rays prepares for a fight
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SAM 2.0
SAM 2.0
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A board featuring Samantha from TALES END, an adventure action comic coming soon, you are free to join here to draw and chill, and remember to bring a warm cup of coffee, you might win some cookies along the way
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Alone in the forestRipple de SamanthaMore fanart I’m bored lolThukunaForest of the doomFanart for bobTALES ENDrays prepares for a fightSamantha bioSamantha and RaysSamantha 2.0Samantha
More from SAM 2.0
gyaru with a gun :(OscarIs that HYPERPIGMENTATION?💜GigiThukunaForest of the doomMore fanart I’m bored lolSamantha and RaysFanart for bobSora and ivy :3VnhvngvngvCOCO-BUN NOOOOOO