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Long Warrior cats RP(so epictastic): SocksXD: RP time Starleaf: Pretend the leader is still asleep. SocksXD: ok SocksXD: Moonfall was setting up the patrols SocksXD: Virusstripe, you can hunt with rainriver SocksXD: While Silverpaw and Goldheart check the borders SocksXD: We need more people XD Kura.: mine is still out hunting xD (he has no name yet) SocksXD: k SocksXD: If you happen to bump into Kura then dont scold him, he was first up and wanted to hunt SocksXD: imma call you kura for now Kura.: ok xD Zel-Chan entered this board. Kura.: I think he's called Sparkfly SocksXD: alright Zel-Chan switched to the lobby. SocksXD: brb im thirsy Starleaf: Sunstar awoke and padded out of his den. " Your tackling your duties early again?" the old cat croaked with a smile. " Thats my girl." SocksXD: back boredassface entered this board. boredassface switched to the lobby. SocksXD: Moonfall smiled "They will be too awake too lsten by the time sun shows its face." virusstripe walked back to camp from hunting with only a small mouse he dropped it on the freash kill pile and padded over to sunstar "the prey is running low in the forest" Starleaf: He nodded and croaked, " I am on my last life. It wont be long till you become leader, dear." guest6822 entered this board. SocksXD: Moonfall let out a sigh... "You won't go anytime soon you still have tat sort of fire inside of you that never leaves." virusstripe: hi guest SocksXD: Overhearing virusstripe, moonfall said "Wait for the border patrol to arrive, perhaps an intruder has came amongst us." Starleaf: Sunstar smiled. " I liked your spunk and perkiness. Thats one reason you became deputy. Starleaf: " guest6822 switched to the lobby. SocksXD: Moonfall was petrified to think of the leader dieing, ever since her parents left tother cats have thought different of her and that she was evil also. The leader meant a great deal to her. Starleaf was still sleeping. She was dreaming. virusstripe was watching starleaf sleeping virusstripe: stalker much..... lol SocksXD: I was about to say that lol Starleaf: In her dream, a cat was talking to her. " The raining river will turn down the starry leaf, and will be torn between Silver and Moon. But the starry leaf will finally be whole, and show him the way." Kinzo entered this board. virusstripe: hiya Starleaf blinked her eyes open. She decided o keep quiet. She sat up and pondered over it. Starleaf: Sunstar padded back into his den and went back to sleep. SocksXD: Moonfall padded over too Starleaf, "Good morning! How was your sleep?" virusstripe jumped back as starleaf woke up virusstripe: before moon fall came in SocksXD: lol Starleaf: " Good..." she mumbled, still thinking. virusstripe: every time i see ur name im trhinking u are XD'ing SocksXD: . SocksXD: I know SocksXD: XD SocksXD: Moonfall smiled, even though her past she was still a happy cat with a good atitude very underestimated in strength though Kura.: brb D: virusstripe: k SocksXD: "Whats taking the border patrol so long..." AliseFox entered this board. Starleaf: Starleaf gasped. " They could be fighting!" SocksXD: "hmmm too much of that has been happening... Follow me,you two." Kura.: back x3 AliseFox signed out. virusstripe "me?" SocksXD: "Yes" SocksXD: "And starleaf." Starleaf: Starleaf dashed after Moonfall, worry prickling her pelt. Rainriver was on that patrol! (Brb gonna get a drink) virusstripe "oh ok im coming" he padded along tourist2 entered this board. SocksXD: She started to head towards the exit SocksXD: gaining speed thinking of what it could be tourist2 switched to the lobby. Starleaf: Starleaf suddenly took lead, using her sharp sense of smell to lead them all to the fighting. " Rogues!" SocksXD: "Hmm.... we have enough cats to bring thwm down. She slowed down, crowching in a bush," SocksXD: oops SocksXD: " in the wrong place virusstripe was worried and conflicted he never really liked fighting he was as small as a kit yet he was a fullwarrior it didnt matter now he had to fight Starleaf: Starleaf tackled a huge tom and sent it screeching away with a hard blow to its ear. SocksXD: Moonfall charged towards the bigger ones and managed to acheive her main goal: Blind it. Kinzo switched to the lobby. SocksXD: After she scratched its eyes, she did the same to the many others she bumped in to virusstripe attacked one of the roges with a powerful swipe to the head and it colapsed Kura.: Sparkfly was already with the patrol, having joined it earlier on his way back from hunting Starleaf: Starleaf ran over to help Rainriver with a calico she-cat. She bit its neck and sent it squealing. SocksXD: The 5 rouges that surrounded just Moonfall were all blind and depending on smell SocksXD: Being as smart as she is she rubbed her scent on all the cats there, and they started to fight eachother Starleaf: Starleaf bit two of their necks and they ran away. SocksXD: (all the cats surrounding her) Kura.: Sparkfly tackled a large rogue and starting raking its belly, it twisted with rage and bit his tail SocksXD: Moonfall awaited in a tree, watching the roughes she had tricked tear eachother apart. SocksXD: And then jumped down to continue battling virusstripe killed one of the rouges he was faceing then he was attacked from behind he was pinned down and then he fainted Kura.: Sparkfly lashed out with his front claws and clawed the rogue's scarred face Kura.: and it ran away screaming into the bushes Kura.: Sparkfly rushed to help Virusstripe, bowling over his attacker SocksXD: Moontail stopped, and ran over to Virusstripe as soon as she saw he was down. She picked his small body, and then realized more and more rouges appeared from bushes. "Retreat" She yowled Starleaf: Starleaf fought off the other three, then helped to finish off the rest. Kura.: Sparkfly, after hearing Moonfall, nipped the rogue's leg and raced over to join Moonfall SocksXD: Moonfall had started to sprint back to camp with Virusstripe on her back virusstripe //the rouges had devised a plan while all the cats were out they ate all the freash kill Kura.: Sparkfly sprinted alongside her "Do you need help?" he asked SocksXD: Thats messed up Kura.: /save System: Drawing saved. Use /load to load. SocksXD: "Im fine, hes only a small cat." We need to get back to camp though. Do you notice how vernerable our camp was? Starleaf: Starleaf was fast as the wind, her shorter legs giving her extra speed. When she called the leader, there was no answer. " Sunstar?" she called loudly. Kura.: "Oh, you're right! We must return to camp as soon as possible" Kura.: *replied Sparkfly Starleaf: ( Hes dead... Im so cruel.) Kura.: D: SocksXD: As soon as arriving, Moonfall ran into the med cats den, and lied down virustripe SocksXD: "He just collapsed out of no where" She hurriedly said, and ran out and into the leaders den Kura.: Sparkfly rushed around all the dens, checking if they were safe Starleaf: When she entered his den, she yowled. There was Sunstar, laying dead with a rogue drooling over him. She killed the rogue and wept at her leaders side. " NOOOOOOOO!" Kura.: Sparkfly ran to the leader's den when he heard Starleaf's cry SocksXD: Moonfall froze to the very sight of her leader's dead corpse Kura.: "Wha-" he broke off when he saw the dead body Kura.: (was Sunstar Moonfall's father? :O) Starleaf: Starleaf threw the rogues body out into the water. " We need to bury him." she mewed sadly. SocksXD: Moonfall felt uneasy and light headed, her whole world spun around and around over and over again, she was too upset to mutter the tiniest mew, and broke down in tears SocksXD: and no he isnt SocksXD: hes as close as it got though Kura.: ok Kura.: aww D: SocksXD: her real dad is evil with her mom and her brother Kura.: ooooh yeaah :O virusstripe woke up but was still alittle paralised from the pain //nomoon (med cat) "here eat these ill be right back i must tend to other cats" me walked out of the den Kura.: Sparkfly rested his tail on her shoulder, trying to comfort her Starleaf: Gotta erase Sunstar... Starleaf: Socks dont add star to Moonfall yet. SocksXD: I know Starleaf: There. SocksXD: She suddenly collapsed being Shaken