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rayk17 has the right to whip you. Shadow3699: It's great, actually. You're really improving with your drawings Shadow3699: and ono rayk17: wait- what rayk17: thts a typo rayk17: i meant rayk17: give you a cookie rayk17: of course Shadow3699: WHAT.THE.FUDGE. rayk17: ;_; rayk17: HOLY MOTHER FUCKING BALLZ OF THE HOLY SKY WHOS RAIN RUINS MY SKY I FUCKING HATE ALL YOU DO IN MY LIFE. rayk17: yeah* rayk17: opps ouo Francis. touches Vietnam vietnam.. nukes france vietnam..: tht escalated quickly beyonce.: weba rayk17.: thnx poor XxredxX she has dish srry nice people Keton: tell me the truth do you think germany is gay >:3 Selka: yes very rayk17: butt abuses puppys jimmyrussel: 。・゚゚・(>д<;)・゚゚・。 jimmyrussel: ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚ incestfetish: i HATE puppies jimmyrussel: (ノ´▽`)ノ♪ rayk17: PROOF keton:"i dont driiink,oh wait,nvm!!!,hichiru whos hichiru?oh wait i know Neko: tulip is the nicest person ever *glomps tulip* 18:24 Tulip: RELEASE ME, BEAST! 18:24 Neko: WE IS BESTEST FRIENDS *huggles* 18:25 Tulip: STOP TOUCHING ME!! 18:26 Neko: touch touch touch~ *glomp* 18:27 Tulip: LET GO, HEATHEN! 18:28 Neko: Me-ow im a cat no one cat yell at me *huggies* 18:30 keton: *o.o* 18:30 hichiru: ._. 18:30 Tulip: YOU BEAST, LET GO! 18:32 Neko: NEVER *>:3* 18:33 Tulip: RELEASE ME, BEFORE I KILL YOU AND GIVE YOUR FUR TO A LAMIA!!! 18:34 Neko: ........... 18:36 Tulip: A WITCH, YOU IMBECILE! 18:36 Neko: *huggs one last time and lets go* but you know im da best neko you ever met ;p 18:36 Tulip: I have met better... 18:37 Neko: ..nope you luvvz me 18:38 Tulip: I beg to differ. rayyyyy eats da deer like a nyan cat~ Akusa.: But I can't compeeeeeete with a she wolf who has brought me to my knees Herbaciana entered this board. rayy: hi Herbaciana switched to the lobby. rayy: ;n; Rejna entered this board. rayy: hi Rejna switched to the lobby. MM entered this board. rayy: hi MM switched to the lobby. rayy: FUCK U ALLL guest5515 entered this board. rayk175: HI guest5515: zomg great job rayk175: ? guest5515 signed out. rayk175: O.O hichiru: *TTuTT* thank you,and btw why cant you hate me Set: *looks away* Set: Its complicated hichiru: O.O tell me Set: I cannot hichiru: >:O why Set: Because hichiru: BECAUSE?!?!?! Set: *nods* hichiru: *nicely glomps set* 9:49 PM Set: *almost falls back and blushes* 9:51 PM hichiru: *O///O* OMG UR BLUSHING! 9:51 PM Set: What? No Im not dont be silly *pulls away* 9:53 PM hichiru: *>:3* U WERE SOOOOOOO BLUSHING! Set-: I LOVE SCOTTSMAN THO THEY HUMP SHEEEEEP! Set-: THEY HUMP SHEEEEEEP innerhichiru: ..... ckittykatty: ... innerhichiru: ............................. Set-: THEY HUMP SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEP innerhichiru: .......................... Set-: im sorry lol ckittykatty: ....................... innerhichiru: ....................... innerhichiru: .................. innerhichiru: ............ ckittykatty: ...................................... innerhichiru: fu? ckittykatty: .................................. innerhichiru: XD innerhichiru: hey set ckittykatty: .......................................................................................................................... innerhichiru: i want to tell u something ckittykatty: ... ckittykatty: QAQ Set-: ? innerhichiru: UR A SHEEP AND U DONT KNOW IT ckittykatty: ... ckittykatty: XD XD XD XD ckittykatty: HAHAHAHAHAHA innerhichiru: >:3 innerhichiru: LMAO Set-: Thats ok ckittykatty: and ray is scootish Set-: i like scottsman Set-: ;D Set-: :O innerhichiru: HELL NO ckittykatty: XD Set-: OH GOSH Set-: NOOO Set-: *RUNS* ckittykatty: CAREFUL WHA YOU SAY, THEN!!! Set-: NOT MY ASSHOLE innerhichiru is german,finish,and native ckittykatty: XD XD XD XD innerhichiru look at my family tree innerhichiru betch iiJane entered this board. rayk172: U SHALL BE MY SLAVE iiJane switched to the lobby. bodytemp entered this board. rayk17: i think i know u...bodytemp bodytemp switched to the lobby. rayk17: FU rayk17: XD rayk17: that was funny as hell... rayk17: somalo were u there somalo: when rayk17: when-oh crap i said this beforre rayk17: XD Just-Sketch.: vuv rayk17: moral of the story dont let ur comp catch on fire somalo: lol MalePrussia throws vietnam on the soffa MalePrussia unbuttons vietnam shirt vietnam.: QAQ MalePrussia: i like your shirt may i try it? vietnam.: um MalePrussia takes the shirt off and throw it on the ground MalePrussia: its too big for me anyway MalePrussia flex muscles a little MalePrussia: oh hi shirtless vietnam vietnam. ......... MalePrussia jump on top of vietnam vietnam:QAQ Lil.Poland: Viety's gone vietnam entered Hetalia. "By Starclan Tigerblaze you are the best warrior in the clan". -greytiger (post for rp)Mia has lived in this small town her whole life. she currently lives with her father, and once with her mother too. about ten years ago little mia had to take care of her mother- who was down with illness, while her father worked to buy medicne fo her. unfortunaly her mother had died just after her father had returned. poor little mia had stayed strong and not shown any mourning so her father wouldnt have to see her cry.mia let father put away mothers possitions, except for a gold locket- with a portrait of mom inside (because they dont have cameras. X'3). recently mia has noticed father has made excuses for not eating at home like ''i snacked on the job'' or ''i ate at our neighbors house.'' which mia thought nothing of, until she over heard him speaking with his friends. ''ive become worried- money and food and dissapearing in our town, i cant support me and my daughter, so ive been feeding mia and starving myself.'' when mia heard this she was furious- not at her elderly father but at the leaders of this kingdom, if they had taken better care of the towns and villages, no one would starve! mia later that night wrote out a letter to her father- stateing she would goto the new leader she didnt hear much of, and show him the facts of whats happening. she left it under his door as he went to sleep- she knowing she'd need to change her look, to be unoticed by neighbors whho knew her, had ditched her dresses and wore a brown leather shirt and shorts, along with her mothers boots and gloves. she cut her long hair- which she'd never cut before and was quite satisfyied for a not doing before, and grabbed two belts and a sash. she put a ribbon around her hair as her mother had once done- and was ready to set off, she layed outside the town a bit- still figureing out her details of the plan, yet..she had no idea how she'd pull it off- for she was such a fragile,kind, and innocent girl- who had never lefted her property much and barley spoke to new people.., all she had was a dagger from her father- and for all she knew, she wasnt prepared..