! NorIinsky: I am a human BEING! NorIinsky signed out. Norlinsky: What the.......... JawKnee.: lmfao pwanza: Norlinsky, the truth is. JawKnee. is DustFinger and DustFinger. is JawKnee. JawKnee.: lies! JawKnee.: Filth and lies! DustFinger.: nuwai JawKnee.: Omg dusty, they think we switched. Psht Lumi: *sniggers* JawKnee.: don't trust her! JawKnee.: shes lieing! Norlinsky: I quit pwanza: lol jaw.. JawKnee.: dust* Lumi: so true Norlinsky: Uh........ DustFinger.: uh... Norlinsky: Um........... JawKnee. switched to the lobby. JawKnee. entered this board. DustFinger. switched to the lobby. JawKnee. switched to the lobby. Norlinsky: D: Norlinsky: I just got more confused Norlinsky: I quit Norlinsky: AGain You entered FRiENDS. Monster: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGCAT! SystemFraud: PWANZA SystemFraud: lmao JawKnee.: O>O pwanza: lol Norlinsky: I AM NOT LONGCAT JawKnee.: HI..pwanza Norlinsky: Yes I am SystemFraud: everyone followed Jawknee Monster: OMG it's like Qwanza .. but w/ a "p" cobaltcolada: *hugs* pwanza: ahahaha ur here 2 DustFinger.: he isn't longcat. JawKnee. whispers: THEY FELL FOR IT. lmao DustFinger.: he got neutered. JawKnee. whispers: tehy still are! Norlinsky: Nuuuuuuu Monster: shortcat? DustFinger.: he's shortcat now. Monster: NO CAT! Norlinsky: I am a human!!!!! JawKnee.: Hahaha pwanza whispers to JawKnee.: LMFAO Monster: haha JawKnee. whispers: loollllll SystemFraud: lmao JawKnee.: ddusstyyyy Norlinsky: I can prove it! SystemFraud: hes Bennie from TOpCat SystemFraud: XDDD Sayoka: use opposable thumbs Monster: haha JawKnee. whispers: man its weird saying my name Monster: omg SystemFraud: I feel like im lagging JawKnee.: Something wrong? :) Monster: nah its okay, syssie is just a wierdo JawKnee.: :P SystemFraud: im weird for Liking topcat? =[ cobaltcolada: =D Better. Norlinsky: Wait so is JawKnee JawKnee or is Jawknee Dustfinger and vise versa? DustFinger.: oh! DustFinger.: *disgests jaw* JawKnee.: OMG u ratted us out! Monster: wait wtf? JawKnee.: lmao DustFinger.: no SystemFraud: omg SystemFraud: i got fooled Norlinsky: Or was pwanza LIEING!?!?!?! SystemFraud: i feel violeted SystemFraud: violated* DustFinger.: so do I Monster touches Syssie. SystemFraud: stop it SystemFraud: =( Monster: HAHAHA YOU ARE VIOLATED MORE! DustFinger.: pwanza lies. JawKnee.: :( Norlinsky: SYSTEM who are you drawing? Monster: tsuk ... you should add a random flower in the pic with a happy face and name it MONSTER FLOWER!! SystemFraud: no one lmao Norlinsky: Ans what are they doing!? cobaltcolada: Lol cobaltcolada: You will see SystemFraud: this is Quidditch DustKnee entered this board. SystemFraud: betch Norlinsky: Suuuuuuuuuure SystemFraud: Oh dust knee SystemFraud: :D DustKnee: :D Norlinsky: I'm hungry but not hungry at the same time SystemFraud: i wanna be Dust mandible Monster: i'm so confused NorIinsky entered this board. Sayoka: where is jawfinger? Monster: ME TOO LONGCAT! NorIinsky: :o NorIinsky signed out. SystemFraud: rofl cobaltcolada: O_o Norlinsky: WTF!?!?!?!?!?! SystemFraud: ROFL Monster: O.o cobaltcolada: WEEE Norlinsky: Isn't that like power abuse!? pwanza: lmfao SystemFraud: the L i switcheroo JawKnee.: lmfao DustFinger.: how is it power abuse? Monster: omg the guy fallin down looks like one of those characters from that show naruto SystemFraud: ROFL cobaltcolada: Don't say cobaltcolada: Don't say cobaltcolada: anything cobaltcolada: Jeff. DustFinger.: Naruto is lame. Monster: hahaha JawKnee.: It is lame. JawKnee.: lol Norlinsky: STOP DICKIN' AROUND, JEFF SystemFraud: no way SystemFraud: Naruto is my life! SystemFraud: </3 DustFinger.: Naruto sucks. Norlinsky: Naruto!? Norlinsky: Nasty SystemFraud: XD SystemFraud: XD Sayoka: i hate naruto art style Sayoka: if it wasnt for that Norlinsky: Same Monster: woops, maybe i shouldn't have said anything Sayoka: i probably would watch it DustFinger.: I hate naruto SystemFraud: rofl Monster: hahaha SystemFraud: i dont mind naruto Norlinsky: I want to go drive but I have like 20 feet of snow cobaltcolada: I don't hate it, I just don't love it either, but I will say it is lame. Monster: dust, i'm gonna draw you apicture Monster: brb