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RenaeTheLatias: I'm gonna close my iStab RenaeTheLatias: .....PFFFFT LOL RenaeTheLatias: *iS tab ____________________________________________________ Welcome to! Please choose a board to start. ÒwÝ55¡£‹˜9Å#ûV õ(5á&–P€ switched to a board. :гúì´è¶Y–¬j;ղ5ô¿×r… ­qM0ÈÁÄ .....What just happened? ____________________________________________________ Renae-: BTW I rick roll'd you ;D Koollan: Old meme is old Koollan: Plus five failure points Koollan: ;D Renae-: Idc It stil fun to rick roll Renae-: *still Koollan: Lol I guess? XD Renae-: Besides I already have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 Failure points. Renae-: *0 Koollan: You are sadly mistaken. Koollan: You must've lost count. Koollan: You have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 failure points. Renae-: You sure? I thought I had more... Koollan: Needless to say, it's over ninethousand, so, it really doesn't matter. Renae-: That's true ____________________________________________________ Reimu-: Victory saw the Luxio go back to his trainer. So he started walking a bit more to the left (Random direction :D). He heard a commotion going on not to far away, so he ran over there. He saw a Tyranitar, which looked a little bigger then usual, a Flygon, and an oddly colored Raichu. He hid behind a tree trying not to be seen. Reimu-: OMG, IT'S LONGER :O Minna-: LOL ZipZapp: ... longer ZipZapp: i dont wanna know what your talking about Minna-: ROFL Reimu-: ...OH GOD. animenovice: XD Minna-: zip get your head outta the gutter... ____________________________________________________ Reimu-: FLASHY, Y U NO FINISH DRAWING?? ChuckNorris..: shes gone ChuckNorris..: she dced Dragonite252: RENAE FAIL COUNT Reimu-: OTL Reimu-: I FORGOT Reimu-: SHE NEVER CAME BACK XD Dragonite252 paniced as his stuff continued to die. Reimu-: Paniced? ChuckNorris..: Dee Minna-: wow. reimu's definitely WINNING at the fail count lolol ChuckNorris..: you have Dragonite252: LOL ChuckNorris..: failed ChuckNorris..: again Reimu-: I SHALL BE THE CHAMPION OF FAILING ____________________________________________________ Dragonite252 was enraged by her ignorance. He flew in and Swiped her with his Aqua Tail a few times, and drew back. Reimu-: Victory just watched the soon-to-be battle. He wondered who would win. Dragonite is a powerful pokemon, but Tyranitar knew rock moves, so it had a bit of a disadvantage. Dragonite252: FAIL Dragonite252: Late post. Reimu-: OTL Reimu-: I REACHED 60 YOU GUYS Minna-: oh boyy animenovice: YAY Reimu-: THIS MUST BE A NEW ACHIEVEMENT Dragonite252: LOL animenovice: ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED Reimu-: NEXT ACHEIVEMENT: GET THE COUNTER TO 100 Dragonite252: LOL Minna-: CRAP...i tried to "leave" in another RP and right before i close out someone adds they'll know i'm still here.. animenovice: Dustia growled, being ready for those Aqua Tails unlike before. "Let's see how you like the cold!" She grinned, knowing the ice weakness of a dragon type. She let out a roar as an Avlanche fell from above her. animenovice: crap Minna-: <33 animenovice: We'll protect you! They can't get you in here Minna-: IMMA BRB UNDER A DIFF NAME Reimu-: and if they do... *lightning in the background* ____________________________________________________ Dragonite252 hung from the tree, hurt and in pain. He had never felt fo horrible, so ashamed. His fighting skills were better than this... Why had he lost? How could he lose to a weakend Tyranitar? This hurt him... Both inside and out. animenovice: AND A GIRL -shot- Dragonite252: LOL Reimu-: LOLOL Annim: LOL animenovice: ewe animenovice: I now have a DELICIOUS sandwich Narwhalrus whispers: Y U NO GO ON PUBLIC BOARDS SO I CAN STALK YOU!? Reimu- whispers to Narwhalrus: BECAUSe Reimu- whispers to Narwhalrus: RP WAS BANNED Reimu- still anime's sandwich Reimu-: *steals Reimu-: LOL FAIL MUCH?! Dragonite252: LOL Narwhalrus whispers: NO YOU NO LOVE ME THATS WHY Annim: LOLOL that was great Dragonite252: Someone wanna help D? Or leave him for dead? Annim: im wondering if you do any of this on purpose.. Reimu- whispers to Narwhalrus: I DO LOVE YOU D: Y U TALK NONSENSE?? animenovice signed out. Reimu-: I DON'T I SWEAR Narwhalrus whispers: BECUASE YOU NO LOVE ME Dragonite252: o-o Dragonite252: FAIL COUNT, REN Reimu-: I sneezed so h ard my earphones came off .w> Reimu-: *>w> Reimu-: *hard Dragonite252: Again with the failing? Dragonite252: 3 Reimu-: ....I SWEAR IT'S NOT ON PURPOSE Dragonite252: *3 Dragonite252: +4 animenovice entered this board. Reimu-: wb Annim: wbbb Dragonite252: wb Reimu-: 30 MORE YOU GUYS :D Dragonite252: Renae got +4 fail points while you were gone. animenovice: I didn't die what are you talking about >w> animenovice: oh lol Dragonite252: Anyone wanna help D? Dragonite252: Or leave him for dead? animenovice omnomnoms on sandwich Reimu-: I typo'd when I stole your sandwich, I nseezed so hard my earphones came off, and a typo'd twice in that sentence :U Reimu-: *sneezed animenovice: lol Dragonite252: 1 Reimu-: *I Dragonite252: Mre Dragonite252: *more animenovice: there there Dragonite252: Fail Reimu- whispers to Narwhalrus: I DO LOVE YOU TWT Reimu-: OTL Dragonite252: WHY DO WE FAIL? animenovice: Cus you're cool ____________________________________________________ Reimu.: IDK Reimu.: ZEBRASTRIKA? sspinda: fuckingZmon Minnalotic.: IS A ZEBRA RED? Minnalotic.: IS IT? Reimu.: ....YES sspinda: YES. Minnalotic.: THAT SHOULD COUNT TOWARDS YOUR FAILS. ____________________________________________________ Reimu.: AND IT SHALL A.N.: WHEE CAPS Minnalotic.: we scared the world traveler away Reimu.: WOOHOO Reimu.: ACHEIVEMENT Reimu.: UNLOCKED Dragonite252.: WHAT TYPE Reimu.: SCARE EVERYONE BUT FREEINDS AWAY Dragonite252.: IS THIS FAGMON Reimu.: *FRIENDS Dragonite252.: FAIL sspinda: it sspinda: it must be sspinda: z.. sspinda: wait nevermind Reimu.: ZEBRACORN? Minnalotic.: OMFG Dragonite252.: PIDGY Reimu.: PIDGEY ISNT READ sspinda: zangoose? Reimu.: *RED Minnalotic.: NO FLIPPING DUH Dragonite252.: YES Dragonite252.: IT Dragonite252.: IS Reimu.: OTL Dragonite252.: pidgy is red Reimu.: ZANGOOSE NO BLACK Dragonite252.: BECAUSE I SAID SO Reimu.: OH WAIT, CLAWS Minnalotic.: HIS CLAWS ARE BLACK OKAYY sspinda: yay. Reimu.: ALMOST THERE YOU GUYS A.N.: Vigaroth? Reimu.: 4. MORE. POINTS. sspinda: okay ummm sspinda: so uhhh Dragonite252.: *has a #1 finger and Renae soda cap on* Reimu.: LOLOLOL sspinda: okay ummm fuck uh Reimu.: I HAVE THE HARDEST ONE EVER Reimu.: YOU WILL NEVER KNOW sspinda: is it harry potter Minnalotic.: I SO hope that's sarcasm. Reimu.: NOPE Reimu.: AND NO Reimu.: >:D Dragonite252.: DITTO. Reimu.: NYUPE Reimu.: (MEANT TO BE MISSPELLED) Dragonite252.: AWEH Reimu.: LOL Minnalotic.: SNORUNT Reimu.: TRIANGLE sspinda: nope~ nopey nope~ Dragonite252.: TRIANGLE? Dragonite252.: WHERE? Dragonite252.: ALL I DEE IS AN ARROW sspinda: there Dragonite252.: *SEE Reimu.: FAIL COUNT +1 Dragonite252.: Yup Minnalotic.: God we're so weird. A.N.: o3o sspinda: woo! :D weirdness! Reimu.: HINT Dragonite252.: Wierdness. Reimu.: NOW Dragonite252.: MOAR FAIL Dragonite252.: ADD IT, REN sspinda: hint sspinda: okay Reimu.: WOW? Dragonite252.: ?Wait sspinda: its a pokemon Reimu.: *WHY? Dragonite252.: I spelled it wrong. OTL Narwhalrus: Snorunt? Reimu.: IT'S A MAGICAL POINTING UP ARROW sspinda: nopey~ sspinda: OH MAN Reimu.: I SAID HINT PLZ sspinda: REIMU YOURE GREAT AT THIS sspinda: i gave you a hint silly~ Reimu.: YOU DID? Reimu.: AND THANKS :D A.N.: Touche Dragonite252.: ? Narwhalrus: Please actually draw something recognizable sspinda: HINT: It's a pokemon. sspinda: okay okay umm sspinda: HINT: It's a facial feature sspinda: does that count? 0u0;; Reimu.: I HAS NO IDEA Dragonite252.: SADFACE Reimu.: I GIVE UP Dragonite252.: +1 Dragonite252.: WHAT TYPE atma345 entered this board. Reimu.: 2 MORE POINTS YOU GUYS Dragonite252.: LOL sspinda: YOU GOT THIS REN sspinda: YOU GOT THIS atma345 switched to the lobby. Reimu.: I MUST Reimu.: NOW EVERYONE GIVE UP BECAUSE IDK Dragonite252.: I NEED TYPE sspinda: type sspinda: hmmm wait sspinda: psychic A.N.: Claydol? sspinda: Nope. Reimu.: one. more. point. sspinda: WOOO RENAE sspinda: YOU GOT THIS A.N.: THE GAME Reimu.: X333 Reimu.: AWWW Reimu.: LOL sspinda: YOU DID IIIIIT Dragonite252.: WOOT sspinda CELEBRATE CELEBRATE sspinda: WOOOOOOOOO!!!! Minnalotic.: omfg Reimu.: WE PUBLISH THIS Minnalotic.: i've gotta screen shot this Reimu.: DO ITTTTT A.N.: I HELPED YESSS sspinda happydanceHAPPYDANCE sspinda: WOOOOOO Reimu.: AN YOU BE AWESOME Reimu.: PUBLISH THISSSSSSSSSSSS Minnalotic.: GOT it A.N.: I KNOW sspinda: TELEPATHY sspinda: okay Dragonite252.: WYNAUT Reimu.: JYNX sspinda: Yup. sspinda: WYNAUT Dragonite252.: :D Reimu.: DAMN ITTTTTTT sspinda: D GOT IT sspinda: WOO A.N.: OICIN sspinda: oicin sspinda: huh Minnalotic.: ..WHAT? A.N.: idk, I just said it A.N.: oh I see it now A.N.: Dragonite Minnalotic.: GOD i'm tired sspinda: you should sspinda: sleep Minnalotic.: it's only like 11:30 sspinda: ...leer? Minnalotic.: lol Reimu.: GLARE Reimu.: SMIRK Reimu.: IDK sspinda: ok then stay up for 7 more hours sspinda: then go to bed Minnalotic.: SEXY SEDUCTIVE SMILE? Minnalotic.: Lol sspinda if only i could xD sspinda: ANIMU SPARKLE EYES? sspinda: you can do it Mima sspinda: im rootin for YOU sspinda: just drink lots of coffee YOU CAN DO IT A.N.: IF THAT'S ATTRACT I SWEAR Dragonite252.: NOH Minnalotic.: I HATE COFFEE.. Dragonite252.: COKE sspinda: YES Dragonite252.: DRINNK SOME COKE sspinda: GOOD IDEA A.N.: Delicious sspinda: IS IT TRANSFORM sspinda: its transform isnt it Minnalotic.: I have iced tea but idk wtf that does sspinda: well Dragonite252.: It's like Attract sspinda: is it CAFFIENATED? sspinda: is it sspinda: is iiiit Minnalotic.: IDK Minnalotic.: Attract meowppi entered this board. Minnalotic.: oh jk meowppi switched to the lobby. Minnalotic.: wb Minnalotic.: ...JEEZ FINE Reimu.: LOL A.N.: ..swagger? Reimu.: ATTRACT Minnalotic.: I SAID THAT A.N.: SO DID I Reimu.: OHH Minnalotic.: MEH Minnalotic.: ohh blleehh Reimu.: I WAS UPLOADING MY FAIL POINTS SORRY <3 A.N.: XD sspinda: wait sspinda: one more for you sspinda: did you mean updating? :o Reimu.: NO I HAS DA Kuroinu entered this board. Reimu.: HOLA sspinda: OHHHHH sspinda: I SEE Reimu.: aw caps Minnalotic.: Welcome there Minnalotic.: to Reimu.: INSANE LAND sspinda: Hi Kuroinu~! Nice to meet you! Minnalotic.: the Land of Insane people excluding me. A.N.: ouo Reimu.: MOOOO, MINNA BE PSYCO TOO. Reimu.: LOLOLOL MO A.N.: *is just gonna draw the first thing that comes to her head* Reimu.: *MOO Reimu.: I MEANT NOOO XD sspinda: MIMA BE PSYCHO THIS SHITS FUN Reimu.: NEW GOAL: GET 200 FAIL POINTS <3 Dragonite252.: LOL sspinda: YOU CAN DO IT Minnalotic.: I am so NOT psycho, Reimu.: ZUBAR Reimu.: *ZUBAT Reimu.: GOLBAT Minnalotic.: i hope you can withstand this insanity, Kuroinu. Otherwise have fun xD Reimu.: EVOLUTION NAME HERE Reimu.: YAAAY Dragonite252.: BRB Reimu.: 'kay Narwhalrus: gfrueuisbgpnurdphag ____________________________________________________ animenovice: AJ: I'm here to kick ass and chew gum, but I don't like kicking ass and I think I'm out of gum. BD Reimu-: LOLoLOL Reimu-: WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY SHIFT BUTTON?! animenovice: Everything Reimu-: ...Indeed it is. Flashyplz meeped as they reached their destination, she was lifted upside down, staring at the serperior's face, "W-What are you gonna do to me..?" she asked, a bit frieghtened yet, disturbed. Richard sighed and stared at her sternly, "Well I Wasss gonna beat you to a pulp and then peirce your ear..but I think i've got something better in mind..." he said, with a bit a pervy grin. Flashy's eye twitched at this and then she started to flail, "H-H-HELP!" Flashyplz: ...... :D Nikki.: LOL Nikki.: nice post. :3 animenovice: OH MAN WHY ChuckNorris.. Typho got up as he walked over to the serperior "put the emolga down you fuck..." he stared at the pokemon with a trollish look in his eye. Reimu-: Beat her to a pulp? Reimu-: LIKE A PINATA?! Reimu-: :D Flashyplz: yes Reimu-: LOL animenovice signed out. Flashyplz: he's gonna tie her to a tree and slap her with a stick til she throws up rainbows and candy Reimu-: YAAAAAAY Flashyplz: FFF Reimu-: Can I help? Reimu-: LOLJK ____________________________________________________ Remus..: Cook, chicken, cook. Reimu-: Omnomnom Remus..: I've got a grand total of two people in my board. xD Reimu-: LOL Reimu-: Bribe them with chicken XD Remus..: Ha! Remus..: I want my chicken. Cookkkkk.... Reimu-: XDD Reimu-: USE YOUR FLAMETHROWER TO HELP Remus..: BUT I'M A ZOURA. Remus..: I DO NOT LEARN FLAMETHROWER... Remus..: NOMNOMNOM. Reimu-: GRAB A VULPIX. FORCE IT TO. Remus..: THAT'S VULPIX ABUSE Reimu-: ...WELL GRAB A VULPIX THAT LIKES TO COOK >:C Remus..: ...this chicken tastes horrid. Reimu-: IF YOU WOULD'VE GRABBED A VULPIX LIKE I SAID, IT'D TASTE BETTER. Remus..: SCREW THAT. Remus..: TASTES LIKE FRIED SKARMORY. Reimu-: METAL MEAT? THAT SOUNDS AWESOME. Remus..: DON'T TASTE AWESOME. Reimu-: WHY NOT? Remus..: BECAUSE. Reimu-: YOU PROBABLY JUST DIDN'T PREPARE IT RIGHT. Remus..: MOST LIKELY. Remus..: PIDGEY MEAT'S AMAZING, THOUGH. Reimu-: OHYUS Remus..: SO TENDER. Reimu-: IKR OM NOM NOM Remus..: NOM. Reimu-: (Now I'm hungry >w>) Remus..: (lol.) Remus..: (<Dies on the inside> this chicken sucks. ) Reimu-: (XD) Reimu-: {What does it taste like?} Remus..: (Chicken. ) Reimu-: {....LOL} Remus..: (I've never really sampled chicken cooked in that way before. >_> ) Reimu-: {How was it cooked?