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LOLWHAT. Meowf. entered this board. JakeEnglish: Never knew the Messiah lacked the ability to art flaaffy: june showers bring FLASH FLOODING AND HAIL THAT BREAKS WINDOWS AND WIND BLOWING TRASH CARTS DOWN THE STREET AND TREES SMASHING INTO HOUSES AND LIGHTNING CATCHING THINGS ON FIRE i mean hi Xer whispers: niggaplz Glanzfell signed out. GrandHighblood: +3+ it's just you and me baka GrandHighblood: +3+................... men.: +3+ GrandHighblood: let's..... GrandHighblood takes off shirt...... men.: PLAY CHARADES GrandHighblood reveals table men.: . men.: DIES potato.head: ow the scratch still hurts Prinni entered this board. Ivan-: what scratch Prinni switched to the lobby. flaaffy: oh no!!!!!!!!!!! potato.head: the scratch that my can gave me flaaffy: can Ivan-: your pet can Karkat.: i love you chip skylark iclover whispers: shut the fuck up u pussy GrandHighblood: this should become their new mascot GrandHighblood: I can see it now GrandHighblood: "Pink Haired Bird Ruins McDonald's Retail" [Newmightyhan] I can turn into a male stripper XD gewhigosd: (  ゚,_ゝ゚) woof fishdicks: What I mainly hate about the WC fanbase flaaffy: LOOOOOOOOL BAMFGaryOak: Are the fans Ivan-: are the fans Ivan-: LOL. Goald.: if a tree falls in a FOREST, and no ivan is around to hear it. Does it still cry bloody murder as the Once-ler stabs it with his axe? men: and if u were scary u would SLATHER THE WALLS WITH YOUR INTESTINES men: MMMM Karkat. DIES rakuchan signed out. Goald whispers: NO. Glode whispers to Goald: DIES bIu: hey let's be nice to muffin, i think fourth grade must be pretty hard these days GrandHighblood: MOPELBDF:HJ:L"KRWL:#JEKRiuowehgjkwFIUDRIysg men.: LOL men.: LOOOOOOOOOOOL GrandHighblood shoves ramen noodles into mouth angrily GrandHighblood: you know GrandHighblood: when i was younger men.: i shaded it GrandHighblood: i called ramen noodles 'chinese noodle soup' GrandHighblood: the irony is ramen is japanese.. GrandHighblood: . men.: . men.: DIES GrandHighblood: LOL.. men.: i called it............................ men.: ...............................................................ramen noodles GrandHighblood: WELL AREN'T YOU FUCKING SMART men.: DIES graystar: um wow stpo ofending me graystar: stop NekoRyan: Goald *crawls over and hugs* what you up toooo Goald. signed out. Goald: bath(風呂 / ふろ / furo) Goald: LOL oald signed in. oald signed out. GOALDGODDAMMIT signed in. SassySummoner: ;;;;;;;;;) Polybius: hey SassySummoner: man it sure is.... SassySummoner: steamy in here... SassySummoner slips off socks. Polybius switched to the lobby. DirkStrider: how do i draw burd: no burd: i fon't knoggbv DirkStrider: . DirkStrider: the hell are you DOING DirkStrider: LOL Goald.: RUN PIKA SassySummoner: you expect me to copy that bakastar: wa- SassySummoner grabs pika SassySummoner RUNS bakastar RAGE SassySummoner THROWS PIKA INTO LOBBY bakastar: AAAAAAA guest2945: Y bakastar switched to the lobby. Hej entered this board. shadowwoof: well i guess i'll just go watch boku no weenies shadowwoof: i mean hi Hej switched to the lobby. You entered Warrior Cats!. lanaS: thats a mess men: oh my god who is coloring witht he circle tool on this background why are you doing this stop the load is so long stop stop what are you doing this is not good you do not use the circle tool this much oh my god this is horrifying i'm ognna start cutting apples look what you're doing Rafiki-: . Rafiki-: LOL. men: look at the mountains they look like stainless steel what kind of shading is that why are the highlights and shadows only on the edges of the mountains they do not have depth what is that green thing that looks like a pie crust it looks like the mountains are directly behind it and makes them look small and why is the water so solid and primary blue that is awful whose idea was it to do this GrandHighblood: What is with the bushes they look like my grandma's unattended vegetable garden why are they constantly autocircled and scribbled over with multiple random shades of green I don't get it can you explain this it looks like a mutated cat coughed up hairballs on mounts of random dirt are those even trees what in the hell are they supposed to represent I can't even tell it's like Shrek took his skin and laid it across a field of shit can you explain this please do tell just tell me what those are meant to be my naked eyes cannot determine even what in the slightest those mobs of green wool are men: why are the mountains the same color gray throughout it doesn't make sense if that pie crust thing is supposed to be a forest then the mountains should have trees and grass on them too and trees and grass aren't gray why isn't there snow at the top why are these mountains so steep and they're