Good-bye necklace

This drawing shows how a friend of mine is being taken away. He did not leave me dramatically, in fact he left me very slowly. He watched a show called Jersey Shore and it was all he talked about. It was all he watched. You couldn't budge him from it. Then he started copying Snooki and now he smokes, drinks, etc. He started hanging out with the wrong crowd and his educational standered decreased. He is hanging out with nasty people and he is back to being a bit of a sheep. He used to be real around me. He could be himself without being judged. He never sees me now. I silently hate seeing him being pulled away from me. I miss him dearly. The neckless is a present him got me for my birthday. It maybe the last for all I know. I'll treasure and wear it every day. It is my memory of him. This beautiful wolf tooth neckless. Oh dear, how I miss him. [keywords:Competition 2012 Topic Treasure (Single)]

  • Mr.Simple  (559028 strokes)