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Kimp: I smell toat Kimp: :| Kimp: toast* Glacies: toat? Glacies: XD Kimp: TOAT, DIDN'T YOU HEAR? Glacies: WHAI NU AI DIDNT Kimp: IT'S THE NEWEST TYPE OF BREAD, PERFECT FOR GROWING CHILDREN Glacies: ORLY? Kimp: IT WILL ALSO HELP PEDOBEAR SCORE, BIG TIME Glacies: ... Kimp: SO BUY YOUR TOAT, NOWWW Glacies: *makes x's with her hands* Drake..: nikkie: -shoves pie into kimps mouth- Kimp: His face is a black hole Kimp: he'll suck in anything :D Kimp: ... Drake..: nikkie: I AM INSIDE YOU NOW KIMP CAN YOU FEEEEEL MEE!!!! CAN YOU!!!!!!!! Kimp: do you know how sexual that sounded? Kimp: :T Kimp: they burn my mouth Lensflare: wait Lensflare: BRB Lensflare: MY SISTER IS HURT D: iClari: Does she have a vaginial tear? -shot forever-