m=by memories of her horrible past, her parents abused her and her brother ignored her. Kura.: we should merge layer 3 and 2 so we can add things to the drawings to do with the story :O virusstripe: okies Starleaf: Okay Kura.: Sparkfly gasped "Moonfall??" Requested layers have been merged. Kura.: He called out to the medicine cat Kura.: (who's the med cat again? XD) SocksXD: Idk virusstripe: i am nomoon Kura.: what's its name? :O virusstripe: im med virusstripe: nomoon ish the name Starleaf: Starleaf laid her tail gently on Moonfall's shoulder. " We have each other." she mewed quietly. Azzy. whispers: hey! Azzy. whispers: :D Kura.: /list SocksXD: She collasped (fainted) already XD Kura. whispers to Azzy.: Heey! :D Azzy. whispers: its been a realy long time Azzy. whispers: since ive talked to u Azzy. whispers: lol Kura.: Sparkfly called out again "Nomoon!!" Kura. whispers to Azzy.: Yeah :O :3 Azzy. whispers: XD Starleaf: Starleaf felt as if Moonfall needed a true friend. So, from then on, she decided, she would stay by Moonfall's side. Azzy. whispers: :O Azzy. whispers: XD virusstripe ran to sparkfly "whats wrong" Kura. whispers to Azzy.: XD virusstripe: nomoon* Kura.: "She collapsed!" he said, concerned SocksXD: brb Kura.: he looked down at Moonfall, his heart aching. Recently he'd been starting to really like her. Starleaf: IMA GONNA MAKE A NEW CAT. Starleaf: sry caps Kura.: xD virusstripe //nomoon "what happened" she said as she checked for scratches and injerys SocksXD: bak Kura.: "I think she fainted" Sparkfly whimpered Kura.: "Is she going to be alright??" virusstripe "she'll be fine she overworked herself is all help me bring her to my den please" Kura.: "Ok," he mewed, grabbing hold of Moonfall's scruff gently Starleaf: Starleaf stuck to Moonfall's side. tigerclaw99 entered this board. Kura.: they reached the medicine den and Sparkfly released Moonfall's scruff tigerclaw99 switched to the lobby. Starleaf: Rainriver looked wistfully a Moonfall. SocksXD: She was beggining to warm up in her sleep. Starleaf: *at virusstripe used magic herbs on moonfall huzah! "she'll be better when she wakes up" virusstripe: lol hazah Kura.: Sparkfly sat down beside Moonfall and watched Azzy. whispers: :3 Azzy. entered this board. SocksXD: After 30 or so minutes, her eyes opened just barely. Her eyes were red and stung because her crying was that bad. She felt horrible. Kura.: Hey Azzy :D Azzy.: :D Azzy.: hey Hika Azzy.: X3 Kura.: x3 Kura.: Sparkfly stared at her, "Are you ok?" he asked Azzy.: ima draw a kitty Azzy.: :3 Kura.: ok x3 Azzy.: a flying one apperently Azzy.: o3o Azzy.: XD SocksXD: She looked at him. "... yeah..." Kura.: XD Kura.: Releif flooded through him Owlz entered this board. Azzy.: OWLZ virusstripe //nomoon "here eat these" Azzy. glomps Owlz: :D Owlz is glomped SocksXD: She tried her best to eat, but she remebered Sunstar Azzy.: i went into keegs board and saw u drew there Azzy.: and i laughed Azzy.: cuz i know ur style so well Owlz: Yeah x.x Azzy.: X3 Owlz: XD Owlz: Iunno who to draw. Azzy.: hes a charmer, he knows how to get u to draw for him Azzy.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly looked at her sympatheticly Owlz: Nooo, he was going to use ORochi's line art D: Owlz: So I was forced to make him one Azzy.: XD SocksXD: She looked away, and then just swallowed them. She got up, and wanted to go sit by the river Azzy.: ima be Azureclaw Azzy.: :D Owlz: Ohhh, I can be OwlClaw or his spirit.. Kura.: (is the river in the camp? :O ) Azzy.: :D SocksXD: Not the one she likies Kura.: ok x3 SocksXD: She slowly padded toward the exit. And left silently. She knew the day would come but she didn't know what to think,he was gone forever. Owlz: Hhng, I feel like being a spirit cat. Kura.: when Moonfall had left, Sparkfly sighed and got to his paws, heading for the Warrior's den Starleaf: Starleaf slept, Hidingpelt giving her the monny eyes. Azzy.: nu owlz, be aliiiiive Owlz: Finee, I'll rp Owlclaw Azzy.: :D Kura.: Sparkfly padded past them to his nest near the back, and curled up Kura.: aww Azzy your cat is so cute x3 Azzy.: XD Azzy.: ty Kura.: np :D Owlz: x.x My dad is asking me if I want a my little pony movie. Im like 'Hell no!" virusstripe switched to the lobby. Kura.: XDDD virusstripe entered this board. Azzy.: urs is handsome Azzy.: :D Kura.: aww thanks :D virusstripe: back? Owlz: Mines scary x.x virusstripe: i eat lag rawr!! Azzy.: u didnt even draw it yet silly Azzy.: XD Owlz: XD SocksXD: She felt like sitting by her river all night, she dug a small hole and filled it with long dry grass and some moss. she just lieind down in the hole and listened to the little fish make tiny splashes. She dozed off, and fell asleep right there. Azzy.: irl i call my friends sillybutts Azzy.: o3o Starleaf: Silverpaw was napping. virusstripe went swiming SocksXD: brb Owlz: Im making OwlClaw a Somali mixed with Savannah Kura.: (should we make it the next morning now?) Azzy.: :D Starleaf: (Yea) Azzy. wonders if she can use green text :D Owlz: His bushy tail <3) Kura.: (ok) Azzy.: i decided to make azure's tail thin) Owlz: Ack Kura please excuse my lineart touching yours .-.; Kura.: oh it's alright :3 Owlz: Ok ^^; Kura.: ok guys it's the next morning now :O Starleaf: Starleaf awoketo find that Hidingpelt was gone. Strangely, she didnt feel whole without him by her side. Azzy.: ima ask for a tablet this birthday Azzy.: :D Azzy.: cuz irl my lines are thick Azzy.: @-@ Starleaf: I hav a tablet shyland entered this board. virusstripe is swiming Owlz: How does OwlClaw look? Azzy.: sexy Azzy.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly woke when bright sunlight slanted through the branches of the den Starleaf: Kewl Owlz: xD shyland: hi Owlz: Again I am changing his design SocksXD: back Kura.: hi :3 Azzy.: FFFfffy Kura.: wb :D Azzy.: XD Azzy.: wb SocksXD: thanies SocksXD: *thankies Kura.: np :3 shyland switched to the lobby. SocksXD: lol Owlz: No probies. SocksXD: those people are good o: SocksXD: Well anyways Starleaf: Hidingpelt entered the den and gave her a juicy mouse. She licked her lips and gobbled it up. Kura.: Sparkfly's ear twitched in irritation, he wanted to sleep longer, but the light was too bright Kura.: he rose to his paws and padded out the den Starleaf: Rainriver was looking at Moonfall, wishing he had the courage to ask her. SocksXD: Moonfall woke up in a clear opening, that somewhat looked like a camp. She didn't recognize it at all.... Kura.: (is moonfall still asleep at the river? :O) SocksXD: no the rouges found, and stole her Owlz: Im gonna start of as a trouble making Rogue >3 Starleaf: ( Lets say shes Moonstar now.) SocksXD: ok Kura.: (ok is she back at camp? :3) SocksXD: shes at there camp Kura.: ok x Kura.: *x3 Kura.: Sparkfly stretched and yawned, then began to go towards the camp entrance to go hunting SocksXD: Worried, she looked around. She had completely no idea, and was in no shape for a fight. Starleaf: Silverpaw followed to gather herbs. She would get her full name soon! Kura.: the forest was bright with sunlight and the scent of mouse brushed Sparkfly's scent glands SocksXD: She called out into the space, "Show yourself! Your nothing but a coward for taking me! Stupid furballs!" she hissed Starleaf: Silverpaw snatched some snakerooot. Azzy.: Azureclaw awoke, yawning and arching her back. She bagan to groom the scraps of moss from her pelt, deep blue eyes flashing open every now and again. ZammyCat entered this board. ZammyCat: errrr SocksXD: Suddenly a large tom walked into the opening, "Well well well looks like our little guest has awakened." She heard chuckles of agreement in the backround Kura.: Sparkfly dropped into a hunting crouch and began stalking through the undergrowth ZammyCat switched to the lobby. Azzy.: fffffff Azzy.: XD Starleaf: Starleaf's sharp hearing picked up Moonfalls voice. She dashed toward it, Hidingpelt running after. virusstripe got out of the water and shoke of the water from his fur he brought a fish to the freash kill pile and went to sleep //nomoon was sorting herbs when the leafs fell in an off position "oh no it cant be" she padded out of her den "wheres leader" SocksXD: Her fur on