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Super Mecha Death Christ Version 3000 version 4.0 beta Brandon- whispers to Hearn: Hrm. You gave up? Hearn whispers: Yes. Hearn whispers: I have officially given up Pentagram entered this board. Prince.Tristin: hai) guest1180: THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU Pentagram signed out. guest1180: LOL Crush: ROTFL Hearn says that this section is bare. guest9271: how do i whisper? guest1: Alt + F4 guest9271 signed out. guest1: LOL Darkstar.: LOL! guest2899 entered this board. guest2899: that was not cool guest1: sorry Richie: omfg Richie: lol Richie: your not coool guest1: It's actually ctrl w guest2899 signed out. Darkstar.: XDD Richie: lmfao guest1: LOL guest1: AGAIN\ Richie: OMFG IM LAUGHING SO HARD guest2731 entered this board. Brandon-: The best thing i've drawn is a stick figure. NaomiDragon: The best thing I've drawn is... uhh... I dunno Brandon-: stick figure NaomiDragon: I hardly ever draw NaomiDragon: I'm all about pixeling Jajakeish: when i submit i send yuu all link then can u plz tell me whut yu think :) Brandon-: stick figure Brandon-: Answer to everything : stick figure NaomiDragon: ahh... i shouldnt have done whati just did Brandon-: What is love? stick figure Brandon-: yes or no? Brandon-: stick figure NaomiDragon: What are you talking about? stick figure Brandon-: Prescisely. NaomiDragon: Yay I'm learning Brandon-: When will the world end? Brandon-: Stick figure. Jajakeish: whut did you et for dinner? Brandon-: stick figure. Jajakeish: stick figure NaomiDragon: what time is it? stick figure Brandon-: Yesyesyes Jajakeish: why are you so tall? stick figur Jajakeish: :D Brandon-: I have created the answer for everything. Jajakeish: what is for lunch mummy? stick figure Harrouu: o-0 NaomiDragon: why are you following me? stick figure Jajakeish: :D Ali.: whuuuut Jajakeish: i r quick learner Harrouu: WHO IS THAT WOMAN Brandon-: Will you marry me? stick figure Harrouu: stick figure Jajakeish: why did you turn the tv off?? stick figure Harrouu: xD NaomiDragon: when will the food be ready? stick figure Jajakeish: are you gay? stick figure Ali.: are you pregnant? Brandon-: stick Brandon-: figure Jajakeish: stickfigure? stick figure Ali.: ahaha Brandon-: what is internet? Ali.: what gender is it? Brandon-: stick figure Jajakeish: may i use your bathroom? stick figure ! can i? STICK.....FIGURE NaomiDragon: What is a stick figure? stick figure. Do you think I'm stupid? Stick figure. Iittlemincygoo: I.Am.Officialy.Scared.Of.Stick.Figures... Brandon-: stick figure! Ali.: who killed mummy? Brandon-: stick figure Ali.: who is my dad? Brandon-: stick figure Ali.: who are you? NaomiDragon: stick figure Ali.: hah~! Iittlemincygoo: What do you wipe your bottom with? Ali.: my father killed my mum Brandon-: stick figures Ali.: thats depressing.. Brandon-: anyway NaomiDragon: Deep in your what? Stick figure Brandon-: Chinese firecrackers. Ali.: are always good when rowralexx signed out. Brandon-: you are taking a Ali.: bath in the Brandon-: eletric toaster while Ali.: eating some delicious Brandon-: 'special brownies' with Ali.: fairy dust which is also in Brandon-: naomis digestive system, therefore Ali.: she will die. Ali. lols NaomiDragon: ...lmao