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Info: Kat and Katrina are me, Fang and Squirrel are Squirrel77, Twilight is Twilightwolf and Saber and Dragon are Dragondev1l Chocolate Milk of Awesomeness: Squirrel77: What is up. Chocolate milk is up. What is pie. Chocolate milk is pie. What is the smiley after your sentence. Chocolate milk is the smiley after your sentence. What is the world. Chocolate milk is the world. :3 Kat1123: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................................... Clifford The Big Red Dog: Kat: When are you going to get rid of your stuffed animals? Dragon: Like I know... *absorbed in game* Kat: Well, you can tell that they are all old by the two Cliffords. Dragon: Yes *still absorbed in game* Kat: I don't think that Squirrel is ready to give up Clifford The Big Red Dog. *smug grin* Squirrel: *upon hearing name, turns around* Huh? What- Oh shut up Kat. Or Clifford will bite off your head. *blank expression* Kat: Well, you still have all the books, here is the proof. There are about ten Clifford books on your shelf. And there are six Clifford toys just sitting there in the toy pile. *starts counting all clifford items* *smug grin* Squirrel: Didn't I tell you to shut up. *turns back around and starts messing on the computer again* Green: Twilight, how do you make a word a plural? Twilight: UHHH..YOU PUT AN S...AT THE END OF IT. Green: when? Twilight: *shudders* - Katrina: *throws a paper air plain at green* Green: OKAY KATRINA. *hit with paper air plane* ....fdskhalhfsk. since you want attencion katrina, what is a plural for box? Katrina: BOXEN. I BOUGHT TWO BOXEN OF DONUTS. Green: .....No katrina, no. lets try another one, TWILIGHT- Twilight: WHAT *shudders* Green: what is the plural for MOOSE? Twilight: MOOSEN. I SAW A FLOCK OF MOOSEN. THERE WERE MANY, MANY MUCH MOOSEN. THEY LIVED IN THE WOODENS. Green: ...TWILIGHT. your an Imbasule. Katrina: Imbasulen Offline message for mydog678 (joke made by Squirrel77 and I): Squirrel77 whispers to mydog678: IT'S A RARE GREEN NECK SHOULDER TAIL HONEY MUSTARD KITTY CAT CHEST MALNURISHED WOLF! System: User is offline. Offline-message stored. That is going to give her a scare when she gets online isn't it? xD. (Thursday June 25, 2009. 9:45 PM) Squirrel: The panda is going to kill you Kat: *takes panda away* The panda whistle will not hurt me, but it will hurt you >3. *blows really hard* Squirrel: *screaming in pain and is retreating* Kat: Whimp. *bored expression* *throws panda whistle while looking at computer screen* Squirrel: *from other room* Ow! Kat: *evil grin and continues doodling* BEAUTIFULZNESS Kat1123: I SHALL MAKE IT BEAUTIFUL >:D ChocolateMilk: Momo: o3o ChocolateMilk: I think you killed her xD. ChocolateMilk: With your beautifulzness xD. Kat1123: XD ChocolateMilk: Wait.... is that even a word? Beautifulzness? xD. ChocolateMilk: Cause. ChocolateMilk: It sounds like it could be. ChocolateMilk: In magical land. Kat1123: we can invent the work Kat1123: word* ChocolateMilk: .... work? ChocolateMilk: oh ok xD> ChocolateMilk: .* ChocolateMilk: We are epically failing.... Profile. Now Typos. We have typo problems... xD: ChocolateMilk: We are epically failing with our typing problems tonihgt. At least every sentence or conversation or paragraph has atleast one mistake... xD. ChocolateMilk: tonight* ChocolateMilk: SEE! Kat1123: yep Kat1123: XD Kat1123: we must be tired ChocolateMilk: Well, anyways. You are going to have alonger profile soon. I can feel it. I know that you will have the longest profile in the history of all the profiles on iScribble! >:3 MWHAHAHAHA! ChocolateMilk: a longer* ChocolateMilk: SEE! ANOTHER