} Remus..: SO WHO DO YOU ROLEPLAY. Remus..: (In a toaster oven. ) Reimu-: I RP WHATEVER POKEMON I FEEL LIKE... AND TODAY I FEEL LIKE RPING A HYDREIGON) Reimu-: *. Remus..: I FEEL LIKE... AN EEVEE. >:U ) Reimu-: THEN BE AN EEVEE) Remus..: (COOl. ) Reimu-: Remus..: YES MINECRAFT. Remus..: OH GOD WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS GUY. Reimu-: LOLOLOL Remus..: DUDE I TOTALLY SOUND LIKE THAT PLAYING. Reimu-: ORLY? Remus..: YES. Remus..: YARLY. Reimu-: Reimu-: THAT ONE IS EVEN BETTER Remus..: XDDDDDDDDDDDDD Reimu-: LOL I JUST WATCHED THESE TODAY. Remus..: DON'T BREAK THE RULES. Reimu-: I BROKE THEM YESTERDAY Remus..: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGH./ Reimu-: IT'S NOT A GOLD WEAPON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remus..: AAAAAAAAARTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTRTGGGGGH. Reimu-: TROLOLOLOLO Remus..: INDEED. Reimu-: HE DID THAT VIDEO TO TROLL PEOPLE BTW. Remus..: I WOULD GUESS. Reimu-: .....................ITS NOT A GOLD WEAPON! >:U Remus..: NOT A GOLD WEAPON! Remus..: Reimu-: I CAN EAT THESE!!!!!!!!!! Remus..: USE THE PICKAXE! Reimu-: DON'T PUT A BEN IN THE AETHER!! Reimu-: *BED Remus..: COME HERE PIGGY! Remus..: YOU'RE INVITED TO MY RP BOARD. >:U Remus..: BECAUSE YOU SIR ARE AWESOME. Reimu-: OHWAI THANK YOU Reimu-: SHOULD WE LEAVE THIS BOARD OR NO? Remus..: IF YOU WANT, SIR. Reimu-: I THINK WE SHOULD, BRO. EVEN THOUGH WE MIGHT HAVE TO ACT NORMAL AND SANE. Remus..: WE WILL NOT. Remus..: BUT LET'S DO IT BRO. Reimu-: ALRIGHT, BRO. Remus..: YEAH, BRO. Reimu-: YOUGOFIRST, BRO Remus.. switched to the lobby. Welcome to the lobby. Loading... You entered Pokemon RP. Remus..: :D BluiestarSS signed out. Reimu-: HEY, BRO Remus..: HOW YOU DOING, BRO. Reimu-: GOOD, HOW ABOUT YOU, BRO? Remus..: FINE, BRO. THANKS FOR ASKING, BRO. Reimu-: THAT'S GOOD, BRO. YOUR WELCOME, BRO. Remus..: VERY NICE, BRO. Reimu-: INDEED IT IS, BRO. NICE BG YOU GOT THAR, BRO. Remus..: OH WELL THANK YOU, BRO. Reimu-: YPUR WELCOME, BRO. Reimu-: *YOUR Remus..: YOU'RE, BRO. Reimu-: ...LOL FAIL, BRO. Reimu- headdesks, bro. Remus..: GRAMMAR NAZI, BRO. Reimu-: I ENJOY THEM, BRO. Remus..: AS DO I, BRO. Remus..: BRB, BRO. Remus.. switched to the lobby. Remus.. entered this board. Reimu-: WB, BRO. Remus..: THANKS, BRO. Reimu-: YOUR WELCOME, BRO. ____________________________________________________ ......Wool. ____________________________________________________ Renae-: Double comet all the way across the skyyyy Tabitha-: Yeah yeah yeeeeaaah so intens! XD Renae-: XD Tabitha-: LOL XD Renae-: I drew a picture for 'Rainbow Factory' (Did you read it?) Tabitha-: Yeah Renae-: how was it? XD Tabitha-: Epic Yarn-Kirby: yaaaaaawm Yarn-Kirby: :D Yarn-Kirby: I'M Yarn-Kirby: HERE Renae-: YOU DIED FOR LIKE 2 HOURS Yarn-Kirby was playing brawl with friends Renae-: Ohh. Renae-: Who were you? Tabitha-: lol Yarn-Kirby: Toon Yarn-Kirby: :L Renae-: How did I know... Yarn-Kirby: I DUNNO Yarn-Kirby: ): Yarn-Kirby: ARE YOU PSYCIC Renae-: Perhaps... Renae-: OH SORRY Renae-: My mouse is stupid Yarn-Kirby "What?! Seriously?!!!!???" ^^^ Yarn-Kirby: I can't write with my mouse atf Yarn-Kirby: *atm Tabitha-: oh Tabitha- "Yeah!" D: Renae- //Kirby ''I CAN PREDICT TEH FUTURE!!!!!11!!!1 Yarn-Kirby: Merge? Yarn-Kirby: O: Tabitha-: If you want to Yarn-Kirby: Ren? Renae-: Sure. Requested layers have been merged. Yarn-Kirby: Did I miss his singing btw? Yarn-Kirby: If I did I'm sad Yarn-Kirby: xD Renae-: No <w> Yarn-Kirby: yay Renae-: LOL I LOVE TABITHAS FACE Yarn-Kirby: XD Tabitha-: lol thx XD Renae- //Kirby ''DO IT OR ELSE 4000000 KIRBYS WILL COME AND SAY THAT'' Tabitha-: O_________________________________________________________________________________O WTF Renae-: AND THEN WE SHALL ALL DESTROY THE EARTH!! Renae-: Or at least annoy everybody Yarn-Kirby: xD Yarn-Kirby NO Tabitha-: ...Oh god O_____O this reminds me of "Kirby mass Attack" but with MORE kirbys XD Yarn-Kirby: LOL Renae-: EXACTLY Yarn-Kirby: .. Yarn-Kirby: They all grab the rainbow rock Yarn-Kirby: RAVE Renae-: LMAO Yarn-Kirby: WOOOO Yarn-Kirby: XD Renae-: MY GOD I SHOULD DRAW THAT. Tabitha-: X'D Yarn-Kirby: OH NO Yarn-Kirby: XD Renae-: *opens up mspaint* Tabitha-: NUUUUUUUUU Tabitha-: lol Yarn-Kirby: Put Tabitha and Y-K in it too lol Renae-: I am <w> Yarn-Kirby: They be freaking out lol Yarn-Kirby: xD Renae-: lol I can imagine that Renae-: ''OMFGWHATTHEHELLISHAPPENING" Yarn-Kirby: LOL Tabitha-: YUS XD Renae-: I like how I'm listening to a grimdark song while doing this... Yarn-Kirby: LOL Yarn-Kirby: Epic Yarn-Kirby: combination Yarn-Kirby: xD Tabitha-: WOOOOO