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JawKnee entered this board. JawKnee: wat JawKnee: wut JawKnee: wot JawKnee: cn u rp w/ meh? JawKnee: u nvr rp w/ meh JawKnee: i wl nbvr rp w/ u agn JawKnee switched to the lobby. neoh: roleplaying omeglers who are roleplaying awkward sex neoh: what have we come to DirkStrider whispers: i was gonna follow you but then i realized you smell DirkStrider whispers: so i didnt lols Chronicle: Well. Chronicle: I've learned one thing. Chronicle: Fuck you, internet. EngIisholidays: In America, they're all. EngIisholidays: OH, YOU CAN SPEAK CHINESE? EngIisholidays: CHING CHANG EngIisholidays: CHOO CHOW kaa: ok what ? kaa: wut r new. drk: weeeeeeell. drk: oh so summer does know what I'm talking about... tremble: seriously it's not like her life is going to change kaa: did you get new boobs drk: i know but drk: it feels kind of weird saying it drk: and yes i got a boob job... tremble: ok tremble: so someone actually thinks you're not ugly... kaa: thought so drk: i went up 3 sizes... drk: fuck you.. drk: lol kaa: hahaha kaa: oh so wait tremble: it's a big deal tremble: i know.. kaa: you do have a boyfran? kaa: i was right?! tremble: no she's a lesbian drk: yeah i have a girlfriend kaa: oh wait kaa: really drk: i am a lesbian kaa: look guys kaa: i cant tell kaa: if you are kidding tremble: haha drk: okay.. tremble: no she is a lesbian tremble: it's ok drk: i'm dating tremble drk: we're dating eachother tremble: yeah i love her :)))) drk: we made it official last week drk: <3 <3 hearts kaa: oh really kaa: so tremble: yep! kaa: you are the random dude kaa: makes so much sense tremble: he is not random tremble: first off kaa: oh ok tremble: and no this is drk: tremble drk: tremble drk: let me handle this tremble: ok kaa: this is drk: i'm your girlfriend anyways kaa: true love drk: so kaa: i gotcha tremble: okay you can tremble: handle it... drk: kayla i got a new toy kaa: u gais r so kawaii together drk: yep drk: we already cyber kissed drk: :)! tremble: ok i have a question tremble: i've been thinking about it a while ogi: yes tremble tremble: ok if you're stranded on an island, there's no people.. Enjay.: hm? ogi: I will marry you tremble: hahaha tremble: alright ogi: ..... tremble: but there's chickens.. ogi: LOL