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USArocker: he compared a cube to a baby's ass the other day tremble: oh cute USArocker: no Giwi: UNLESS THE TOPIC IS CAT WITH HAIR OR COOL WOLF I WILL NOT DRAW IT Giwi: pass USArocker: summer fly back here so we can have sleepoverz tremble: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Giwi: i will make lodkas and mohtzo ball soup USArocker: lol ew nvm i dont like dog food Giwi: i figured you would!! Giwi: considering you literally are one ????? USArocker: why?? is it because i'm USArocker: -black- USArocker: i am literally dog food? what Giwi: no wtf hayne says yet ANOTHER RACIST THING Giwi: WHAT A SURPRISE repugnant: hey everyone repugnant: did you know repugnant: tremble had sex with her cousin tremble: but it's my first cousin! tremble: so you've got your cousins.... your first cousins repugnant: no repugnant: no honey :( dokuhacker: take it to private, guys stamp: woa doku SORRY for chatting about something in the chat box again. Sketchpad: I read that as "hooray for sketchpad~" trembke: sketch left? a7331: yes a7331: something about cis and then poof! Sketchpad: kawaii wafflez piebot entered this board. piebot signed out. piebot entered this board. tremble: in or out tremble: pick one piebot signed out.