I Will Always Be There For You

This is about Taiyo and Katrina and Ryu and Fang. Fang and Ryu's Story S77- Ryu and Fang have been friends since childhood and are even from the same pack. One night Ryu pulled Fang away from a group of wolves and told her he had something to say. He looked at Fang straight in the eyes and admitted "I love you, Fang. I always have." Just as she was about to answer him, a monster appears out of nowhere, attacking and devouring her pack. Fang started running. After a while she was lost. Fang found a nice village to stay in, for a while at least. Months later, she runs into a guy who has WOLF ears! He stared at her for a moment then asks "Will you go out with me?" What was with this sudden question she thought. "Sure." She replied. On the way home from the date, he turns to her and says, "Fang do you remember me, its me Ryu." "Ryu...RYU!" Fang whispered and hugged him. then slowly, they come together and kissed. In the picture, Ryu is 14 years old and Fang is 10 Katrina and Taiyo's Story K1123-(finishing story will put on later)

  • Kat1123  (228244 strokes)
  • Squirrel77  (164055 strokes)