not even fading into the background they're like defined and if they're in the background they should have less detail and apparently they aer close to the foreground then and the middle hump thing is in front of the right hump thing and wouldn't the bigger ones be in the front honeygirl entered this board. StuPickles: i read hornygirl StuPickles: I'm so sorry StuPickles: LOL.. graystar: one time i pooped Once-Ier signed out. Xer switched to the lobby. Physalia switched to the lobby. men: i'm Gamzee.: . Gamzee.: puss Gamzee.: in BOOTS men: STOP IT Nonsense: sharky, just drop it Miami: what did dirk and gray do DirkStrider: why are we being blamed Nonsense: you've given me no proof Sharky-chan: > _ > Nonsense: so shut up DirkStrider: LOL? Sharky-chan: They spammed. Nonsense: SHOW ME THEN Xer2 entered this board. Xer2: desu ne desu ne desu ne desu ne desu ne England.Arthur: No, I speak it perfectly. Xer2 switched to the lobby. Board description: IF YOU'RE DIRK, GTFO. Once-Ier entered this board. You entered Warrior Cats Collab. DirkStrider: lolwhat KiraYagami: .....ill write you in my 'dairy' DirkStrider: your dairy. DirkStrider: milk or yogurt ogod: hay can i get ur signachore lite xoxoo ogod: . ogod: DAIRY DirkStrider: kickem System: Firestar1799 (Firestar1799) kicked by Xer Firestar1799 signed out. DirkStrider: kick 'em real good Xerry-boy DirkStrider: YEAAAAH qb: eggnog's ready! Karkat.: eggnog's ready! mm: what is going on! Karkat.: fuck you qb: . Karkat.: LOL qb: LOL mm: fuck you qb: nothing beats a jelly filled donut [5/16/12 6:52:06 PM] pika: lkkkk KKN Nni HOOHHHHHHHihjKL<<<<MKKKKKKKKK<MKNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN* UHuH [5/16/12 6:52:09 PM] pika: hi Goald whispers: I LOVE THAT TYPE OF PIZZA canadianbacon whispers to Goald: . canadianbacon whispers to Goald: what Goald whispers: hawaiian pizza graystar whispers: LET'S HOP ON MY SNOWMOBILE AND I WILL TELL YOU WHAT I LIKE canadianbacon whispers to Goald: but i'm canadian bacon canadianbacon whispers to graystar: Goald whispers: I LOVE THAT TYPE OF PIZZA Goald whispers: o................................... canadianbacon whispers to graystar: i dont get it graystar whispers: . canadianbacon whispers to graystar: . ExTheCat: I like it I guess. I wonder why Saph flipped out about a log. Raven-And-Berry: XDD frostpelt: come on frostpelt: skype frostpelt: you can do it kanel: probably because they get teased a lot in school ogod leans in KiraYagami: Uh...what you doing? DirkStrider whispers: i know ogod pulls out eggnog DirkStrider leans in as well ogod pours on newcomer DirkStrider wraps arms around Kira ogod pokerface DirkStrider CONDESCENDING WONKA FACE ogod RUNS DirkStrider: JUST FIND YOUR VOICE KiraYagami: WTF ARE YOU DOING Karkat.: GSSGD Karkat.: G Karkat.: GDSG Karkat.: GDSGSSG Karkat.: D Karkat.: G Goald: MY VAGINAL Karkat.: I CANT GET AROUND THE TABLE AND MY SHIRT WONT PULL DOWN Karkat.: IM GONNA CHOKE ON MY URINE Karkat.: i mean spit Karkat.: why did Karkat.: .. feddy: . Karkat.: why did I write urine DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup Goald whispers: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: sup DaveStrider. whispers to Goald: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Chronicle: Can I FINALLY pass start and collect $200? Ivan-: If her camera won't break tremble: cuz who even knows Hope: pass go. tremble: wat da hell Ivan-: I believe the term is pass g- Ivan-: .. Ivan-: o. Hope: ^ badjelly signed out. Ivan-: Hope beat me to it originally Hope: someone obviouslydidnt play much monopoly Hope: :O Ivan-: He was more of a Sorry person Hope: that game was boring. Hope: 8( Ivan-: I'd always lose Ivan-: and get mad at my mom. Chronicle: Well, shit, it's Start on the Norwegian one. Chronicle: h8rz. Ivan-: Go's more exciting Ivan-: Get yo facts str8 Chronicle: My facts were straight Chronicle: from the Norwegian one. Ivan-: But now they are a bit crooked in American terms Hope: fucking foreigners Hope: ... Hope: Kidding Ivan-: LOL Hope: LOL Chronicle: I don't need this. >:( Karkat.: i wish my name was nynaraver Karkat. depressed sigh sugoiful: i wish my name was chip skylark Karkat. scribbles eyeliner on face Karkat.: whyyyyy Karkat.: . Karkat.: .. Karkat.: LOL. sugoiful: LOL ChipSkylark entered this board. Karkat. DIES sugoiful stares in mirror at tee- ChipSkylark: When I'm feeling lonely Sad as I can be All by myself on an uncharted island in an endless sea What makes me happy fills me up with glee those bones in my JAW! that don't have a flaw My Shiny Teeth and ME Liillaa.- entered this board. Karkitty.: xD!!! Karkitty.: . Karkitty.: LOL graystar: hay bff Liillaa.-: Ello ^^ Karkitty.: did she guest1535: hi! ^^ Karkitty.: follow you purposely Goald.: Liillaa Karkitty.: Graystar Liillaa.