Renae-: Renae-: Oh NOW it works Tabitha-: THE ROCK HAS GROW IN TO A 10 year old (lol made that up) O_O Tabitha-: Epic song Renae-: lol ikr Yarn-Kirby: lol Tabitha-: EXACTLY Renae-: Lol, I just remembered a bad pun I said to my friend on time Renae-: *one Tabitha-: Uhhhhh wut is suck in his foot anyways? O___O Renae-: Friend: These goldfish (TM) taste wierd... Me: Do they taste... *puts my REAL glasses on* ...Fishy? (YEAAAAAAAH) Yarn-Kirby: xD Yarn-Kirby: HELL YEAH Yarn-Kirby: XD Tabitha-: XD Yarn-Kirby: Something that prevents him from lifting his leg Renae-: For some odd reason, I'm imagining Kirby asking YK questions about some sort of crimne. Renae-: ''WHY DID YOU TAKE MY FOOD?! I KNOW YOU DID IT D:<" Yarn-Kirby: Lol. Yarn-Kirby: "But I didn't. Yarn-Kirby: "IT WAS PRINCE FLUFF." Yarn-Kirby: >:c Renae-: DUN DUN DUUUUUN Yarn-Kirby: XD Yarn-Kirby: ... Renae-: ''This case just got more serious'' Yarn-Kirby: Holy crap Yarn-Kirby: xD Yarn-Kirby: "Shit just got real." Yarn-Kirby: xD Renae-: LMAO Tabitha-: XD Renae-: THAT SHOULD BE A TV SHOW Tabitha-: HELL YEAH! Yarn-Kirby: YEAH Yarn-Kirby: XD Tabitha-: |D ____________________________________________________ HumanYarn signed out. Kirby-: DUN DUN DUUUUUN Symphonyb: FFFFFFFF i was about to say that....W Y KEEP READING MY MINE Symphonyb: *MIND Kirby-: I told you, I'm psychic >:D Symphonyb gives OVER 9000 cookies " Derp lol XD" Kirby-: YAAAAAAAAY Kirby- //Renae ''OMNOMNOMNOM'' Symphonyb: Party TIME Kirby-: STROBE LIGHTTSSSSSS Symphonyb: YES Symphonyb signed out. Kirby-: FOREVER ALONE ________________________________________________________ The-Pink-Jerk: WHat happens if Bow comes back? The-Pink-Jerk: I mean, weren't Yarn and Bow dating or something like that? The-Red-Fire // still satres into space SeriousPinkYarn: No SeriousPinkYarn: .. SeriousPinkYarn: They only liked each other. SeriousPinkYarn: :P The-Pink-Jerk: It's been so long I can't even remember SeriousPinkYarn: Lol SeriousPinkYarn: But yeah, I wonder.. SeriousPinkYarn: What will happen? SeriousPinkYarn: Anyway SeriousPinkYarn: go guess The-Pink-Jerk: Shit's gonna go down, that's what. SeriousPinkYarn: lol ________________________________________________________ The-Pink-Jerk: I see you finished the picture >:P The-Pink-Jerk: butyou'reprobablynothere The-Pink-Jerk: sowhyamIeventrying The-Pink-Jerk: hahaIcanspamthis The-Pink-Jerk: spam The-Pink-Jerk: spam The-Pink-Jerk: loljk The-Pink-Jerk: maybe The-Pink-Jerk: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM The-Pink-Jerk: I'mgoingtomakeitred The-Pink-Jerk: Well,blueforyou The-Pink-Jerk: butstill The-Pink-Jerk: REEEEEEEEEEED The-Pink-Jerk: BLUEEEEEEEEEEEE The-Pink-Jerk: ..... The-Pink-Jerk: Am I really this lonly? The-Pink-Jerk: ;A; The-Pink-Jerk: LONLY The-Pink-Jerk: I'M STILL LONLY The-Pink-Jerk: I HAVE NOBODY The-Pink-Jerk: FOR MY OWWWN The-Pink-Jerk: YAY IT'S ALL RED The-Pink-Jerk: I prefer, blue though. The-Pink-Jerk: The comma is the wrong spoooot The-Pink-Jerk: You know what I mean XP The-Pink-Jerk: ...I'm having fun talking to myself The-Pink-Jerk: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?! The-Pink-Jerk: Now watch, as you will come back but I will not be here. The-Pink-Jerk: I am profiling this, by the way. ________________________________________________________ The-Pink-Jerk: ...She's dead. The-Pink-Jerk: GO DO IT The-Red-Fire // Symphonyb pours gas The-Pink-Jerk: >w< The-Pink-Jerk: DO ITTTT SeriousPinkYarn: WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING The-Red-Fire // Symphonyb BURNS The-Red-Fire: JDSJCD<JSWDJWCVFdvgfew SeriousPinkYarn: FUCK The-Red-Fire: NVM The-Pink-Jerk: LOL The-Pink-Jerk: TOO LATE SeriousPinkYarn: FUCK SeriousPinkYarn: DUDE NO SeriousPinkYarn: GET ME WATER The-Red-Fire: KIRBY TOLD ME TO DO IT )) The-Red-Fire: -gets water and SLASHES- The-Pink-Jerk: Slashes The-Pink-Jerk: SHE'S ALREADY ON FIRE The-Pink-Jerk: WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT/ The-Pink-Jerk: *? The-Red-Fire: IDK The-Red-Fire: -goes crazy- )) The-Pink-Jerk: We're going to do this everytime we die, huh? The-Red-Fire: <A< SeriousPinkYarn: Yes SeriousPinkYarn: WAH SeriousPinkYarn: I'M BLEEDING The-Pink-Jerk: OH NOW WOU NOTICE The-Pink-Jerk: *YOU The-Red-Fire: ;___; SeriousPinkYarn: YAKLJ SeriousPinkYarn: Brb SeriousPinkYarn: back SeriousPinkYarn JUMPS INTO THE OCEAN The-Red-Fire watches SeriousPinkYarn dead The-Red-Fire: D: The-Pink-Jerk ''Woops~" The-Pink-Jerk: [[ That's Kirby, not me ]] The-Red-Fire: brb The-Pink-Jerk: Kk The-Red-Fire: back The-Pink-Jerk: wb The-Red-Fire: ty The-Pink-Jerk lights everyone on fire The-Red-Fire: ,/kj;jkljhklh;lkkljhgkjgo;g The-Red-Fire: HEY The-Red-Fire: HEY The-Red-Fire: HEY The-Pink-Jerk: STOP DYING The-Red-Fire: HEY\ The-Red-Fire: W The-Red-Fire: T The-Red-Fire: G The-Red-Fire: LJQ":FHIP:LWRH:PLIRWG The-Red-Fire // flips table The-Red-Fire // jumps in a pool The-Pink-Jerk rofl's The-Red-Fire: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- The-Pink-Jerk: TEEHEE The-Red-Fire // kirby on fire for no reason The-Pink-Jerk ''ASFGHJK-'' also jumps into pool The-Red-Fire: *light The-Red-Fire: *LIGHTS The-Red-Fire: LMAO )) The-Pink-Jerk gets out of the pool.''We'll see who gets the last laugh!" ________________________________________________________ The-Pink-Jerk: Back~ The-Red-Fire: Wb The-Pink-Jerk: T The-Pink-Jerk: Y The-Red-Fire: N The-Red-Fire: P The-Pink-Jerk: TEE The-Pink-Jerk: HEE The-Red-Fire: HA The-Red-Fire: HA The-Pink-Jerk: We The-Pink-Jerk: Are The-Pink-Jerk: Weird The-Red-Fire: I The-Red-Fire: K The-Red-Fire: R The-Pink-Jerk: SHERRY The-Pink-Jerk: WAKE The-Pink-Jerk: UP The-Red-Fire: NOW. The-Red-Fire: B The-Red-Fire: R The-Red-Fire: B The-Red-Fire: C The-Red-Fire: A The-Red-Fire: T The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F The-Pink-Jerk: L The-Pink-Jerk: O The-Pink-Jerk: L The-Red-Fire: L The-Red-Fire: E The-Red-Fire: B The-Red-Fire: A The-Red-Fire: C The-Red-Fire: K The-Pink-Jerk: W The-Pink-Jerk: B The-Red-Fire: T The-Red-Fire: Y The-Pink-Jerk: Y The-Pink-Jerk: W The-Red-Fire: l The-Red-Fire: o The-Red-Fire: l The-Pink-Jerk: D The-Pink-Jerk: E The-Pink-Jerk: R The-Pink-Jerk: P The-Red-Fire: H The-Red-Fire: U The-Red-Fire: R The-Red-Fire: P The-Pink-Jerk: I'm The-Pink-Jerk: profiling The-Pink-Jerk: this SeriousPinkYarn: Hey there's a moushatch The-Pink-Jerk: When The-Pink-Jerk: we The-Pink-Jerk: sto The-Pink-Jerk: *stop SeriousPinkYarn: *M SeriousPinkYarn: O SeriousPinkYarn: u SeriousPinkYarn: .. SeriousPinkYarn: I SeriousPinkYarn: dont SeriousPinkYarn: know SeriousPinkYarn: what SeriousPinkYarn: is SeriousPinkYarn: spelling The-Pink-Jerk: Neither The-Pink-Jerk: do The-Pink-Jerk: I The-Red-Fire: Same The-Red-Fire: AS The-Pink-Jerk: And The-Red-Fire: ME The-Pink-Jerk: I The-Pink-Jerk: totally The-Pink-Jerk: did The-Pink-Jerk: not The-Pink-Jerk: draw The-Pink-Jerk: that The-Red-Fire: ..... The-Pink-Jerk: mustache The-Red-Fire: e______e The-Red-Fire: YES The-Red-Fire: U The-Red-Fire: DID The-Pink-Jerk: NOPE The-Red-Fire: BRO The-Pink-Jerk: SHE The-Pink-Jerk: DID The-Pink-Jerk: IT SeriousPinkYarn: NO SeriousPinkYarn: I SeriousPinkYarn: KNOW SeriousPinkYarn: YOU SeriousPinkYarn: DID SeriousPinkYarn: IT The-Red-Fire: BRO. SeriousPinkYarn: BRO. The-Pink-Jerk: He The-Pink-Jerk: He The-Pink-Jerk: fail The-Pink-Jerk: enter The-Pink-Jerk: >:P The-Pink-Jerk: *HEHE The-Pink-Jerk: Yes The-Pink-Jerk: I The-Pink-Jerk: did The-Pink-Jerk: it SeriousPinkYarn: Takes SeriousPinkYarn: a SeriousPinkYarn: jerk SeriousPinkYarn: to SeriousPinkYarn: know SeriousPinkYarn: a SeriousPinkYarn: jerk SeriousPinkYarn: I SeriousPinkYarn: would SeriousPinkYarn: 've SeriousPinkYarn: drawn SeriousPinkYarn: a SeriousPinkYarn: moustache SeriousPinkYarn: on SeriousPinkYarn: tabis SeriousPinkYarn: character SeriousPinkYarn: If The-Pink-Jerk: L SeriousPinkYarn: she The-Pink-Jerk: O The-Pink-Jerk: L SeriousPinkYarn: died The-Pink-Jerk: Not The-Pink-Jerk: if The-Pink-Jerk: I The-Pink-Jerk: beat The-Pink-Jerk: you The-Pink-Jerk: to The-Pink-Jerk: it SeriousPinkYarn: TOO SeriousPinkYarn: LATE The-Pink-Jerk: YOU The-Pink-Jerk: LITTLE The-Pink-Jerk: ADSFHN The-Red-Fire: L The-Red-Fire: O The-Red-Fire: L SeriousPinkYarn: L SeriousPinkYarn: O SeriousPinkYarn: L The-Red-Fire: ... The-Red-Fire: I The-Red-Fire: SEE The-Red-Fire: WHAT The-Red-Fire: YOU The-Red-Fire: DID The-Red-Fire: THERE SeriousPinkYarn: yeah SeriousPinkYarn: yah The-Pink-Jerk: Oh The-Pink-Jerk: my The-Pink-Jerk: god The-Red-Fire: L The-Red-Fire: O The-Pink-Jerk: what The-Pink-Jerk: are The-Pink-Jerk: we The-Red-Fire: L The-Pink-Jerk: doing The-Red-Fire: I The-Red-Fire: K The-Red-Fire: R SeriousPinkYarn: I SeriousPinkYarn: D SeriousPinkYarn: K The-Pink-Jerk: It The-Pink-Jerk: all The-Pink-Jerk: started The-Pink-Jerk: with The-Pink-Jerk: ibe The-Pink-Jerk: *one The-Pink-Jerk: mustache The-Pink-Jerk: or The-Pink-Jerk: however The-Pink-Jerk: you The-Pink-Jerk: spell The-Pink-Jerk: that SeriousPinkYarn: THEN SeriousPinkYarn: IT SeriousPinkYarn: TURNED SeriousPinkYarn: IN SeriousPinkYarn: TO SeriousPinkYarn: BRITISH SeriousPinkYarn: STEREO