Name: Deth Gender: Male Deth da woof was born in the Angle tribe, his mother being the lead angle woof of God, and his dad was da Devel woof of da Devel himself. Nd it wuz forbidden lov but dats not da point dis is for his bio so ok!!! Nd so dey had him as a babby n he wuz a sugoi little child and he was so popolor n had all da bitchez on him butt den da two packs (Angles nd Devels) went to war nd hiz mum was killd n he wuz captord by scientists in da war n was tekkin to a test lab!! bcuz he had powerz so dey tested on him n he got a shark fin n piakchu tail cuz of it nao n nao hes nut luvd anymoar n dont trust no1 nd deyre all afred uf hem cuz hez an outkast n he ruvs goin on killin spr33s n watchin animu nd he kan nao speek 69 languesages bcuz of da testicalin it mest up his brain XDD nd hes rly handsum and smrt n fast butt every1s skared of him liek i sed!!! :( poor deth!!! hiz past wuz rly tragick n sad he also haz a RAGE MODE!!!~~~ wenever he fihgts & stuff an his fur caches on fire n he getz demon horns an he gose lyke 69x hiz size!! an his claws n fangs get rly big n ya. ABILITYZ: were ever deth walkz da gground burnz up bcus of his paws (dey r on fire sumtimes XD) n hiz blod is toxsick so wen he bites u u get da venom in u n proly dye!!! also he can breth a& swim undawater bcuz of hez part shark (thx 2 teh lab) + he kan fly w/ hiz soler power wingz but ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!! in da day time an he can hang from tres w/ hiz monkie tale n choke ppl w/ it n he kan use thundre moves since bcuz hiz pikachou tale & he kan go 2 da undreworld n heavin bcuz his part demon n angle and his tale drips b lood BUT it is NOT his blod its da blode of woever he kills it gose 2 his tale n drips out of if wen he kills dem n sucks der blood (hez a vampyre 2) n ummmmmmmmmm dats it! XD

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