end, she was hissing, and was tense. Owlz: There, OwlClaw is done x.x Azzy.: <3 Owlz: His Somali-ness Owlz: <'3 Kura.: Sparkfly pounced on the mouse and killed it, burying it to collect later Owlz: Ok, Ima start off as a rogue. Azzy.: XD Starleaf: Starleaf dashed into the clearing, hissing. " Where are those mouse-brains?" Kura.: he went for a walk deeper into the forest SocksXD: "Awh shes so cute, look at how angry she can get!" He muttered with a chuckle. "I'm in no mood for your arrogance, dumb cat. You should back away and let me go or I will have to be forced to attack you." SocksXD: She sputtered at him Starleaf: Starleaf pounced on the rogue, biting his neck as hard as she could, SocksXD: He kicked her off with a small laugh Kura.: (Owl, should we make it that Sparkfly finds Owlclaw in their territory? :3) virusstripe //nomoon "were's leader!!" Starleaf: Starleaf clung on. SocksXD: Moonstar hissed, and joined her new friend in the attack. foodsthebest entered this board. foodsthebest switched to the lobby. SocksXD: He flung them both off with no hesitation. Owlz: OwlClaw strutted silently along the riverside far from the camp itself, his eyes perked up and ears flicking. He had a very dim orange pelt with dark brown stripes and gleaming yellow eyes. His tail was bushed out like a foxes, making him seem more canine like than usually. (Alright Kura ^^) He yawned, prodding a paw into the water before leaping acrossed, his long lush fur sinking to the top while he grapled his claws into the rock, pulling himself back up onto the bank. Kura.: (wait, is there a rogue in Moonstar's den? :O) SocksXD: No They took her into there camp cuz they found her sleepin at the river Starleaf: Starleaf jumped under the rogue,opened up his flank, then dashed on top of him again. SocksXD: He bleed a tiny bit, barely flinching Kura.: ooh ok :O Kura.: A new scent came to Sparkfly Azzy.: Azureclaw yawned again and looked around. She sighed, not seeing many cats and camp. "There must be hunting patrols out already.....i missed them." She growled to herself and walked to the freshkill pile, picking out a nice juicy vole. She ate her breakfast quietly, finishing it and licking her mouth clean. Azureclaw sighed and decided to hunt a bit on her own, the camp needed a refill on freshkill anyway. SocksXD: "You tow pesky cats make me laugh!" Owlz: Btw OwlClaw smells like a fox a tad. Kura.: "Rogues!" he hissed, he dropped into a crouch again and started to follow the scent Starleaf: Hidingpelt's fur helped him hide in the bushes. He leapt out and clawed the rogues neck open. Kura.: Or is it fox? He asked himself, the scent was confusing Owlz: OwlClaw shook out his fur,lapping at his sherbert chest while his auds flicked against his skull. Quietly, the toms head cocked, tail slumped against the ground. Azzy.: Azureclaw was alarmed by the scent of fox. Her pelt prickled as she finished burrying a finch. SocksXD: Moonstar launched a flurry of attacks, after the other. She released every bit of anger she possibly could Kura.: Sparkfly spotted the rogue, sitting by the river Kura.: he leaped out of cover, hissing Starleaf: Starleaf and Hidingpelt did the same, confusing the rogue, Kura.: "What are you doing here? Who are you???" virusstripe: brb SocksXD: But stopped suddenly. "You... I know you!" she started to break down again. "Father...?" she was just able to mew. Azzy.: Azureclaw let the scent hit the roof of her mouth. She could smell Sparkfly nearby too and she crouched, seeing Sparkfly. She didn't call to him so she wouldn't alarm what ever he was tracking. Owlz: OwlClaw yowled, sputtering backwards while nearly falling into the river. "Ack! I was only passing through ya Warrior." He sneered, ears folding as his tail curled between his back feet. "My name is OwlClaw." He murmered, eyes narrowed. Starleaf: Starleaf and Hidingpelt jumped of, but ready to defend their leader. Starleaf: *off SocksXD: "Its about time you say that!" He spat at her "You havent changed a bit! Aweak furball with no spine as usual!" Kura.: Sparkfly hissed again "You shouldn't be in our clan's territory!" Azzy.: Azureclaw hissed. It wasn't a fox, it was a rogue! She stood beside Sparkfly, back arched defensivly. Kura.: Sparkfly was aware of Azureclaw beside him Azzy.: lol Owlz: OwlClaw bit his lip, eyes flashing open at a familier face. His heart sunk, head curving away. "Hhng, and you shouldn't be so quick to assume I am hurting something of you Clan." Starleaf: Starleaf's anger bubbled. " You do NOT talk to our leader like that." she hissed, matching his sharp gaze, her small body ready to attack. SocksXD: she looked at him with anger in her eyes, "I will never stop to think about my choice as in to stay in the clan. They are the best thing that happned to me." SocksXD: "You, could never take that away from me, as hard as you try..." She said Azzy. 's eyes softened at sight of Owlclaw, recognizing him. She held her ground, pelt bristling. She would defend her clan mate if she needed to. Starleaf: Starleaf's claws silently slid out again, ready for battle. Kura.: "When a rogue is in our territory, it makes me think you are danger!" he snarled sarcastically Azzy.: dang iy Azzy.: dangit* Azzy.: i ment not to use green Azzy.: X Azzy.: D Kura.: lol xDS Kura.: *xD Azzy.: XD* nickname123 entered this board. Azzy.: typo fairy nickname123 switched to the lobby. SocksXD: "Ahh... I see... But I have already taken your prescious leader." Her father said. Her eyes shot wide. Kura.: Sparkfly took a step closer to the rogue, claws unsheathed Owlz: OwlClaw's tail stayed slumped between his legs, looking slightly skinny. "Im not threat. I was in a Clan before and I have ever right to pass through as you do when traveling to Clan Meetings." Starleaf: Hidingpelt shot out of the bushes and cracked the rogues skull. Owlz: Hiding which rouge are you talking about? Azzy.: Azureclaw's pelt relaxed. She looked at Sparkfly, unsure how he would react. Kura.: Sparkfly's eyes narrowed with curiousity "Which clan were you in?" he asked Starleaf: Moostars evil father Azzy. 's eyes glistened. "Same i was in...." SHe looked at the ground. Azzy.: DANGIT Azzy.: XD Kura.: XDD Azzy.: im so used to that Azzy.: XD Owlz: OwlClaw dunked his head down against the grass, mouth parted slightly. "I was..in HunterClan before 'drowning' to protect me daughter.." He whispered, ears folding. Kura.: Sparkfly looked at her, confused "What?" Owlz: xD Azure) Azzy.: XD) Starleaf: ( There is CoastClan (us), CryptClan, CrystalClan, and CartClan.) Owlz: my* Owlz: not me* SocksXD: She stared at him in the eye, standing tall now. "You could never make me cry. You are just trying to make me. I'm not going to make this fun for you anymore." She said. She released a furious attack, making him bleed badly. Azzy.: Azureclaw folded her ears. "We were in HunterClan.......remember whan Moonstar found me....as a rogue." Azzy.: when* Azzy.: ffffff) Kura.: XD Starleaf: (brb gtg 4 a while Socks can RP my cats) SocksXD: He was shocked, dont get dull rouges! kill these excusees for cats! Starleaf switched to the lobby. SocksXD: oh ok Azzy.: durhur) Kura.: Sparkfly relaxed a bit "Oh... you know him?" SocksXD: As the lot of cats launched furious attacks starleaf had been fighting with her, as well as Hidingpelt. Owlz: OwlClaw shut his eyes, memories flooding the back of his mind while breathing softly. He didn't answer, no knowing what Azureclaw was going to say. Azzy.: Azureclaw "y-yes." She didn't know how much more she should tell him. She looked at Owlclaw and her heart twisted in a knot. Azzy.: :D knot cancer) Azzy.: XD) SocksXD: Moonstar told Starleaf to go get help, since she was fastest. virusstripe: back Kura.: Sparkfly looked from the rogue to Azureclaw and back virusstripe joined in the fight Kura.: "Should we let him go?" he whispered to Azureclaw Owlz: OwlClaw's eyes narrowed, ears folding. "I should be going.." He whispered, slowly getting to his feet while his tail remained curled. virusstripe: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=fail#/d2nafns XD SocksXD: Starleaf jolted out of the action and into the forest desperately searching for help, she