SeriousPinkYarn: TYPES The-Red-Fire: P The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F The-Red-Fire: F SeriousPinkYarn: P SeriousPinkYarn: F SeriousPinkYarn: F SeriousPinkYarn: F SeriousPinkYarn: F SeriousPinkYarn: F SeriousPinkYarn: F SeriousPinkYarn: F SeriousPinkYarn: F SeriousPinkYarn: F The-Pink-Jerk: Yes The-Pink-Jerk: It The-Pink-Jerk: sure The-Pink-Jerk: did SeriousPinkYarn goes SeriousPinkYarn back SeriousPinkYarn to SeriousPinkYarn playing SeriousPinkYarn kingdom SeriousPinkYarn hearts The-Pink-Jerk: DON'T The-Pink-Jerk: DIE The-Pink-Jerk: 'KAY? The-Red-Fire: BRO The-Red-Fire: JUST The-Red-Fire: DON'T The-Pink-Jerk: Too The-Pink-Jerk: late The-Pink-Jerk: I'm The-Pink-Jerk: guessing The-Red-Fire: OAO SeriousPinkYarn: ha SeriousPinkYarn: ha The-Pink-Jerk: YOU The-Pink-Jerk: CAME The-Pink-Jerk: BACK The-Pink-Jerk: I'm The-Red-Fire: Y The-Red-Fire: A The-Red-Fire: Y The-Pink-Jerk: surprised The-Pink-Jerk: THen The-Pink-Jerk: we The-Pink-Jerk: all The-Pink-Jerk: died The-Red-Fire: NOPE The-Red-Fire: NOPE The-Red-Fire: NOPE The-Red-Fire: I The-Red-Fire: LIVE The-Red-Fire: And yes. The-Pink-Jerk: Y The-Pink-Jerk: a The-Pink-Jerk: y The-Red-Fire: L The-Red-Fire: O The-Red-Fire: L The-Red-Fire: So the world has die.... The-Red-Fire gets fire SeriousPinkYarn: Oh you broke it SeriousPinkYarn: Oh ok SeriousPinkYarn: TIME TO PROFILE SeriousPinkYarn: 8D The-Red-Fire: XD The-Red-Fire: Ok The-Pink-Jerk: YAY ________________________________________________________ Renae-: GET THAT BUCKET OUTTA HERE Marx- dies from air loss. Renae-: WE NEED TO KEEP THIS PG-13 Marx-: >v> Marx-: ...What i'm i even drawing in that damn corner....] Renae-: I don't know, but it's cute. c: Yarn.Kirby: ^ Marx-: Thanks...~ Yarn.Kirby: YARN AND KIRBY Yarn.Kirby: SITTING IN A TREE Yarn.Kirby: K Yarn.Kirby: I Yarn.Kirby: S Yarn.Kirby: S Yarn.Kirby: I Yarn.Kirby: N Yarn.Kirby: G Yarn.Kirby: LAUGHS MANAICALLY Renae-: DUDE Renae-: NO Renae-: WOW Renae-: I CAN''T Marx-: !st comes love. THEN COMES MARRIAGE- -SHOT- Marx-: XDD Marx-: JK Marx-: *1 Renae-: Kirby: I KNOW YOU LOVE ME, I KNOW YOU CARE- *shot* Yarn.Kirby: OH MY GOD Yarn.Kirby: Yarn: A WHOLE NEW WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD Renae-: A duet by Kirby and Yarny Marx-: YES. Yarn.Kirby: yARN IS JASMIN Marx-: -Looks out of window- ....-Sees a bit- So the sun is slowly going up eh? ] Marx-: ....This, is so perfect. ;0; Renae-: Congratulations, you got no sleep! Marx-: Ooooh yeeeaaahhhh....For the 2nd time this week. o7o''' Renae-: *throws sleeping dust in your face* NO THAT'S NOT HEALTHY SYM GO TO SLEEP Marx-: ASDFGHJKL MY EYES, IT BRUNSSSSS Yarn.Kirby: LOL Marx-: But yeah...I should get my ass in bed....Before mom or dad wakes up....It's like...-Looks at time- ...Ih crap it's 6am. Renae-: THAT'S WHY I THREW SLEEPING DUST IN YOUR FACE which didn't work but that's beside the point. Marx-: >BC Renae-: I want you to go to bed Renae-: but I don't want you to leave Marx-: I feel the same way as you do dude....I have to pick ze bed. That bed needs meeee Renae-: I UNDERSTAND Renae-: I should probably be doing the same. Marx-: YES. NOW.... Marx- jumps on a giant cat and flys to bed. Renae-: KIRBY SHALL BE IN YOUR NIGHTMARES TONIGHT Renae-: Just kidding have good dreams in Dreamland! Marx-: Okay~ -7- Yarn.Kirby: lol Marx- signed out. Yarn.Kirby: nini sym Yarn.Kirby: DAMMIT Yarn.Kirby: Ok Yarn.Kirby: YOU EAN ME REN Yarn.Kirby: LET'S MAKE SHITHAPPEN Yarn.Kirby: As in all the funtimes Renae-: WE ARE KEEPING THIS PG-!# TYVM Renae-: *13 Yarn.Kirby: LOL Yarn.Kirby: Don't worry Yarn.Kirby: Kirb and Yarn will get a room Yarn.Kirby: AHHAHAHSDHAH Renae-: AH MY INNOCENT MIND Renae-: There it goes Renae-: right out the window Renae-: goodbye, innocence. Renae-: be safe Yarn.Kirby: LOL Renae-: But no, it's gone. Renae-: srsly Yarn.Kirby: hEHEHHE Yarn.Kirby: Omfg capslock stop Renae-: Is it bad that I can actually see that happening. Yarn.Kirby: omfg Renae-: profiling this shit. Yarn.Kirby: Hehehe Renae-: *GASP* Renae-: HE ADMITTED IT?! Renae-: somewhat Yarn.Kirby: Shhhhhshshs Yarn.Kirby: don't tell him Yarn.Kirby: you'll ruin the moment Yarn.Kirby: ... Yarn.Kirby: Hahah profile it Renae-: (*whispers* Too late) Yarn.Kirby: oh damn Yarn.Kirby: I told you Yarn.Kirby: Yarn is secretly best bros with Kirbs Renae-: Sometimes I wish this was a show Renae-: 'Cause I woould love to see the fandom Yarn.Kirby: YES Yarn.Kirby: Everyone just be like Yarn.Kirby: OMFG YARN AND BOW Yarn.Kirby: But YARN AND TAB Yarn.Kirby: YARN AND KIRB THO Yarn.Kirby: Bromance