Mage Torrent Issue 2

Driana is faced by the dread queen, loki, and a mystery prisoner ... with her trusty dusty Panda :D

  • Diabolical  (148019 strokes)
  • Monsterbell  (130347 strokes)
  • augustgirl  (10933 strokes)
  • sode  (7269 strokes)
  • Caribou  (6026 strokes)
  • Sarubia-chan  (3806 strokes)
  • arngarmur  (2477 strokes)
  • Lare  (2276 strokes)
  • Timr  (1909 strokes)
  • Kiortio  (1808 strokes)
  • Iluv2art  (966 strokes)
  • ninjadude  (486 strokes)
  • PandaKitsune  (390 strokes)
  • Odesu  (177 strokes)
  • KeepFresh  (172 strokes)
  • nouha  (75 strokes)
  • RiuTenshin  (32 strokes)
  • MissToquente  (6 strokes)