suddenly bumped into Sparkfly and the rouge Kura.: Sparkfly kept his eyes fixed on the rogue Azzy.: Azureclaw looked down, her eyes closed so that the scar over her eye was more visible SocksXD: "Help!" She yelled at him. "Moonstar's father returned and is killing off Moonstar and Hidingpelt as we speak!!!" She looked at him with worry. Kura.: "Don;t come back!" he hissed to the rogue, still quite defensive of his territory Owlz: OwlClaw slung to his side, avoiding being rammed into by the other cat. "It..was nice seeing you again, Lovely." He whispered, watching Azureclaw before bolting back across the river, pelt drenched in the water. Azzy.: Azureclaw watched him go, taking a step forward. Her eyes glistened with new tears. SocksXD: Starleaf had already begun to start running back. Kura.: Sparkfly watched him go Kura.: *glaring Owlz: That was fun fer me for all of five minutes. Azzy.: XD Kura.: XD Kura.: he turned to Azureclaw. "Are you ok?" he asked SocksXD: "COME ON!" She yelled at him. "MOONSTAR AND HIDINGPELT ARE DIEING!" Azzy.: Azureclaw looked at him "F-fine." Her tail rested on him reasuringly, although she felt like crap (lol) Kura.: XD Owlz: OwlClaw carried himself back up onto the other side of the river, looking back at Azureclaw with pleading eyes. He only stood there, slowly raising one paw and began to walk, knowing nothing would make her leave a Clan yet again. Kura.: "Ok, we better get back to camp" he mewed, unaware that the leader had been taken away SocksXD: Starleaf had already arrived at camp, searching for everyone. Azzy.: Azureclaw nodded, giving one last fleeting glance at Owlclaw, a pang of regret hit her like a claw. Kura.: (is Moonstar and Higingpelt and that still away?) virusstripe is going to have a baby 0.o SocksXD: yes they are and they are being killed bye her father and his clan of rouges Azzy.: lolwut Azzy.: XD Kura.: :O SocksXD: Right now Starleaf is looking for help Azzy.: i had thunderthighs Azzy.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly and Azureclaw reached camp and Sparkfly headed for the leader's den to report the rogue to Moonstar Owlz: OwlClaw bit his lip, not turning his head back around knowing it would kill him to see her. She moved on. He only yowled low, tail dragging across the dirt while his eyes shut slightly. Azzy.: Azureclaw followed, her shoulders slumped in sadness. Kura.: when he reached it, Moonstar wasn't there. He stared in confusion Kura.: "Where's Moonstar?" he mewed to no one in particular SocksXD: Starleaf ran up to him and the other "MOONSTAR AND HIDINGPELT ARE BEING TORN TO SHREADS! WE NEED HELP AND FAST! AS WE TALK SHE IS BEING KILLED OFF!" Azzy.: Azureclaw bristled in alarm. "Wh-where's Moonstar?!" Kura.: "What????" Sparkfly exclaimed Kura.: "Where??!!" he hissed urgently Azzy.: Azureclaw hissed in fear at Starleaf's voice. "What?" SocksXD: "JUST COME ON!" She yelled sprinting off into the woods Kura.: his mind was spinning Kura.: Sparkfly sprang after her Azzy.: Azureclaw's paws pounded as she chased after her, tail billowed and bristled. virusstripe brought a kit into camp SocksXD: Shortly after they arrived to the area, and Moonstar was in Her fathers jaws Azzy.: Please be ok please be ok....she chanted Owlz: OwlClaw's ears perked, slowly laying down against the dirt, eyes staring back acrossed the river, muzzle burried into the dirt. Kura.: Sparkfly felt his whiskers trembling with fear for Moonstar Owlz: I has OwlClaw's theme song finnaly x.x; Azzy.: Azureclaw hissed at sight of Moonstar, her body bruised and cut. Azzy.: d'aw owlclaw D: SocksXD: Moonstar still tryed to fight even though her condition was looking bad, she was scratching him while being choked by his grip on her throat. Kura.: Sparkfly screetched and flung himself at Moonstar's attacker SocksXD: Hidingpelt had been trying to fight them all off, but had no hope for that Azzy.: Azureclaw jumped at the rogue without hesitation "Let her go!!' she hissed, landing on his back. SocksXD: Her father turned around and kicked him off with hhis back paw SocksXD: "Your making it worse for her!" He laughed Azzy.: Azureclaw dug in with her teeth and claws "I won't let go til you do!" Kura.: Sparkfly landed with a thump on the ground after being kicked, then spun around and lept at Moonstar's father again Owlz: OwlClaw slid his tail around the side of his body, eyes still pleading to himself. He listened to the river's current, wanting to jump back in it and let go again completely. SocksXD: He shook her violently Kura.: he clamped his jaws round his leg tightly virusstripe looked around placed the kit down and groomed its fur Azzy.: Azureclaw flew off, yowling quite loud. She hit the ground with a sickening thud. Kura.: Sparkfly let go with alarm and stared at Azureclaw Owlz: OwlClaw's head cocked up, ears lurching forward. "Azure." He whispered, getting to his feet. SocksXD: "Your not helping!" he said while laughing histerically. You lot back off, restrain these fools. The lot of cats held them all in place. "I want you guys to see just exactly what I'm doing to your prescious leader. Kura.: Sparkfly's eyes flicked back to Moonstar. Who would he help? Azzy.: Azureclaw lay there, sides heaving. Her fur was streaked with dirt. SHe began to get up, shaking uncontrollably. Azzy.: :D Azzy.: epic rp is epic Azzy.: :D Kura.: (are rogues holding onto them all? :O) SocksXD: XD SocksXD: Yeah they are restraining them from attacking Kura.: ok D: SocksXD: So her dad is going to torture her infront of them all Owlz: OwlClaw bunched his muscles, body bolting forward and once again darted across the river, mouth parted and a snarl placed across his lips. "Who ever hurt her is going to be in it for a serious beating!" She yowled, tail leashing acrossed leaves and branches twards the scent of Azureclaw and the others. virusstripe has no clue that any thing is going on at all..... he paused he thought he smelled fox but he didnt worry because the sent was stale he continued to groom the kits fur Kura.: Sparkfly hissed and wriggled under the rogue's grip Owlz: OwlClaw to the rescuueeee Azzy.: Azureclaw had one eye squinted. She spat in irritation she stood there, her lungs had collapsed momentarily from the hit Azzy.: XD SocksXD: Moonstar was gasping for air, and went limp for a moment. Kura.: Sparkfly scraped at the ground in frustration. "LET GO OF HER!!" he yowled SocksXD: He dropped her SocksXD: s she dead already??? SocksXD: He giggled with joy Azzy.: Azureclaw gasped for air, looking at the rogue with hate. Kura.: one of Sparkfly's legs tripped the rogue who was holding him still, and he leaped at Moonstar's father Owlz: OwlClaw skidded to a stop behind a bush, seeing the warriors and rouges while slowly leaping from the bushes and landing behind his old companion. He snarled, looking twards the others while wanting to walk beside her but stood back, ears perked and eyes bright. SocksXD: She got up just barely, and blood dripped from her body. "You can kill me, but never my spirit. If I die today you will regret ever putting your paws on my friends. I will not ccry for you!" She yelled so everyone could hear Kura.: Sparkfly landed ungracefully ontop of Moonstar's father's back, digging his claws in deeply Azzy.: Azureclaw was in pain, but she was aware of a cat beside her. She wondered if it was Starclan. She spat and leapt at Moonstar's father. "You're gonna pay!" (epic battle music mhm) Azzy.: XD SocksXD: She whispered to herself for Sunstars strngth Kura.: Sparkfly grabbed the back of Moon's father's neck tightly, trying to shake it SocksXD: He didnt move at all Owlz: OwlClaw slowly padded twards Azureclaw, his head resting against her shoulder while keeping his eyes narrowed, tail against the ground. (Lol short post :D) Azzy.: Azureclaw bit into her father's leg, her jaws clamping tightly until she drew blood. Kura.: Sparkfly growled in frustration Azzy.: :D Kura.: he lashed out furiously with his claws SocksXD: Her father looked at her with a scornful face, she suddenly launched a powerful attack, knocking him off his feet SocksXD: on the ground, she started to tear at his stomach virusstripe //a fox swooped into