Monster switched to the lobby. pwanza: jawknee did you figure out dustknee? lol Norlinsky: I hate snow Sayoka: put snow shoes on your car JawKnee. signed out. DustKnee switched to the lobby. SystemFraud: asdfg SystemFraud: k cobaltcolada: jeff cobaltcolada: what kind of background DustFinger. switched to the lobby. cobaltcolada: should i do? SystemFraud: the stadium! SystemFraud: that would be so cool cobaltcolada: then you do it Sayoka: out snape in the bg SystemFraud: WHAT! SystemFraud: rofl Sayoka: put* SystemFraud: I can;t do it im noob =3 cobaltcolada: i don't have time SystemFraud: aw =( cobaltcolada: I gotta leave in like 40 minutes SystemFraud: okay do a simple bg then :P pwanza: weedie your a great pu, probably one of the best Moderator: Weedie is a bad pu pwanza: weedie comeone, your not Weedie: i am DDD: Concept: are you there? Concept: gone again.. lol Concept: well, back to my chippies. pawnie: yea pawnie: soz i on different windows Concept: you there? Concept: lol Concept: .. pawnie: lol Concept: you are such a window switcher Concept: stop it lol pawnie: lol pawnie: wanna hop? Concept: how many names do you have? pawnie: loads lol Concept: lol ok pawnie: over 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pawnie: xD Concept: where to? Concept: that isn't very many pawnie: its more than a zillion pawnie: xDD Concept: well Concept: ok then pawnie: a zillion is more than a gillion Concept: a gillion? Concept: what about Concept: a googleplex pawnie: lol pawnie: a killion is more than a zillion Concept: a killion..? pawnie: its more than a killion Concept: cool pawnie: xDDD Concept: is that real? pawnie: a hillion is more than a killion pawnie: yes Concept: i want it to be Concept: lol Concept: a hillion?? lol pawnie: i have more than a hillion names Concept: ok ok calm down Concept: lol pawnie: a villion is more than a hillion, i have more than a villion pawnie: xDDD Concept: what's more than a villion? pawnie: xillion pawnie: then a fillion Concept: and more than that? pawnie: then a jillion Concept: lol pawnie: then a quillion Concept: you are just making things up now pawnie: then a willion pawnie: then a rillion Concept: Lol pawnie: then a eillion Concept: then a pillion pawnie: then a yillion pawnie: then a ullion Concept: what about a tillion pawnie: yea pawnie: then a illion pawnie: then a oillion pawnie: then a dillion Concept: or a pwanzilllion pawnie: or a conceptillion Concept: or a reptilian pawnie: pwanzillion is more than a conceptillion pawnie: lol Concept: no way Concept: a conceptillion is the most pawnie: lol pawnie: xD Concept: it's more than infinitillion Concept likes pwanza's idea of hopping pawnie: lol pawnie waits for conni to finish reading her profile Concept: lol Concept: your profile is huge Concept: i want fun things to put in mine! Concept: lol Concept steals pawnie: ur back pawnie: yay pawnie: lol pawnie: jimi drew this pic of jesus & jimi and i typed it, he said stuff 2 lol Concept: Lol Concept: jimi and jesus Concept: the odd couple pawnie: lol pawnie: jimi: jesus christ pawnie: jesus: jimi christ pawnie: lol Concept: lol Concept: jimi is a pretty holy guy Concept: pawnie lets hop pawnie: kk pawnie hops with conni Welcome to the lobby. System: You are in chat-only mode. Loading... pawnie: ? pawnie: lol Concept: lol sorry, got distracted MasterB entered this board. Concept: let's roll pawnie: kk lol Concept: or hop Concept switched to the lobby. pawnie hops You entered <3 Pikachu. Welcome to the lobby. Loading... You entered stuff (talk,music,draw=D). panie: as u can see im already in here rofl xD pwanpwan: yes lol Concept: lol.. Concept: i should have guessed pawnie entered this board. pawnie: thats right Concept: with your pwanzillion names MasterB entered this board. panie: Hello Concept pwanpwan: Hello Concept Takeshi switched to the lobby. pawnie: Hello Concept MasterB: heya everyone Concept: the girl with purple hair is hot pawnie: rofl Concept: lol pawnie: LMAO CONNI fetusdoctor: y thank you Concept, I've been studying hotness for my drawings lately Concept gives fetusdoctor a gold star panie: LOL fetusdoctor receives gold star Concept: lol