LOLOLOLOL Yelloooow, its the color of the happy kinky, Reeeeed is the mad kinky, Purrrrrpleeee is the hooooorny kinky, while PINK, is the gaaaaay kinnnnnnkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, KIIINKY COLORS, MAKE THE WORLD SOOOO FINEEEEEEEEEEE~ Yellooooowwww is kinky as the suuuuuun, Reeeeed is kinky as a stooooop siiiiign, Purrrrrple is kinky as crayola crayooooons, Piiiiiiink is kinky as a Marluuuuuushiaaaaaaaa, KIIIINKY COLORS, MAKES THE WORLD SOOOO FIIIIINEEEEEEEE~ Yellow is as kinky as a lemoooooon, Reeeed is as kinky as an appleeee, Purrrrrrrple is as kinky as a graaaaape, Piiiiiink is as kinky as a peeeeaaaach, KIIIINKY COLORS, MAKES THE WORLD SOOOO FIIIINEEEEEEEEEEE~

  • Tuxi-chan  (125490 strokes)
  • Col.Mustang  (86262 strokes)
  • Kylias  (12571 strokes)
  • DemyxZexion  (132 strokes)