camp were virusstripe was and attepted to steal the kit //virusstripe got into defensive mode when the fox leaped at him then he snaped its neck killing it but in the last moment the fox killed him in one swipe virusstripe yowled "heeeeeelpppp meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!" Owlz: Wait whert? SocksXD: and Hidingpely joined in Azzy.: Azureclaw let go, pantinting. She felt Owlclaw beside her and finally knew who it was, looking at him Kura.: Sparkfly fell with her father and the breath got knocked our of him as he landed on him Kura.: *out Azzy.: her eyes were clouded in pain* virusstripe died Azzy.: lolwurt? SocksXD: She was viciously tearing at his stomach SocksXD: OH NOEZ Owlz: OwlClaw's ears folded, looking back at her with soft eyes, muzzle burried into her shoulder. Kura.: he tried to pull himself out from underneath the heavy weight, but it was too hard Azzy.: Azureclaw shuddered in pain, her tongue hit his head lightly and she collapsed, shuddering. SocksXD: she was so caught up and had so much addrenalin, and sunstars strength, she flipped him off SocksXD: of sparkfly virusstripe //the small kit sqealled out of hunger Owlz: OwlClaw's eyes widened, whining low as his tail raised, nosing her chest. "Azure. Azureclaw!" He spat biting his lip while nuzzling under her chin, ears flattened. Kura.: Sparkfly's eyes had closed when he felt the weight lift off him SocksXD: Her father hadf fianlly fallen, and was within the bad place whatever it is called in warrior cats Kura.: he looked over to see Moonstar attacking her father with extreme strength Azzy.: Azureclaw opened her eyes and they were bright in anger like new sapphires. She braced herself against him. She hissed and looked back at him. She walked and stood in front of Sparkfly to protect him while he recovered. Kura.: Place of no stars? XD SocksXD: sure Azzy.: XD Azzy.: she hissed at moonstars father, not owl Azzy.: FFFFFFFAIL POST Azzy.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly stood up shakily and saw Azureclaw standing in front of him Owlz: OwlClaw blinked, suddenly sinking backwards as she got up and walked infront of SparkFly. He stood there, ears folding. Owlz: Poor Owl ;-; Azzy.: D:) Kura.: he stepped forward to stand beside her SocksXD: She looked at the rest of the lot, and said "Leave, now. Or you will end up worse than your leader." She looked at her dead father. They all scurried away out of the forest. Azzy.: Azureclaw hissed at Moonstars father, hurling herself at a rogue. She sunk her teeth into his neck, all the fury bottled up in her unleashing on the rogue. SocksXD: Hes dead already XD Azzy.: :D Azzy.: epic death hiss Azzy.: XD Kura.: when Sparkfly saw Owlclaw, he thought he was on Moon's father's side, and launched an attack on Owlclaw Kura.: he battered his face with his front claws, rage clouding his vision Kura.: not his own face, Owlclaw's XD Azzy.: Azureclaw turned with a hiss, she folded her ears. She couldn't help Owlclaw without betraying her clan. SHe hung her head. SocksXD: Moonstar pulled him off, "STOP THAT OWLCLAW!" Owlz: OwlClaw yowled, eyes shutting as a force hit him in the chest, making the tom fly backwards and his his shoulders against the ground, claws raking his face. "N-no!" He wailed, trying to push the tom off without fighting Owlz: OWlclaw isnt attacking! Spark is attacking inoccent Owlclaw!) SocksXD: I know SocksXD: she was telling him it was you Owlz: Oh ok XD) SocksXD: XD Azzy.: Azureclaw bit Sparkfly's scruff and pulled him off. Azzy.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly turned on her and scored his claws across her face, thinking she was another rogue Azzy.: Azureclaw hissed in fear. She felt the scratches rake her pretty face. Owlz: OwlClaw whinced, head slamming against the ground as his body fell sideways, eyes bleeding slightly from the multipull scratches. Kura.: then he saw her, he stared at her in confusion SocksXD: She yanked him off of Azureclaw, "PLEASE STOP SPAKFLY!!!" SocksXD: *sparkyfly Kura.: (who yanked him off? xD) SocksXD: **sparkfly Owlz: Sparkfly* SocksXD: Moonstar Kura.: oooh Kura.: he looked round at her and saw deep sorrow in her eyes Azzy.: Azureclaw stood, panting. Her eyes were clouded with confusion and love. She looked at Sparkfly, blood dripping from scratches over her eyes. Kura.: he looked down at his claws, blood dripped from them Azzy.: blood drips ftw Azzy.: :D Kura.: he turned to look at Azureclaw again Kura.: XD SocksXD signed out. Kura.: his face was shocked and sad Kura.: "Azureclaw..." he whispered Azzy.: Azureclaw panted, her eyes were the same shining blue. Owlz: OwlClaw whimpered, coughing raspily while trying to stand up, eyes squinted shut. "He..he blinded me! That tom blinded me when I did nothing!" He yowled, turning his mangled eyes twards them Owlz: Owlclaw is blind :D Kura.: D: XD Azzy.: D: Azzy.: d'aw Azzy.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly's eyes were fixed on Azureclaw's bleeding face virusstripe: i is dead...... Kura.: "I.... I'm... I..." he stuttered in disbeleif, he'd attacked his friend! Kura.: ohnoes D: Owlz: FFFt, Kura ignored meh then >3> -sarcasticangeryfaceplease- Kura.: XD Azzy.: Azureclaw closed her eyes and walked forward, headbutting him in the chest, her head resting under his chin. Her blood dripped on his fur. Azzy.: NOES Azzy.: XD Azzy.: D: Kura.: "Azureclaw, I'm... I'm so sorry" Kura.: he nuzzled her head Azzy.: Azureclaw isnt really aware of anythig right now Azzy.: XD virusstripe: some one has to find me the fox and the kit Owlz: OwlClaw spat, eyes shut as blood ran acrossed his face. He slowly opened one eye, looking at Azure. "You..you traitor..I thought you loved ME!" He snarled, blood insted of tears running acrossed his face. Kura.: Sparkfly turned his head to Owlclaw "What?" he asked in disbeleif. Azzy.: Azureclaw shuddered and stood there. her ears folded at the sound of Owlclaw's voice. Her eyes turned to look at him (her head lol) Tears ran down her face, hot and wet. Azzy.: her eyes shining* Azzy.: FFFFF Azzy.: XD Azzy.: not her eyes turned Azzy.: XD Kura.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly couldn't forgive himself for wounding his clanmate like that Owlz: OwlClaw snarled once again, teeth bared in disbalief. "She was my mate..cheated on me once and she does it again! Right now!" He wailed, falling backwards as his one eye started turning a sickening red. "And I..I loved you.." He whispered, face mangled as his mouth turned to a pathetic crease. "And this is my thanks I get for being there for you?" Kura.: Sparkfly stared at them both in confusion. So much was going on Azzy.: Azureclaw's eyes rounded in sadness. "You........i thought you were dead.....i searched for you......by the river.." she trailed off, before burrying her head in SParkfly's fur again. Kura.: Sparkfly rested his chin on her head Kura.: "Get out of here" he hissed to Owlclaw, still thinking he was one of Moonstar's father's rogues Azzy.: With the tendons broken on her left paw (an old wound) her claws sat out always, blackened from the dirt. She shuffled her disfigured paw, hiding it from view. (A badger :D) Azzy.: a badger bit into her paw and threw her by it D: Owlz: OwlClaw whinced, standing up. "Im no l-longer needed in your life Azureclaw. And your daughter, she is the most beautifull thing you could have seen. But like always I screw it up." He wailed, using his own claw to tear down his eyes even more. "So I'll leave you and your..your mate here. If you need me I'll be drowning in the river!" He snarled, looking at SparkFly. "This is OwlClaw you fricken cat. YOU blinded me!" Owlz: Ima kill OwlClaw off again x.x; Azzy.: x-x Owlz: Whaat? xXxSOCKSxXx entered this board. xXxSOCKSxXx: Wooooops Azzy.: Azureclaw looked at him, blood had run down her face. xXxSOCKSxXx: I disconnected Azzy.: o3o Azzy.: u missed the dramaaa Azzy.: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: OH NOEZ xXxSOCKSxXx: what happened Azzy.: the win dramaaa Azzy.