-: OMFG NO. NO. SORRY I'M LEAVING O_O GOOD BYE. graystar: did you report me yet Liillaa.- switched to the lobby. Goald.: LIILLAA Karkitty. LOSES SHIT graystar: LOOOL graystar: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Goald.: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL graystar: IM' DYING Karkitty.: boku no weenies graystar: LOOL MYLEG: CAUSE I AM SURE HUNGRY MYLEG: FOR HELP HELP MYLEG: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MYLEG: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Gamzee.: WHAT MUSCLES Gamzee. TROLL men: u know what musckles ;)T)W0eoigjdskl men: . [3/8/12 7:03:21 PM] Sophie: AND THEN HE STUCK HIS PENIS IN A STUFFED ANIMAL WITH A HOLE CUT UNDER THE TAIL [3:54:15 PM] moo: and for 6 pieces you microwave it for 55 seconds [3:54:17 PM] moo: moo puts 20 pieces [3/10/12 1:35:56 PM] sugoiful: i'm [3/10/12 1:35:58 PM] sugoiful: i'm dying [3/10/12 1:36:08 PM] sugoiful: I NEED TO USE THE BAATHROOM BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE I'M DYING Werewolf.Raven: Tarad Darkness Dementia Ravenway is from Sporks, Washington. His main goal in life was to run an eggnog stand for the tourists visiting his small and gloomy town. He also gets more wood for his ailing father I law to keep the fire warm. When in human form, Raven is a ripped tan and extremely buff meat log. He loves to flirt and is overall a good boy at school but dreams of working at a pink taco stand where he also will sell Doritos ©. But he’s 18, single, and magically became pregnant one moon by some chick named Bella who is a whore. But he had an affair with her and Edward Cummings. Raven misses Sporks dearly and this island he’s on makes him angry and rage at unsuspecting woofs. He stays at the beach now mostly and looks at the silver moon wishing to just go home and watch his favorite anime, Lucky Star. ughCATS GARY OAKFUR CONTINUED WALKING RAGING THAT THE OTHER CAT LEFT BEFORE HE COULD CAPTUER IT. THEN HE FOUND A WOOF. A GIANT WOOF HOWLING AT DA MOON. HE ATTACKED AND DEFFEATED IT LEAVING WITH JUST A FEW SKARZ!!!!!!!!!!! UGH I'M SO SUGOI HE THOUGHT. NO BEAR I MEAN WOOF CAN EXCAPE MY GIRTH. HE TOUCHED HIMSELF FURIOUSLY AFTER TAKING HIS EYEPOD OUT AND PUTTING ON TRIPLE BAKA. THEN HE STARTED CRYING ONCE HE REALIZED ASHFUR KETCHUP WASN'T WITH HIM. 4EVER ALONE HE THOT AS HE CRAWLED 2 DA EDGE OF A CLIFF. MEANWHILE CRAWLING WAS PLAYING. WHO NEEDZ ME N E MOR. I LOST MY CAR, MY CHEERLEADERS, EVEN ALL 10 OF THE ONLY 8 GYM BADGES YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GET. MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE MEOWED, CRYING BLOOD AS HE MADE HIS WAY TO THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF. IT'S MEANINGLESS, HE CRIED. THEN HE WAS ABOUT TO JUMP OFF................................................!!!!!!!!!! sugoiful whispers to Goald: BAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKA Goald signed out. sugoiful: dies daisylasy3: :) sugoiful: :) sugoiful: :) sugoiful: :) daisylasy3 brings sugoiful back to life sugoiful: :) sugoiful: :) sugoiful: :) Karkat.: (: Karkat.: . Karkat.: :(* Karkat.: Fuck. Karkat.: LOL sugoiful: LOl Karkat.:/offline sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:34.20: HEY THERE BARBALOOT, YOU LOOK SO CUTE IN YOUR BARBALOOT SUIT. YOUR FUR'S SO SOFT, HEY YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M GONNA SHAVE A LITTLE BIT OF YOUR BARBALOOT BUTT. sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:34.46: NAAA NAAAA NA NA NA NAAA, NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:35.44: i've got a cramp in my back and another cramp in my right rump cheek sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:36.40: you and i will have separate grandchildren and we will say to them sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:36.51: look melvin i'm playing my guitar upside down sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:37.13: don't look at me like that it's just something to do =__= sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:37.24: o w8 i forgot the words NA. NA. naaaaAAAAaaaa sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:37.34: is that annoying sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:37.54: look it's some circling birds, i think that they are going to EAT OUR CORPSES sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:38.28: and then some other little critter's going to come and sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:38.31: make furniture out of our bones sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:38.33: and sit on it sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:38.40: and make lovely dinners sugoiful @ Tue Mar 13 2012; 18:38.51: NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA