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ectoBooblogist: "the year is 2080 and high school english students are required to read homestuck, a literary classic" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ violence. entered this board. Aly-: you lucky bitch Aly-: omg coffeebot: violence is not allowed in here violence. switched to the lobby. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tpisyGnostalgoc: LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS tpisyGnostalgoc: TO tpisyGnostalgoc: DEFEAT tpisyGnostalgoc: THE tpisyGnostalgoc: HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ChristianR: Ima get off for the night guys. nighty night :) love and sweat dreams to allllll!! DrSkittles Blinded By Colors Suddenly DrSkittles: Night!! Sandraa: Nigght chrsitian Sandraa: Waiit :3 ClosetTrolls: SWEAT dreams? ChristianR: night skitttles and sandra ChristianR: yes sandra? ClosetTrolls: SWEET dreams xD Kelx: SWEAT DREAMS... Sandraa: Don't forget to put my charger outside when you get back to your moms house? ChristianR: ya wont forget :P Kelx: ONLY WILL HAVE IF I R HUMPING CT |B... Sandraa: Thx :D Kelx: -humphumphump- ClosetTrolls: MMMMMMMMMMMMM! I look forward to my SWEAT DREAMS. xD ChristianR: nighty night ClosetTrolls: <3 ChristianR signed out. ~~~~~ savagepanda: o_o; zaidi entered this board. bruxism: who wouldn't zaidi: Dante.Is.Sexy: I feel like writing, I feel like watching a movie... I know I should be cleaning.... I want to listen to all this music... zaidi switched to the lobby. Dante.Is.Sexy: Grah Dante.Is.Sexy: LOL Dante.Is.Sexy: <3 Go trolly! ~~~~~ Pawn: but .... well... one day you too could be .... the cashier .... Pawn: court, do you think a business would ever entrust you with a drawer full of money? ClosetyTrolls: Cashier jobs suck. LOL *watches this comment get ignored* court: ClosetyTrolls, I am ignoring your comment ClosetyTrolls: <3 ILU court: And telling you so you can have the pleasure of watching it ClosetyTrolls: <3 Bahahahaaha. I LOVE YOU. xD court: I love you too court: So mutch ;_; <3 ClosetyTrolls: <3 Marry me? Or is that too fast, Peter? court: It feels so right ClosetyTrolls: Really?! ^3^ Pawn: I object ClosetyTrolls: Why? Pawn: not until you two repay your debt to society. ClosetyTrolls: What did I do? Pawn: ..... you ask that now? Pawn: after all of the lives you have shattered? ClosetyTrolls: Why? Insanityy entered this board. Insanityy switched to the lobby. Pawn: you owe the survivors Pawn: you have much to account for. ClosetyTrolls: Why? Pawn: prepare for your come-uppance ClosetyTrolls: I didn't do it. Pawn: look I don't have all day ClosetyTrolls: Then what are you still here for? Pawn: to get you to admit your crimes. ClosetyTrolls: What crimes? court: ClosetyTrolls, say nothing court: We will roam the streets of america Pawn: the crime of hereasy, hereasy by word, hereasy by deed ClosetyTrolls: Okay my love. <3 court: Like Bonnie and Clyde court: Wreaking havoc on banks naitonwide Pawn: yours was not a crime of passion, but, a crime as cold, and calculated Pawn: as none before it Pawn: you are responsible for heinous acts Pawn: vile misdeeds. ClosetyTrolls: Sorry!!!! I didn't mean to put the Nyancat into the toaster!!! It just looked so delicious that I HAD to eat it! *panics* Pawn: and you will be held accountable for these actions! Pawn: was it not you who put the bomp In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp? Pawn: you who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong? ClosetyTrolls: Not sure... Ask me again later. Who put in the bah? And the a lama ding dong? Pawn: You who... put the bop... In the bop shoo bop shoo bop? ClosetyTrolls: Who put in the shoo? Pawn: Who ... put the dip... In the dip da dip da dip? ClosetyTrolls: Who put in the da? stoky entered this board. Pawn: I know it was you ClosetyTrolls: Gotta go my lovelies! <3 bye! court: byee