
User Since:

Hey the names zoey lol! yhu can call me zoey zoe whutevar! x3 I like to draw well duhXD! I HATE trolls and mean people. im a prtty nice person so if ur nice to me il prob liek you too :). My favorite bandz r fall out boy and skrillex. likes: music (especially fall out boy),anime art poetry, HOT TOPIC (obviously) adventure time XD and mlp dislikes: TROLLS! mean people o3o, rebecca black (lmao) so yeah if yhu ever want to draw or just hang whisper meh ^_^ (plz no ped0z or trolls) O_O im a rlly niec person once yhu get 2know meh! c: btw i luv texting herez my numbah 834- 622-1784