Under the pokemon sea...

Where there are Magikarps, Clamperl, mobs / schools of Lumineon and much more! - aznwich-: WAILORD. And they STILL forgot the corsola. -But there is that red coral! Maybe it's a ton of corsola hiding? (Way to bs an excuse, but no. There's no corsola.) that clamperl looks at kiwers' name every night before it goes to sleep.

  • kiwers  (89920 strokes)
  • Ymo  (63331 strokes)
  • yao  (29609 strokes)
  • Spinda  (21365 strokes)
  • indentations  (6110 strokes)
  • FVL  (3828 strokes)
  • RudeWeasel  (3144 strokes)
  • ttw  (508 strokes)
  • ARTISTFUN  (144 strokes)
  • Poketardonda  (26 strokes)