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"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, its just that yours doesn't matter." "I don't know much about pies, but baby, you'll make my banana cream." "Now we're havin' butt sex, cowboy butt sex" -Peter Griffin "I'd like to double stuff your oreo." "When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car." Chuck Norris once told Chuck Norris a Chuck Norris joke, but Chuck Norris didn't laugh, because it wasn't a joke, it was true. "One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." -George W. Bush That feeling in our heart. About that special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts. Maybe below the cockles, maybe in the sub-cockle area, maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys, maybe even in the colon. We don’t know. "It's time to put our balls in the guillotine, as they say." "Who the hell has ever said that?"