Yarn.Kirby: And the TabiYarn fight the BowYarn fans b/c the bow fans argue Renae-: Oh shit OTPs everywhere Yarn.Kirby: WHAT IF BOW COMES BACK Yarn.Kirby: WHAT Yarn.Kirby: IF Renae-: THERE WILL BE A CAT FIGHT Yarn.Kirby: And then Tabifans are like NUH UH BOW'SLONG GON Renae-: A MAJOR ONE Yarn.Kirby: And all the PFfansare just... sad Renae-: PF NOOO Yarn.Kirby: yeah Renae-: Man I miss them Yarn.Kirby: :'c Yarn.Kirby: Same Yarn.Kirby: PROFILE THIS SHIT Renae-: (I will) Dude remember Ice? Yarn.Kirby: Hm Yarn.Kirby: Ice Yarn.Kirby: ... Renae-: THe one who blew Kirby and froze him all the time? Renae-: HE was just my character, not a real person Yarn.Kirby: ... Yarn.Kirby: OH Yarn.Kirby: OHHHH Yarn.Kirby: YEAH Yarn.Kirby: Lololol Yarn.Kirby: that was fuunny Yarn.Kirby: Yes I remember him Renae-: *mini explosion on Yarny's head* Yarn.Kirby: oh damn Yarn.Kirby: it starts again Renae-: Hey, Yarny has a hat! Yarn.Kirby: LOL _______________________________________________________ Symphonyb entered this board. Reimu-: YAAAY WE'RE ALL HERE Symphonyb: LE BAAAAACCCCK~ ;u; Reimu-: WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Symphonyb: TYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Reimu-: Man I'm already tired. Reimu-: I guess that's what happens when you stay up until 4:00... Reimu-: Then you have to wake up for church :/ Symphonyb: Oh dear... Reimu-: So lets hope I don't fall asleep on my laptop 38D Vince.Cerna: WHOA Vince.Cerna: SYMPH WHEN DID YOU GET BACK Symphonyb: I JUST CAME BACK ASDFGHJKL Reimu-: LIKE AN HOUR AGO WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN Symphonyb: ... Symphonyb: Oh right... Symphonyb: Yeah an hour... Reimu-: Pffft it's already ruined Symphonyb: I KNOW Symphonyb: XD Vince.Cerna: Oh Vince.Cerna: PFFFFFFFT Vince.Cerna: LOL Vince.Cerna: Profile it Symphonyb: I like killed it so hard...|D Reimu-: NICE GOING ________________________________________________________ Vince.Cerna punts Ren for pouring water on him. Reimu-: ASDKLFJDSG Reimu-: Well at least you're alive now Symphonyb: Yes Vince.Cerna: yeah Vince.Cerna: but first chorees Vince.Cerna: brb Symphonyb: ok Reimu-: Fiiiine Reimu-: ... Reimu-: QUICK WHERE'S THE CANDY? Symphonyb throws candy Vince.Cerna: Guys Vince.Cerna: I can see what's happening Reimu-: Oh shi- Vince.Cerna: you assholes >:P Reimu-: Haha what candy?? Reimu-: I don't see any candy Vince.Cerna: Both of you are guilty Symphonyb sits in a corner. Reimu-: FUCK THE POLICE Reimu- jumps out of a window screaming "YOLO" Vince.Cerna: omfg Symphonyb: PFFFFFT- Reimu-: Sorry I couldn't help it. Reimu-: My inner YOLO was telling me to do it. Symphonyb: XD Vince.Cerna: omfg Reimu-: So enough of the YOLO... Reimu-: (It'll come back...) Reimu-: (Someday) Reimu-: (Or maybe in 30 minutes) Reimu-: (Who knows) Vince.Cerna: omfg Vince.Cerna: just Vince.Cerna: stop Symphonyb: OMFG ASDGFHJKL Reimu-: YOU CANT STOP THE YOLO Vince.Cerna: NOW YOU'RE JUST SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO NKNOW Vince.Cerna walks away Symphonyb: FFFFFFFFF- Reimu-: OKAY FINE I'LL STOP Reimu-: But I can't say that for future me. Reimu-: just let me yolo one more time Reimu-: YOLO Reimu-: Okay I'm done I swear Reimu-: Oh no my yolo's killed everyone Reimu-: WHAT HAVE I DONE Vince.Cerna: Good fucking job Symphonyb dead Reimu-: I'M SORRY Reimu-: I LET THE YOLO GET OUT OF CONTROL Reimu-: I DIDN'T MEAN FOR THIS TO HAPPEN Vince.Cerna: BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO CUT ME OFF Vince.Cerna: MAKE OUT LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED AND THAT WE WRE NOTHING Vince.Cerna: I DON'T EVEN NEED YOUR LOVE Vince.Cerna: YOU TREAT ME LIKE A STRANGER AND IT FEELS SO ROUGH Vince.Cerna: BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO STOOP SO LOW Vince.Cerna: HAVE YOUR FRIENDS COLLECT YOUR RECORDS AND THEN CHANGE YOUR NUMBER Vince.Cerna: I GUESS THAT I DON'T NEEED THAT THOUGH Vince.Cerna: NOW Vince.Cerna: YOU'RE Vince.Cerna: SOMEBODY Vince.Cerna: THAT Vince.Cerna: I Vince.Cerna: USED Vince.Cerna: TO Vince.Cerna: KNOW Reimu-: Song time with Yarny! Symphonyb: YAY Vince.Cerna: lol Vince.Cerna: no Vince.Cerna: NO Vince.Cerna: DON'T EVEN Reimu-: I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT Reimu-: >:D Vince.Cerna: NO Reimu-: It's just a circle. Reimu-: ?!OR IS IT Reimu-: .... Reimu-: HEY Vince.Cerna: 8D Reimu-: YOU Reimu-: LITTLE Reimu-: SHIT Vince.Cerna: HAHAHHA Reimu-: *FURIOUSLY DRAWS IT QUICKLY Reimu-: * Reimu-: FFFFFFFFF Reimu-: I think my yolo's actually killed Symph Vince.Cerna: LOL