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for MultiLunatic: http://imgur.com/1bpaqyZ I stalk: TV Show: DW, TW, W13, SPNT, Heroes, Arrow, Revo, BH, B&B, Countinuum, PoI, Psych, Robo Chkn, Hannibal, 2.5Men, Helix, OB, and RvB. Website: RT, DA, YT, 9gag, Soup, DC, and here :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------- wulfy.: yah......... Clubs.Deuce- goes to lobby. wulfy.: and wait till u see me when i noticed that i messed up the colors wulfy.: the whole tair should be darker wulfy.: tail wulfy.: i feel like trolling my own pixel ; ____; wulfy.: but im not that stupid ; ______; wulfy.: i know i have to finnish it...... wulfy.: it's even on my bucket list.... in "ink" ; ______; wulfy.: /save system: Drawing saved. Use /load to load. wulfy.: .............................. wulfy.: and iv been talkin to myself ; 3; wulfy is forever alone ; _______; on a board that no one cares