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guccigucci: its what I do Yuyu yuyu: little kids? dirol switched to the lobby. guccigucci: and then I run out of breath in the process of fleeing the scene of the crime FridgeTentaSpy: SO GET ME A MEDIC yuyu: press e moodick entered this board. FridgeTentaSpy: LDKSGND yuyu: LOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawaiian Pidgin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrMLHUE4_Vw Lady Bacon: so what, just listen to it? Hawaiian Pidgin: Are you wearing headphones? Lady Bacon: yeah Hawaiian Pidgin: Don't Hawaiian Pidgin: Don't listen to it while wearing headphones Hawaiian Pidgin: That intensifies the effect Lady Bacon: ...what effect Lady Bacon: is this drugs Hawaiian Pidgin: It's worse than most drugs you've heard off Hawaiian Pidgin: You can spit out a pill, you can't unhear what you hear Hawaiian Pidgin: Something about the song just makes people flip out Lady Bacon: -reading the info- Lady Bacon: ... Lady Bacon: why would you do this Lady Bacon: /wrist Hawaiian Pidgin: nooo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- suu: Torolf entered her like she was a lottery. His engorged pecker pushed inside her and she felt fulfilled with sexual fulfillment. suu: ENTERED HER sesamedi.: "SECKSSHUUALLYYYYYYY" suu: LIKE SHE WAS A LOTTERY yuyu: holy shit Nerd.Glasses: fulfilled with sexual fulfillment. sesamedi.: A KITTERY flappyBerd entered this board. sesamedi.: LOTTERY sesamedi.: FUCK flappyBerd: damn I have nowhere to go flappyBerd: are you guys done flappyBerd: lol Nerd.Glasses: fulfilled with sexual fulfillment. yuyu: SPONGY LOVE MOUNTAINS sesamedi.: SPONGY LOVE MOUNTAINS sesamedi.: SPONGY sesamedi.: SPONGYYYYYYYYY ________________________________________________ Frown: gonna leave my number... sober me may regret that but probs not cause no one will call Frown: also Frown: 916-799-1079 Frown: merry shitmas ses: LOL PandaPow: 555-5555 Frown: i live in america Frown: no longdistnace thanks yuyu: 310 562 8008 Kankri.Vantas: bad yuyu ses: LMAO yuyu: i am an adult Frown: WHO THE FUCK IS THAT ses: what KIND OF AREA CODE IS 310 yuyu: cali Frown: I called this Frown: and I wanna cry yuyu: omfg ses: WAT Frown: meanie Kankri.Vantas: what yuyu: you didnt ses: WHOS NUMBER IS THAT Frown: i did yuyu: you fuckin didn omfg yuyu: IDFK yuyu: LOL Frown: i did Kankri.Vantas: ?????? yuyu: HAHAHA yuyu: SHIT yuyu: frown go to bed yuyu: homygod Frown: it's some very mexican guy who says ses: omg ses: DID SOMEONE ses: LMAO Frown: plees leave you message yuyu: LOLLLLLLLLL ses: I WANT TO CALL NOW yuyu: LOLOLOL yuyu: NOOOOOOOO ses: lmfaooooooo ses: YUYU ses: GO FIRST ses: DO IT yuyu: I DONT KNOW WHO THAT IS Frown: yuyu why KubrickHan: LOL KubrickHan: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE yuyu: I DIDNT THIN K U DCALL IT yuyu: I JUST WANTED TO SPELL BOOB WITH NUMBERS KubrickHan: welcome to the internet. Kankri.Vantas: lol KubrickHan: This poor mexican man is going t be PAHANrus2 entered this board. KubrickHan: SOLICITED KubrickHan: LOL Frown signed out. _______________________________- yuyu: HELLO i am home sesa: welcome hhome sesa: ahhah sesa: ;D suu: qwkxinf ninw\ sesa: hm sesa: soo sesa: WTF suu: welcome home* sesa: QWKXINF NINW -------------------------------------------- suu: all i want for christmas suu: is sesamedi: FOOD