TYPOS!!!!! Kat1123: WE ChocolateMilk: IT KILLZ ME! ChocolateMilk: Ok fine. We will have the longest profie here oniScribble. ChocolateMilk: profile* ChocolateMilk: on iScribble* ChocolateMilk: OMG! xD. ChocolateMilk: Profile. now. Kat1123: XD Epicness of getting my coming back: Squirrel77: Ello :3 Kat1123: hi Squirrel77: http://www.iscribble.net/gallery/drawing227274-Bella.html Rate please :3 Kat1123: my moms still on the phone and ok You entered Random. Squirrel77: xD Squirrel77: I don't know if you can call me since it is after 10. I would have to ask xD FailTwin2 entered this board. Squirrel77: HI TWI :3 FailTwin2: >.> Squirrel77: That rhymes... >> I think? Kat1123: hi FailTwin2: BAHHHHHHHHH FailTwin2 switched to the lobby. Kat1123: yep Squirrel77: Ello :3- Ok. be that way Squirrel77: xD Squirrel77: Does Bella have beautifulzness? :D Kat1123: YES VERY MUCH BEAUTIFULNESS :3 Squirrel77: xD Squirrel77: Are we gpoing to epicly fail tonight? Squirrel77: ............ Squirrel77: going* Squirrel77: ..................... xD Kat1123: ........................maybe Kat1123: >> Squirrel77: Every sentence I am gonig to type is gonig to have some kind of mistake... xD Squirrel77: going* Squirrel77: ................ Squirrel77: going* Squirrel77: ................. Kat1123: ahh Squirrel77: I think we mught die tonight from the epicness of failing with these stupid typos.......... Squirrel77: might*..................... Kat1123: heres Fang my mistake making friend Squirrel77: xD Squirrel77: I am only make- WHAT THE HECK! Kat1123: say wave to the neighbors-- WHAT Squirrel77: MORGAN AND JAMI ARE LIKE "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" IN THIS DEEP LOUD VOICE............... I CAN HEAR IT IN HERE! Squirrel77: ........... Kat1123: TURN IT DOWN IN THERE PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP--PFFT THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE Squirrel77: They said they are immitaiting the Lion King. Where Simba defeats Scar and is roaring in the rain with the other lions.... they turn down the volume nad roar like some constipated person.............- PFFFT YEAH! D< Squirrel77: and* Squirrel77: THEY SAY THEY'RE BEING SIMBA AND THE OTHER LIONS? Squirrel77: xD Kat1123: NICE TRY BUT 2 PEOPLE CANT BE 30 LIONS Squirrel77: xD Squirrel77: HEY THERE ATRE NO EPIC FAILURES ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY FOR THE NON EPUICFAILINGNESS! Squirrel77: .................................................................................................. Squirrel77: are* Squirrel77: epicfailureness* Squirrel77: ..................... Squirrel77: I am seroously going to die in a minute. Squirrel77: .......... Squirrel77: seriously* Squirrel77: ............................................ Kat1123: MURDER Squirrel77: .............. Squirrel77: I'm putting this on my profile..... bow..... Squirrel77: ................. Squirrel77: now* Squirrel77: xD How To Hit A Person: Saber: *slaps Squirrel on the back of the head* Fang: OW! That hurt! *ticked off* Saber: Well it hurts me too. When I hit you, it hurts my hand. Katrina: Saber, that's why you hit people with sticks. *starts waving a stick in the air* Saber: *evil grin crosses face, snatches stick from Katrina* *starts attacking Fang with stick* Mwahahahaha. Fang: Katrina! That is why you don't tell her these things! Ow! Katrina: *holds sword while pointing to it* Atleast she doesn't have a sword. Saber: *snatches sword and is about to attack Fang* Fang: Woah woah woah! We can't show that kind of violence on T.V. Katrina: *covers eyes* Fang: *snatches sword* Poor widdle kids. Bad Saber. *gets a squirt gun and sprays Saber* Saber: *hisses*