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly stared at him, taken aback. Azureclaw had kits? The rogue was going to drown himself?? Kura.: dramaaaaa Kura.: xD xXxSOCKSxXx: omfg xXxSOCKSxXx: wait xXxSOCKSxXx: whatt?! Kura.: cha Kura.: D: xXxSOCKSxXx: XD Azzy.: Azureclaw's body shuddered with soft sobs. She gritted her teeth, not wanting to move from Sparkfly, feeling safe by him. Owlz: OwlClaw sneered, suddenly feeling something choke inside of his throat. "Mabye..I should die right here for your face to remember.." He whispered, raising his claw to his jugular, muzzle tilted forwards. "You dont need me.." Azzy.: D: Azzy.: Ffffffffffff Azzy.: XD Kura. whispers to Azzy.: sparkfly gasped and pulled Azureclaw closer to him Kura. whispers to Azzy.: sparkfly gasped and pulled Azureclaw closer to him xXxSOCKSxXx: is moonstar there or no? Owlz: Im pissed that Im killing Owlclaw off for a third time x.x Kura.: woops sorry Azzy Kura.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly gasped and pulled Azureclaw closer to him Kura.: (sent that as a whisper by mistake D:) xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar felt a pang of jelousy XD Azzy.: Azureclaw's ears flew back and she looked at Owlclaw. She shuddered, stepping toward him. Her eyes were closed, bloody. She stood a taillength away from him. She opened her mouth to speak, then shuddered and collapsed. Kura.: XD Azzy.: NOES Azzy.: D: Azzy.: XD Kura.: "Azureclaw!" Sparkfly yowled Azzy.: DUN DUN DDDUUUUUNNNN Azzy.: XD Kura.: he moved over to her and stood over her body protectively Kura.: XD Azzy.: Azureclaw didn't respond. Blood pooled by her face slowly. Kura.: Sparkfly stared at her. He did this to her. He wounded her xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar raced back to camp, trying to find a med cat Azzy.: who is meddy Azzy.: o3o Owlz: OwlClaw head her collapse, only to rake his claws against his throat, quickly making himself fall backwards against the ground, blood running through his fur and down onto the ground, raspy coughs seesing into the air. He let his red eyes remain open, only to fade into a crystalized pool of crimson. xXxSOCKSxXx: idk Kura.: he let out a faint whimper and bent to lick Azure's wound Owlz: heard* Azzy.: d'aw Azzy.: Owly died D8) Kura.: DD: xXxSOCKSxXx: noez!!! Owlz: Alright, Im gonna go. OwlClaw was betrayed again. -claps silently- So That means I should go draw him a second death picture. Azzy.: D: Kura.: Sparkfly looked up at the sound of Owlclaw choking Kura.: DD: Kura.: He stared in horror Kura.: dun dun dunnnn xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar had finally found a meddie and went back to the scene Owlz: OwlClaw weezed, looking twards Azureclaw. "I..love..you.." He whispered, slowly letting his voice fade out. Owlz: And I have to go in a minute anyways. xXxSOCKSxXx: She had no idea what happened while she left and was in dismay as she heard tose words slip to the other cat Kura.: DD: Awww :C Azzy.: Azureclaw's breathing was loud and rapid. She opened her eyes in silence, watching Owlclaw's spirit fly. She choked, able to see him. She closed her eyes and whispered "I love you....." She choked, eyes closing (She didn't die :D) Owlz: So, harde hard har Azzy.: D: Owlz: <=.=> So tired of killing him off.. Azzy.: o3o Azzy.: <(u.u)> Kura.: "Azureclaw!" Sparkfly screeched. He thought she died. Kura.: D: Owlz: Hhnng. xXxSOCKSxXx: The meddie (whoever it is) tried there best to stop her bleeding Kura.: he started licking her face again, his thoat tightening Owlz: See ya later guys. Kura.: D: Kura.: byeee D: xXxSOCKSxXx: awhhhz bye ): Owlz switched to the lobby. virusstripe: back Azzy.: Azureclaw sputtered, and looked up at him again. Her scratched eye was closed and swollen. She felt the Meddie treat her and Sparkfly's licks. She waited to be brought to camp and be able to sleep. Azzy.: D: Kura.: D: xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar looked down trying not to cry Kura.: "Azureclaw.,.." Sparkfly whispered, pressing his nose to her fur xXxSOCKSxXx: The med cat said she was still breathing and we need her back to camp to get some poppyseeds in her quick, Azzy.: Azureclaw meowed. She opened her hurt eye, it's bright shocking blue now visible again. Kura.: when he looked at her again, he realised that he loved her. He looked at Moonstar, torn between his love for her and his love for Azure Azzy.: DRAMA xXxSOCKSxXx: O: EPICC Azzy.: FTW Azzy.: :D Kura.: IKR? D: Kura.: I might save this story, it's so epic ;D Azzy.: durhur Kura.: lmao Azzy.: me too Azzy.: XD Kura.: :D Kura.: xD Kura.: and I might keep Sparky as a character :O Azzy.: :D xXxSOCKSxXx: She said to sparkfly, "get her on your back, we need her to get back to camp for some proper herb treatment it is all there xXxSOCKSxXx: She had determination in her eyes Azzy.: Azzys a small kitty Azzy.: :D Azzy.: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: ... xXxSOCKSxXx: hmm.. xXxSOCKSxXx: DO IT ANYWAYS xXxSOCKSxXx: XD Kura.: Sparkfly nodded absently and pushed his head under Azureclaw's small body and onto his back Azzy.: :D Azzy.: small Azzy.: :D Kura.: XD manana entered this board. Azzy.: Azureclaw lost consiousness. She felt safe enough to sleep. Kura.: he curled his tail onto his back, onto Azureclaw, protectively Azzy.: :D Kura.: :D manana: AHHHH Azzy.: Ffff Azzy.: XD manana: AHHHHHHH Kura.: XD manana: THESE CATS Kura.: D: manana: HAVE RADIATION POISONING xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar felt that same pang of jelousy she did before X3 Kura.: they do? manana: MUTANTS!!!!!!!! Kura.: D: Kura.: lullll manana: SILVERPAW manana: OH GOD manana: WHY?!?!??!! Azzy.: o3o Azzy.: -cough- xXxSOCKSxXx: Not meh charrie xXxSOCKSxXx: ok ok contine the rp manana: I MUST DRAW A MEDIC Kura.: anyway XD xXxSOCKSxXx: She tried to collect cobweb on the way back, even tough she was jeolous she was still another cat that needed help virusstripe signed out. Azzy.: Azureclaw felt herself being carried to camp Azzy.: :D Azzy.: im so discriptive Azzy.: "D Azzy.: :"D* Kura.: when the eventually reached camp, Sparkfly slowly put Azureclaw down onto the grass in the medicine cat clearing Kura.: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: She was able to find some in her run, and tred to put them on Azureclaw's wounds Azzy.: Azureclaw coughed, gaining consiousness. She looked at Sparkfly. xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar, who was bleeding badly herslef, continued to go find more manana "Azureclaw, I can help you..." Azzy.: XD manana "Prepare for your examination..." Azzy.: wtf Azzy.: lol Kura.: Sparkfly licked Azure's wounded face Colin. entered this board. Kura.: XD Azzy.: Azureclaw looked up at him and coughed again Azzy.: Colin xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar returned with more cobweb and continued to put them on her wounds Azzy.: :DDD manana "take a deep breathe and cough" Azzy. glomps Colin Colin.: C8 Azzy.: 8D xXxSOCKSxXx: Leaving a trail of blood behind her, she again left camp, except she didnt exactly retun this time. manana "You have seconds to live!" Kura.: Moonstar didn't returnn??? D: xXxSOCKSxXx: She sat down by her river Kura.: oh good, I thought she died xD xXxSOCKSxXx: And started to become more and more jeleous of Azureclaw manana: "We need ten cc's of pencillin stat!" xXxSOCKSxXx: While she stared into her river, she was trying to calm herself Azzy.: Azureclaw opened her eyes and licked his face. manana: "Her nevous system is screaming in agony!" Azzy.: o3o xXxSOCKSxXx: She felt herself start to tear up a bit, and couldnt caml herself Kura.: Sparkfly's eyes glittered as he looked down into her blue eyes manana: YABUL manana switched to the lobby. Kura.: XD Azzy.: Azureclaw smiled, her bleeding slowed and she calmed, looking into his eyes. xXxSOCKSxXx: She lied down, and didnt bother treating herself, she said to herself, "If I'm meant to be leader I won't die tonight out here by this river...." Kura.: "Azureclaw... I'm so sorry..." he whispered maykit entered this board. maykit: im back (virus) Kura.: oooh wb :3 maykit: name changfed maykit: changed* Azzy.: Azureclaw licked his face again. "It's alright- cough- I'm ok.." She smiled reashuringly. maykit: cuz i died maykit: -_- Azzy.: D: Azzy.: Azureclaw shall find u xXxSOCKSxXx: Her heart ached badly... she was starting to realize the pain of her own wounds Azzy.: :D maykit: someones gotta find me Azzy.: i will Kura.: Sparkfly's throat tightened again and he leaned down to bury his face in her pelt Azzy.: :D maykit was wailling her dad was dead and she was terribly hungry "waaahhhh!" TT.TT Kura.: "Are you sure you're ok?" he asked again Azzy.: Azureclaw breathed evenly now. Her tail flicked and she closed her eyes. She knew she shouldnt get up but she sat up, wincing. She licked his head with short, even strokes, cleaning some of the dirt and grit from his head/ Azzy.: :D xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar was going to die if she didnt treat her wounds, and she knew that. She didnt care though. Azzy.: clean head Kura.: XD Kura.: he licked her deep scratches and nuzzled her Azzy.: WHEEEEE Azzy.: :D Azzy.: Azureclaw heard mewling and she stiffened. Azzy.: She looked out of the den entrance. Kura.: Moonstar! The thought suddenly came to him. Where was she? xXxSOCKSxXx: All 9 of her lives would be wasted within the time of one night maykit hid under the foxes dead body because it was warm and fluffy xXxSOCKSxXx: She was already passed out because of blood loss Kura.: Sparkfly licked Azure's head once more and said "I'll be back soon" before disappearing out of the den Azzy.: Azureclaw stood up shakily and meowed, calling for the kit. Kura.: Sparkfly ran out of camp. Something was wrong, he could sense it maykit "waaah" Kura.: his paws took him to the river and he saw a grey shape lying limp beside it xXxSOCKSxXx: brb Kura.: "Moonstar!" he cried, running towards her Azzy.: Azureclaw was certain now. She limped into the main camp and meowed. Azzy.: k Azzy.: i must save the kit Azzy.: :D xXxSOCKSxXx: bak Kura.: He stared at Moonstar's body. Was she dead? Azzy.: wb Colin. switched to the lobby. Azzy.: colin died Azzy.: F: xXxSOCKSxXx: nah just pased out, but she was pouring blood i Azzy.: D:* xXxSOCKSxXx: and gonna die soon xXxSOCKSxXx: possibly Kura.: then he saw the faint rise and fall of her flank and buried his nose into her blood stained fur maykit his under the foxes head she lifted it up and pretended she was the fox to protect herself "rawr!" Kura.: he grabbed her scruff and started to drag her towards camp Kura.: brb a sec xXxSOCKSxXx: same here Azzy.: Azureclaw smiled and lifted the body away, revealing the tiny kit. She licked it to warm it and lifted it by the scruff, carrying it to the med den Kura.: back xD Azzy.: wb maykit: wb Azzy.: x3 Kura.: thanks :3 xXxSOCKSxXx: back i had to get my friend some food Azzy.: no PROBEies xXxSOCKSxXx: lol Azzy.: :D Kura.: Sparkfly dragged Moonstar through the undergrowth Kura.: wb :D Azzy.: wb Azzy.: :3 xXxSOCKSxXx: thanks :3 Azzy.: no PROBEies Azzy.: "D xXxSOCKSxXx: XD Azzy.: :D* Kura.: her body left a trail of blood behind her, and Sparkfly could hardly breathe from the scent of it Kura.: but he kept going, Moonstar had to get back to camp, he couldn't lose her xXxSOCKSxXx: She felt she was moving and tried to resist leafa entered this board. Kura.: eventually they reached camp entrance leafa switched to the lobby. maykit fell asleep Kura.: Sparkfly let go briefly to see Moonstar moving slightly xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar tried to crawl back towards the esit but could barely move Azzy.: Azureclaw licked the kit, softening her fur and keeping her warm. Kura.: "Moonstar, don't move," he told her gently, but couldn't keep the note of worry out of his voice Kura.: "Nomoon!!" he called the med cat's name urgently maykit //nomoon ran up to moonstar "greatstarclan... " xXxSOCKSxXx: She looked at him but still tried anyways, getting dirt in her cuts Kura.: "No, Moonstar, stay still!" He mewed desperately Kura.: he bagan licking her wounds to clean them Azzy.: Azureclaw meowed urgently, hearing the problems by camp. She couldn't leave the kit or it would freeze. xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar heard his words, just went out cold maykit //nomoon licked through her wounds geting the dirt out "go get me some (list herbs here)" xXxSOCKSxXx: *She just fainted again XD maykit: aww Kura.: Sparkfly nodded and ran to collect some cobwebs and the named herbs, he knew cobwebs would stop the bleeding maykit: yup they do Kura.: when he reached Nomoon again he dropped the herbs at her paws and held out his wad of cobwebs Kura.: lol xXxSOCKSxXx: XD Kura.: XD maykit //nomoon used cobwebs, moonstar has gained 20hp moonstar used magic herbs, moonstar has gained half of her original hp maykit: nomoon* Kura.: pokemon? :O XD Azzy.: Azureclaw meowed again. She was frantic. She had to choose between the kit and her leader. She stood up, the kit under her. She laid back down, murmuring frantically to her and licking her, worrying. maykit: ikr maykit: i got bored there Kura.: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: XD Kura.: Sparkfly bent down and curled around Moonstar, trying to warm her up maykit "wheres my daddy" Azzy.: Azureclaw winced and licked the kit. "He isn't hear little one." Her voice was soft an motherly. Antisocial entered this board. xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar whimpered under her breath. "Who is it gonna be, me or Azureclaw.?" Kura.: "Nomoon, will she be ok?" Antisocial switched to the lobby. Azzy.: lol Kura.: Sparkfly whipped his head down, startled Azzy.: Antisocial is antisocial Kura.: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: Thats exactly what I was thinking Kura.: "Moonstar.... wh-what do you mean..?" he whispered Kura.: lul Sparky is a pimp XD xXxSOCKSxXx: "You obviously know... Dont be a dumb furball" maykit "she'll be fine you got her here just in time" Azzy.: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: XDDD PIMPIN Kura.: He stared at her, lost for words. Kura.: XDD Azzy.: Azureclaw sighed. The kit made her want to stay. She worried about her leader and Sparkfly... Kura.: "I.... I...." his heart felt like it was being torn in two; he loved them both xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar weakly said, "Dont look at me like that. You can't chose both." xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar smiled at him "I'll respect your choice either way" maykit stood up and walked in the direction of nomoon and moonstar Azzy.: Azureclaw curled around the kit, her heart pounding. Would Moonstar be ok? Kura.: "How did you know that I love you?" he mewed Kura.: "And Azureclaw?" xXxSOCKSxXx: "I didn't know all I had to know is that I love you. You made yoursef very clear about Azureclaw. But it can't be both." Azzy.: Azureclaw picked up Maykit and walked. She had to know, She found he group of cats and stood in the bushed, checking to see everything was ok. They seemed to be dooing alright. She put maykit in her fur to keep her warm Azzy.: bushes* Azzy.: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: lol maykit //nomoon "moonstar can you continue this chat inside my den i must give you more herbs" Azzy.: hey guise, im standing in the bushed Azzy.: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar looked at the med. "Yes I can, but I'm not sure about Sparkfly..." Kura.: Sparkfly's heart pounded. He'd just heard Moonstar say the words he'd been wanting to her from her for a long time: "I love you", but now... he couldn't choose between her and Azureclaw xXxSOCKSxXx: brb Kura.: ok xD Azzy.: Azureclaw picked Maykit up again. Her ears folded at Sparkfly's voice. Her eyes clouded in sadness and she dissapeared into the bushes. Azzy.: :D Azzy.: DRAMA Azzy.: :D Kura.: ..."But I love Azureclaw too..." he continued Kura.: XDD Azzy.: XD maykit "wait mommy where you going" Kura.: he looked away. "I don't know what to do..." he whispered half to himself xXxSOCKSxXx: bak Kura.: wb :3 xXxSOCKSxXx: thankyou XD Kura.: np x3 Azzy.: Azureclaw stiffened as she heard the kit's voice. "We're going home" She answered, curling up in the nursery with the kit\ Azzy.: wb xXxSOCKSxXx: thankies xXxSOCKSxXx: lol Azzy.: no PROBEies Azzy.: :3 xXxSOCKSxXx: XDDD Azzy.: XD Kura.: Sparkfly's eyes flicked from Moonstar to the nursery, where Azureclaw was Azzy.: Azureclaw groomed the kit, purring. She nudged the kit to her belly. xXxSOCKSxXx: "I just want an answer. " Kura.: "I don't know what to do!" he repeated desperately xXxSOCKSxXx: " Chose whichever one makes you happier than the other. I can take a no. It'll hurt but I won't die because of your choice. xXxSOCKSxXx: " maykit looked up at the wall "daddy! were did you go?why are you all starry?" Azzy.: Azureclaw sighed. "He'll probably choose her, she isn't hidiously disfigured..." She hissed to herself, looking at her damadged paw. Kura.: Sparkfly stared at Moonstar Kura.: and then at the nursery maykit "mommy isnt difi disfa what ever you said" Kura.: his claws kneaded the ground restlessly Azzy.: Azureclaw looked down at the kit. "He's safe child." She acknowledged the starry cat. xXxSOCKSxXx: "If you chose her, I will treat you no different then anyone else. Your my friend. No matter what." Kura.: Sparkfly looked at her again. She was trying to make his choice easier, but it made it harder. They were both good friends but he also loved them equally. Kura.: "I... er..." maykit switched to the lobby. maykit entered this board. xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar looked down. and waited patiently for him to chose Azureclaw. xXxSOCKSxXx: brb maykit //nomoon "do i hear a kit's voice? do you hear it?" Kura.: "I need to think about this... alone..." he murmered, and stood up, heading for the warrior's den Kura.: his ears were deaf to Nomoon's voice xXxSOCKSxXx: bak Kura.: wb :3 Azzy.: wb xXxSOCKSxXx: X3 thankyou Azzy.: no PROBEies Azzy.: :3 Kura.: when he reached the den, he flopped onto hid nest, staring at nothing xXxSOCKSxXx: XDDDDDDD Kura.: np :D Kura.: *his Moongloww entered this board. Azzy.: no, no its PROBEies Azzy.: XD Kura.: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: Win Hidders entered this board. xXxSOCKSxXx: XD Azzy.: XD Moongloww switched to the lobby. Azzy.: Azureclaw sighed and licked Maykit again. Soft tears ran down her face xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar tried getting up again, to go to her river Azzy.: brb Azzy.: :3 xXxSOCKSxXx: k xXxSOCKSxXx: She only felt comfortable with herself there Hidders: God this board is filled with bad drawings of cats. ( NO OFFENCE D: ) maykit: there not that bad Kura.: Sparkfly got up again. Moonstar was badly injured, and he'd just left her. And Azureclaw was injured too. xXxSOCKSxXx: She neared the exit of camp Hidders switched to the lobby. Kura.: err, thanks, Hidders O_o xXxSOCKSxXx: She slowy limped out of camp Kura.: Sparkfly was just in time to see Moonstar leave camp Kura.: he sprinted across the clearing and out of camp to follow Kura.: "Moonstar!" Kura.: he caught up to her "Come back to camp, you're injured!" Azzy.: back xXxSOCKSxXx: She looked back, she didnt want him to see her cry, so she quickly looked back Kura.: wb :D xXxSOCKSxXx: wb! xXxSOCKSxXx: X3 Azzy.: ty xXxSOCKSxXx: welcome Kura.: "Moonstar..." he whispered Kura.: "Come back, please" xXxSOCKSxXx: She started to back up, and turned around Kura.: "The clan need you" he mewed Kura.: "I need you" he added in a whisper maykit: needs* Kura.: xD xXxSOCKSxXx: fail XD maykit: ikr Kura.: lmao XD Kura.: yah I fail xXxSOCKSxXx: lol Azzy.: Azureclaw licked maykit again xXxSOCKSxXx: She limped back, the pressure on her leg wasn't helping much Kura.: Sparkfly pressed against her, letting her lean on him for support maykit //nomoon "please dont leave camp untill your healed" xXxSOCKSxXx: She was trying really hard not to cry Kura.: Sparkfly led her back inside camp, to Nomoon Kura.: "Please stay in camp" he whispered to her before heading toward tthe nursery Azzy. signed out. maykit //nomoon gave moonstar some poppyseeds xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar looked away as she felt a tear slide down her face Kura.: "Azureclaw?" Sparkfly called as he pushed through into the nursery xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar looked at the med cat, "He;s gonna chose her.... I know it..." She silently said maykit: okies then shes asleep maykit: wile shes gone anyway Kura.: where'd Azzy go? D: xXxSOCKSxXx: idk xXxSOCKSxXx: prob disconnected like i did maykit: connection problems? Kura.: ohnoes D: now Sparkfly is talking to himself xXxSOCKSxXx: XD Kura.: xD Azureclaw whispers: sorry Azureclaw whispers: my internet went out Kura. whispers to azureclaw: tis ok, D: Come baaaack D: Azureclaw entered this board. Kura.: yay :D Azureclaw: :D maykit: ur back xXxSOCKSxXx: XD Azureclaw: yus xXxSOCKSxXx: WB!!! maykit: repostnow Azureclaw: my internet failed Azureclaw: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: connection probs? xXxSOCKSxXx: ohh Azureclaw: yes Kura.: btw while you were gone Sparky went into the nursery dun dun dunnn xD xXxSOCKSxXx: okay continue now Kura.: and wb :D Azureclaw: XD Azureclaw: ty Kura.: np x3 xXxSOCKSxXx: welcome Azureclaw: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: ANDDD GO! Kura.: "Azureclaw?" he called again xXxSOCKSxXx: *gets popcorn* Kura.: XDDD Azureclaw: Azureclaw turned and looked at Sparkfly. "Yes?" Moon.. entered this board. Azureclaw: Ah man, i lost the story maykit nomoon "no popcorn" Azureclaw: D: Kura.: DDD: Kura.: oh yeah D: Azureclaw: Kura, give me a copy Azureclaw: XD Kura.: D: Kura.: errrrr Kura.: maybe at the end xD Kura.: anywaaaay D: xXxSOCKSxXx: XD xXxSOCKSxXx: GO!!!! Azureclaw: o3o Azureclaw: XD Azureclaw: u lost it Moon.. switched to the lobby. Azureclaw: o3o Azureclaw: XD Azureclaw: ANYWAY Kura.: I didnt lose it D: xD Azureclaw: BACK Azureclaw: XD Kura.: YEAH ANYWAY maykit "who's that?" Azureclaw: Azureclaw licked the kits head, looking back at Spark. Kura.: "Are-- what's that?" Kura.: "Is that a ki--- is that YOUR kit? " Azureclaw: Azureclaw looked down "She was with.....with virusstripe's body...." Azureclaw: "under a fox" Kura.: "Virusstripe! He's dead!!" Sparkfly suddenly realised maykit "rawr!" Kura.: "Is this... his kit, then?" Azureclaw: Azureclaw closed her eyes in sadness. "Yes." Kura.: "... oh..." maykit "my daddy bornded me" Kura.: "Umm... does Moonstar know?" maykit: o.0 Kura.: XDDD Azureclaw: Azureclaw "i'm not the mother." She said, looking at him. maykit "your my second mommy" Kura.: "Oh! Thank Starcla-" he broke off maykit: brb mail xXxSOCKSxXx: k Azureclaw: Azureclaw looked at him curiously Azureclaw: k Kura.: "Umm... well... uh... what's its name?" he asked Kura.: he realised he hadn't even had a chance to ask her if she was ok, like he planned to do. Kura.: "What's his name?" he repeated Kura.: XD Azureclaw: Azureclaw "Maykit....it's a she." She smiled, tucking the kit by her belly. "I can't feed her....." She trailed off. Kura.: "Oh..." he realised with a pang of worry that there were no nursing queens to suply milk to the kit Azureclaw: Azureclaw's eyes curved in fear. maykit: back xXxSOCKSxXx: Moonstar had tried to stay put, but it was hard for her. She got up once again, and tried to limp away to the river Kura.: "Oh shi-" he ran out of the nursery xXxSOCKSxXx: She had picked up speed and now was able to run half-way Kura.: "Moonsta'-" Kura.: "Moonstar!!" xXxSOCKSxXx: She stopped xXxSOCKSxXx: And sat down Kura.: he ran towards her, catching up Azureclaw: Azureclaw watched him go, her eyes narrowed in sadness. maykit //nomoon "i look away one second and you limp away for the third time" xXxSOCKSxXx: She turned to face him. "i tought you wouln't notice..." she trailed off. You should get back to Azureclaw. I can handle myself. Ill just sit by my river Kura.: "Don't go, you're still injured! And there... there's a kit, Maykit, in the nursery, no one has any milk for her!" he rushed the words out in a hurry xXxSOCKSxXx: Her eyes had fear in them maykit: nomoon is a girl Kura.: he stared at her "What should we do?" he mewed xXxSOCKSxXx: Now I must go, there is a kit in need. I need to find someone with milk. Kura.: "where are you going?" he asked urgently Colin. entered this board. xXxSOCKSxXx: "I... Don't know..." she responded Kura.: "No, you can't go, you're injured, I'll go" Azureclaw: Azureclaw sighed, sniffling. "It's ok little one, we'll find a way to feed you." Colin.: c: